MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of Youngstom College Tuesday Noon 25 October 1949 Young s town Club --- ----.--.-------------------- AGENDA Minutes of the meeting of 7 June 1949 Enrollment Faculty Report of Library Building Committee Report of Salary and. Investments Committee Proposal on Pollock Residence -- - Application to American Bar Association Rayen School of Engineering Open House Report of Auditors 1. Minutes of the meeting of 7 June 1949 De rtment a- %s iness Administrat ion Education Engineering Law Liberal Arts Music Total Veterans The freshman class numbers 726, transfer students from other colleges total 2% and 193 former students re-enrolled. The percentage of veteran enrollment in this class (46%) is much higher than is the case in most other colleges. The strike situation has to date had little ' effect on enrollment. recent national survey by. the Rew York Time,s showed, that about half of the colleges in the country expected this yearts operations to be as extensive as in 1948-49, although the remainder had already cut programs because of decreasing demand. As the enrollment trend goes down, tuition rates will again become an issue* In general collece tuition charges have increased 45% over those prevailing in 19&-42. In this period the College tuition and fees charge has increased 47% to stand at 11.250 annually in comparison with an average charge in Ohio public institutions of $114 and in private schools of w3U^. 3. Faculty The faculty 154 part-time J. H. Arthur Irwin Cohen Mark Dolliver :r. ?, Flad for the academic year 19h9-$0 includes 86 full-time and teachers. New members of the full-time faculty are: q.5. in E.E., Rensselaer Polyfcech. Pngineering A*?'. , .estern reserve University Chemistry A,^'. Columbia University vusic A,!'?. Harvard University Business Administration E, A. Klingshirn A,?Y., Ohio State university Engineering Eertina Laborde $.No, Ohio University Physical ?ducation Frederick U. Look PhR Tale Sheff ield Scientific Engineering School, ?'assachusetts Institute of Technology E, T. Reilly B.S. in B. '1. Youngstown College Business Administration .. T. L'. Lmith, Jr, A,". University of Chicago History J.F. Swartz,'Jr. lieEd. University of Pittsburg Education Yu Ip'in £z A.L. Harvard University Tconomics Of this youp, Messrs. ";ohen, Smith, Swartz, and Sze have completed their doctorate work with exception of the dissertation, and the first three will definitely be awarded the doctor's degree in 1950. Mr. ~rthur and ;*re Reilly are nai working on master's decrees at the University of Pittsburgh and ;iestern Reserve respectively. 46 report of Library Building Committee - IT, ffà F. Maag, Jr., caiainaan absolutionjbr purchase of Butler property on Bryson Street 5. Report of $&a& and Investments CoasBittee - I*. 3. 0. Argetsinzer, Chainaan 6, Proposal on Pollock Residence, hick Avenue' , The College is wider consiriaration as a possible come of the 1-ollock residence at 603 Bick Avenue, across from the Dana School of Music. ?. Law School Application to American Bar Association In March, 1% the North Central Association withdrew its reconanenda- tian that the College School of Law be accredited by the American Bar Association. However,, in the belief that such recognition woulc' strengthen the Law School program, Kr. John Gà Hervey, advisor to the ABA. Section of Legal Education, was invited to inspect the Law Gchool. Mrb Hervey's preliminary comments indicated approval of administrative . records, admission procedure, and curriculum, advised some additions to the library and more stringent grade standards, and stated that the law faculty arrangement was unconventional and would have to be dis- cucsec' specially with the AB.1 Council. He closed his report with the comment, '81 should be less than frank if I did not tell you that I was Indeed pratifiec' to find the splendid work being done by your school. You are doinp a good job * of that, we are convincedb'* Krà .testenfield, assistant dean of the Law School, attended the September meeting of the ABA. in St. Louis. In their discussions with the Council lie and Kr, Hervey found strong opposition to any waiver of the ABA, requirement of three full-time teachers. On Fr. Hervey's advice, our application was theref ore withdrawn for the present. Mr. Hervey stated in a subsequent letter, "Your most serious difficulty is with your present full-time faculty arrangement. The Council adheres to its opinion that there should be three full-time professors whose time is devoted exclusively to instruction in law. The standard provides that the school must have among its teachers 'a sufficient number giving their entire time to the school' etc. Theword School* refers to the law school and inasmuch as that standard was fixed by the House of Delegates the Council feelf that it cannot depart therefrom." 