r ", , - r ' .-I \. i % ,A- , . \.' , J"' 5 L, I, - 1 " '¥ ' T, L , ', t I ., \ I / -' .' l, ' r \ ' ,% .t , ,\, s \ ' . I( , I \. I' , I lieeting .of the BOARD OF IRUST~ I d > o'f Youngstown College , ' , I. Ironday Noon, October 15, 1945 - Youngstown Club t' . , I - .. \ \ AGENDA- - / 1à yinutos of the Board of Trustees1 ~eeting - Slay 29. 1945 ,  , 2. Kinutos of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees - I. , \ I July 27 \ 3. Report of the ~edolutions Committee , +, 4. Enrollm.cnt Figures , , . Sà '~cw to Faculty , \ . 6. Print of Lc~s-ve of ,~bscnce " \ 7,. Report of the Building Comittoc , 1. I 1 'Rcnort on the Endowment Fund 9. Transfer of Funds from Eqansion Fund to Opcm-binf Aoco* -> - ,. \ - ! -' ,,' ;';-¥ - ,J \ $,,<* ,* t\\ ? ' ' . ,'\ >, - "I" : ,," / ' ã,__^^ ?.% . \ ,.,  1 <* / ,< , -, ' ,\ * "(" '. \, "4, , \ .,>~ '- - - " J7 ,- <" 1 I / , $2 " - \ -L! j.?* <' ^, \ "1 -" ^ f \ .&I '> 1 --. - .,>?,;, I . :: *, * - ,. , . ,+ ' , ;,-/ " 1' \ \ ' ¥ 9- - ./ I, - . , %? ' < 6 I - , , - \ " <. , "~s#i~g of tctrd of ~l\>8t~e~ ', , r. / I. I , \I. t - October 16, 1946 8 .. ." It i , #) -\ ,vi / - , ' *,Board of Trustees* Meeting, May 29, 1945, ^. \ - special Meeting of the Board of Trustees, July 27,1945' )' ? ' ' I$ / ns Cpninlttce - Kr* Powers, Chairman 1 ' , 4. EWolXmw$ .nF%ares 1946 - 1944 . Mon Women Total' - -, - Kon ^iiin'Total - - -*- 95 ,136 231 Pg.rt time, L.A. Cay 29 41 70 19 32 52 \ \ , I Music, Full time ,a 10 83 4 3 8 23 31 , . 7 3 10 3 6' ^ ''* c iT TOTAI, DAY STUDENTS - - - - - - - - - - 669 TOTAL DAY STUDENTS - - - - 320 Ub~fal Night 185 234 41 9 172 230 402 , I< ' 89 53' 142 40 32 72 ' 1 La-?/ 17 7 24 16' - 8 < 24 \ , TOTAL KIGET STUDENTS, L.A, - - - - - - - 585 TOTAL NIGHT STUDENTS - - - 498 \ Business School, fiay 118 7 12 5 ' 108 , >I Business School, Right 119 10 , 129 11'7 , \ v A 1 - I TOTAL BVSINESS SCHOOL  - - - - - .. - - 254 225 , GRAND TOTAL - 1945 1508 10&Sf , >, Veterans - 1946 (inole in, Grand ~otal) 187 5. May Appoi$taenta to - 'Dr. Ckir Là TzJorlcy has bkne a member of tho full-timo faculty in the, , , Biology Dopartmoirt. Miss Valentine Potor, vho formerly taught at Berm College; has been appointed A3sistant Profess'or in Mathematics* Dr. Robert Là Klair, of, the English and Speech Department, has been replaced by I Pro$?essor Glair ISarfc 3ttgheyp who is on leave of absence from State Teachers coilego, California, Pennsylvania. A number of ?ci,r't,-fcime tea-chcrs have ^ \ + al$o~,bbon added to tho faculty, among 'them Mr, V. L. Cabot and Miss Mav \ \ 1 Eaddw in the field of Education, Miss Elizabeth filler in tho Sycoch ' ^!'- Department, and 'Or, Foster C. hndcrson, who is tea~hing Philosophy,. f' - / I - 1 \' ' I 1,  Ç, ' , ,- 2 > ILLL I ( / , , ' ~5 r ,\ * 1 / \ I ' I # .' ' ' , \ 1 ',', < k * t5r ," I I, - ' .#I , - .- - r,l \ I \ - ff t , - ,, '- '^ ' ^".L&c,~L'A~ . . ., -.-. I< * ~cport on the xilliam Rayon School of Engineering, by Wr. Maag, Chairman of the Comittco ! To date, approXtmatcly $10,000~ and uossibly $15,000~ has been secured for the Fndcwnncnt Pund, The khnd has boon discus-sod with a number of interested persons, and it is hoped that the goal of .I $100,000. will be reached before the cndiof the year. ' '\ 1 , / \ YOWQSTO .TT COLLEGE c.