Songs and Poems of Working-Class Culture Baca, Jimmy Santiago, ed. The Heat: Steelworker Lives and Legends. Mena: Cedar Hill Publications, 2001. Blood-Patterson, Peter, ed. Rise Up Singing: The Group Singing Songbook, revised edition. Bethlehem, PA: Sing Out Corporation, 1990. Coles, Nicholas and Peter Oresick. For a Living: The Poetry of Work. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995. Daniels, Jim. Show and Tell: New and Selected Poems. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003. Doro, Sue. Blue Collar Goodbyes. Watsonville, CA: Papier-Mache Press, 1991. Doro, Sue. Heart, Home, and Hard Hats. Minneapolis: Midwest Villages and Voices, 1986. Green, Archie, ed. Song about Work: Essays in Occupational Culture for Richard A. Reuss. (Special Publications of the Folklore Institute No. 3, Indiana University) Bloomington, Indiana: Folklore Institute, 1993. Guralnick, Peter. Feel Like Going Home: Portraits in Blues and Rock n' Roll. New York: Vintage Books, 1981. Guralnick, Peter. Lost Highway: Journeys and Arrivals of American Musicians. Boston: D.R. Godine, 1979. Halker, Clark D. For Democracy, Workers, and God: Labor Song-poems and Labor Protest: 1865-95. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991. Haven, Stephen. The Long Silence of the Mohawk Carpet Smokestacks. West End Press, 2004. Lauter, Paul and Ann Fitzgerald, eds. Literature, Class, and Culture: An Anthology.  New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001. Instructor's manual available. Levine, Philip. What Work Is: Poems. New York: Knopf: Distributed by Random House, 1991. Nail, Henry Ray. The Last Farmer: A Collection of Poems, 1st ed. New York: Vantage Press, 1989. Oresick, Peter and Nicholas Coles, eds. Working Classics: Poems on Industrial Life. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990. Pawlak, Mark. All the News. Hanging Loose Press. Pawlak, Mark. The Buffalo Sequence. Copper Canyon Press. Pawlak, Mark. Special Handling: Newspaper Poems New and Selected. Hanging Loose Press. Rhyme and Reason: Molders Poetry from Sylvis to the Great Depression. Edited by James Cebula and James C. Wolfe. 1984. Weems, Mary E. and Larry Smith, eds. Working Hard for the Money: America's Working Poor in Stories, Poems, and Photos. Huron: Bottom Dog Press, 2002.