8. Engineering School Open House November 16 and 17 Members of the Board of Trustees arc cordially invited to visit the Rayen School of Engineering November 16 or 17, This is the first time the school has been open to the public for formal inspection. Trustees wishing to havc special guide service arc welcome to call Dean Pees?, who will make the necessary arrangements. 9, Report of the Auditor, 30 June 1949 COPY CLARK AMD COLLDW October 19, 1949@ The Board of Governors, Youngstom College, Yoiaigstot~, Ohio. Gentltcien: We have examined the balance sheet of Youngstom College aa of June 30, 1949, and the statement of income and surplus for the year then ended, have reviewed the system of internal control and the account- ing procedures of the College and, without making a detailed audit of the transactions, have examined or tested accounting records and supporting evidence, by methods and to the extent we deemed appropriatea Cash on deposit was verified by direct certificate from the depository banks and reconciled with the books ofthe College. Securi- ties which are held in trust by The Dollar Savings and Trust Company ¥wer examined. Accounts payable and other liabilities were verified from invoices and other information on file in the office of the College. In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheet and related statements of income and surplus present fairly the position of Youngs- town College at June 30, 1949, and the results of its operations for the year then ended. /s/ Clark and Collins Certified Public Accountants. BALDICE SHEET As Of June 30, 19h9 ASSETS CURRENT Cashon hand Cash in banks Accounts receivable : Tuition and Fees $327,711007 General 33,645 *34 Inventory - Merchandise INVESTlffiNTS (See schedule A) securities Cash in bank Rxed Land Buildings and equipment DEFERRED Prepaid expenses TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES CURRENT Accounts Payable Bonus - A payable 10/1/U9 payable 12/1/49 Breakage deposits Student Activity Fund Dana recital fund ~utk'kecht scholarship fund MET FORTH INVESTICEMTS IN PL^IT SURPLUS (See schedule B) TOTAL LIABILITIES Aim MET WRTH YOUMG8Tm COLLEGE ITIVESTTIENTS (SCHEDULE A) As Of June 30, 1949 Restricted Rmds """"Replacement reserve Athletic Association AGENCY TUNDS Endowment find Scholarship find LIBRARY EXPANSION FUND TOTAL YOOTlGSTtTTT COLLEGE STLTEIENT OF SURPLUS (SCHEDULE B) As Of June 30, 1%9 CURRENT OPHLiTIIC SURPLUS $ U29198.38 RESTRICTED SURPLUS Reserve for fees Reserve for replacements 27,823.91 Reserve for investments ltOlU9957 .58 Reserve for loan funds 2,231.09 Reserve for agency funds 37.641.26 Reserve for plant additions 221,036.60 Reserve for tuition receivable 327,711.07 Athletic Association 32,161.57 Friends of Youngst orn College Library 2,004.21 . 1,717.309.28 TOTAL $1,759, $07 - YOUNGSTOW? COLLEGE STATEtffTTT OF CURREIIT INCOME /.NT) EXPETIDITURES For the year endAd June 30, 19h9 INCOME - Law School tuition Business Administration tuition Day Liberal Arts 'tuition Evening liberal arts tuition Music liberal arts tuition Business school tuition Library inccme Dining hall income Miscellaneous fees Administrative general Residence hall income EXPENSE - Liberal arts expense Business administrative expense Music school expense Law school expense Business school expense Libxary expense Dining hall expense Residence hall expense General administration expense General expense Book store expense Physical plant expense Non-educational expense Scholarships Discounts earned Interest earned Auditorium building fund Book store profit College library book fund Qif'ts for current operations NET EXCESS OF INCOME OVER EXPENDITURES