* I BALAKCL SHEET SLPTK"Bm 1, 1945 \ f, * - "./ ASf, LTS 4 + 1.cUEEIM FTODS1 A.Genera1 I Cftsh in Dollar Saving8 & Trust Co. Operating Account 3 11,657.49* A Aviation Sur~lus-Cash in Collar Sav- , legs & Trust &*Operating Account 23,553.97 Cash on hand-?&+y cash & salestax 636.71 Accounts receivable-tuition 16.867.90 4~ 2,049058 ' Aooounfcs reaeivable*~eneral J ' Invent ory-nid s d 6.550.32 v Pre~ftid o~onse-lnour&nco 1.437.60 Due from Y.I'.C.A+ 3,618.05 hr rent Eefioit 5,629.98 0 48,686.62 B.Kestricted - Foes-Cash in Dollar Savings & Trust Go. . , Oo erat ing Aocouin-b 5,982.87 Oftah, in Banks (see Cchcdule A , following) 22,720066 Imastiaent8 (Sea Schedule B following ) 68,508. 50 97,212 .OS ;145,S98.65 - 2.LCAR FWDS Qest.3 in ?:orris plan' Bank 2,104.75 S*AGWCY FtJHDS Cash in Dollar Savings & Trust Cob Opert~ttng Account 4.PLAKT FUMD3 f ~~tlnexponded-Lwansion in the Dollar Savinrjs <5: trust Go> Trust Fund Principal-Cash 18,.393.47 Invest:~en-bs (See schedule attached) 150,OCO.OO Lxpans ion ?und Checking Account 29,400.00 198.293.47 , BçInveste in Plant Lund BuXKings and equipment rod , \ \. , YOTO73STCT.T COLLEGE BALAECE SHEET SEPTEX'BER 1, 1945 LIABILITIES 1. CURBENT FUNDS: A.Gencra1 - Accounts payable 8,264.75 Deferred tuition income 16, 867.90 Deferred aviation income $ 28d!jKÈ9 B.Restricted - Surplus free for statod purposes ofily (see contra-2) Zees 11,917.66 Replacement Reserve 17,622.32 Atriletio Associa.tion Funds 17,718 60 , Friends of Youngs-town College , Library Fund 49,923.45 97, 212403 $145,898.65 2.LQA1: FUNDS , Sumlus free for stated "turposos 3. AG CY FUTOS Balance of funds due to others Student Fund 4.PLANT FUNDS A.Uhexpmdcd-iucpans ion Funds Surplus reserved for plant additi on8 B.Invcsted in Plant From hrront Funds Ç From Gifts @' TOTAL LIABILITIES I1 I ' Plant Puiuhl Unexpended - E:xpansion $lWÈOOOÈ V.S .efts Fund . of Indl ebtodnots I laducational and conera1 - 's. it Studont Fees $ 3,718.01 s Other sources a 138.71 Total aduoational qnd general - ';? 3,856.72 Auxiliary enterprises - ' Book store 263.73 Dining Hall 111.21 Total auxiliary enterwises 374.94 Corbined income Ldueational and gonc-ral - General hdmin* and gen~ral expense Instruction Library &oration & maintenance of 2hysical plant Total cducatioti and general Auxiliary enterprises - Book store Dining Ball Totdl auxiliary enteroris06 \ Other Ton-Educatiot:al e monse Coabined expenditures f-1 k LTCC~BS of in00 ne wor ekenditures L Educational and general ~uxiliary enterprises & activities an-sduoationa 1 1 Mot excess of inoono ever cxp enditures 1 v I *Indicates figures in red 1 \ . I <, . \ JULY 1.1945 - S.IPTB3SR 1.1945 , \ IRGOXE - I I Educational and general - 1 à Student Pees $ 21.664.0S ? Other souroes 238.81 Total education & general ; 21,902.84 , i, ~kiliary enterprises - Book atore 886. 69 ,{ Pining Hal 1 752.33 Total avxi Uary ent emrises 1,639.02 Combined income EXPEND I TURES Edmeational and general - General admin. & General 'qense 7,992.78 Inatruetl on 13,612.63 Library 1,148.66 Onoration & &eeà of ohyaical @I& (3849.24 Total educational and genorw Auxiliary enterprises - Bo$k store 1.393.73 Dining Hall 873.78 Total auxiliary ontor~rises Other, Non-Zduoational expense Cicmbined expenditures Lxcsss of income over ex~enditures educational and general Auxiliary mt omris es & activitos Kon-educational 4,700.47* 628.49* 402. OO* 1 Net excess of income ovnr expenditures 5.730.96* - in red