October 15, 1945 1 Pursuant to due notice, tb reregular aeetinfi of the Board of Truatw of Tha i Yeuagatoç College uaa held at Roan, Monday, October 19, 1945, at the Youngttoun Club. 4 moaà prwnt were: ck pr~ided. The nioutea of the muting of the Board of Trustees 29. 1945, wre read and upon action made by Mr. Bmtt, seconded by Mr. BUM çai duly ewied, ~w appmvpd. Hie ainuUa of the ~~ting Board of Truetaes held July 2?, 1945, ware read and upon motion Me Mr. !hag, seconded by W. Leventry and duly carried, warn apppo~çd Mr. Powers, chairaan of tee conBaittee appointed to prepare a manorial resolution concerning the death of Mr. Robinson, then read and offered the fol- lowing resolution: The growth of a co~unity and the developwant of its institutions depend first and forwaoat upon its citisena. Their ability, foresight and character ae&surà the aucceaa of thoae institution* Charles Snelling Bobhaon hoc&ae an executive of Th* Toun&atonn Sheet & Tuba C in 1906, end for the next thirt thr8 a took an activ in guiding its destiny, pi its ion and ahaping its labor policy. Vow Rogers has be- called the "Father of Mill Creek par&. " he diÈ io 1920, Mr. Robinson succeeded fc'r. Roger# & Seerçfcar of Mill Creak Park Board, oont that petition until his deçth Beforettation, conservation mas, construction of the faaoua wall garden, of S~port and of the golf course, and lç88à project* had the benefit of hia careful atudy aa an engineer and planner. Youngetcsum Collage wma organized in 1920, with Mr. Robinson a er of it8 first Board of Governore, and of it# Sxeautiv Coa- alttee. Fronthat tiae death, he saw unepar!nÇl of hi* tiae and thought to ita He ¥a clearly the great benefit to th~ people of g Valley conferred ty the College. His per~onal contribution to the SUCCQSS of tho Collage is difficult to faeasura. His loss will be felt dwply by the aeÇbç of this Board. . B-obinaon was born la Boston, y*snachuaette March 1, 1864. wd grandfather *re both pwinent in the muffi~~nt Cid Colony Iron Forb, of national iaport&nee during the Civil War* He graduated from if. I. T. in 1684, and follcwad hie profwion th aasoeation with a number of ateel coaipaniea and lining coBponies, th fourteen years with the Colorado Fuel& IronCompany, hie went before conioJi to Young~tomi. In behalf of your COMaitt~, Mr. Chairaan, I wro that this me01ution be eprça upon the minutes of this acting and that a copy Ixi for~raitl~d MFS. Stibi~n. The resolution was aaconded by Mr. Argetaingw and was unaniaoualy adopted by standing vote of those present. Maftg, ahaimam of the Building Coaadttee, reported concerning pro- eratiom of the Ray- School bull& wring. Ha reported that the Bullding I corridors and that the natter of bull front of the building to the sidewalk had not been decided upon. He reported that the architect . Goodwin, still bolievea that the ate ions be coapietd at cost of ,000 and that the work should be finish some tiiae during the lattw p& rt of Doeoriber, 1945. . Lwentry, chai of tho Athletic Policy C ttee, reported t %tee rseottaaanded that the athletic program, including intercollegiate football, be re-est&bUçhtÈ in the Pall of 1946. On ~otion by sir. Argotat~r, seconded by Lwmtry and unanimously carried, fchs r~c ation of the cdtt~e approved. ed that in connection with the raising raiçec but that of thia munt secured for operating funds. Us reported that this $20, Lxpanaion Fund and that it should bà trwfçm froi th Cperatlnff Fund of the coil . Upon notion by llr. ~ollins, Bliss and unanloo~cly c , the transfer 20,000 from the the Operating Punri w&e approved. It wax further reported that ainc* the aggregate coat of alteration* of the Rayn School Bailding would probably aoount to ,120,000 and aincà at leait If,QOO in addition to teat mount had been pi e Additional tight well be çe aide for possible addition to th nt fund of t4 collçee Cc action by Mr. Collinc, 8çcondà by Mr. Powers and unAniaoualy car- ried, it ma reaolvd that said $$.GOO be transferred froa the £xpÇEÈ Fund to a rçaerv fund which could bà wed either far içprov~aent to the buildlflCT or for wndowzaent as later deterained by the Board of Trusteesb . Zick &nnotineed that the 0wml Fireproofing Coopaoy h&d aade the first contribution to the ¥ndowattn fund of the college In the aaount of and çlà that Tbe Dollar Savings end Truat Company wa~ to act as trustee of the endowtamkt fund subject to the turn of a proposed written 8gx%w- mint which ¥(M prepared. He furthw ouggdnted that it would bo adri~abl* to hçr 8, e cocBBittee with discretion to Uetenaine in what securities the enbnffleat fund, &à well &a all fW other thm the Youngstcwn College ExpuaeioA Fund, should be inraeted; and that subject to the approv the trustees, he would like to appoint Jc C. Ax@ttaiwr8 Carl W. U'llaan lli- F. ttaÇà Jr*, aa  of auch Finance Coaaitt~. Upon notion We by * ArgÇtsinger seconded by Mr. Collina, and maanl~oualy carried, it was resolved that the propoaftd agreçaç betveen th d The Dollar Swings and Treat Coi~pany &a custodial truotea of the en be approved sod that the offaew of the College bo authorized to ai{n the afrçç&ç Or. Jonea reported the following onrollaent figurca; Wdi yen WoBiac Total Full TiaÈ L.A. Day S\S 230 "US" Part tiçà L.A. Day 29 41 70 Law 17 7 24 16 8 24 (continued on next p IS^S Vfonç Total --- Buainesa School, Day 118 7 125 Buaiwss School, Sight 119 10 129 TOTAL BUSIKSS SCHOOL------------- 254 Veterans - 19A5 (inel. in Grand Total) 187 Dr. Jones reported the following new appointments to the faculty; Dr. rley has beooaà e of the full tiac faculty in the biology depart- ment. Miaa Valentine Potor, fomorly of Bwa College, hw been appointed professor in aatheaatica. Proftsaor Clair Mart HugteeY, who ia cm 1m6 of froa State T~eher~ California, Penn~ylvçnla taken the place of Or. Robwt L. Blair of the English and Spech d~partaent. Swwal part-time tçachç hare been added to the faculty, including Mr. M. t. Cabot and Miaa Mary Haddw in the field of education, 8s Ellçabt Miller in the Speech Depçrtam and Or. Potter C. Anderson who is teaching Philomphy. Upon motion lor Mr. Arg8taingtw, eeconded by Mr. dayton and unaniaoualy carried, the new appintraenta to the faculty were ratified and approved. It was reported that Mr. Harold S. Burt had been panted a year** leave of absence to eontinus work on Ma doctorate in Philosophy at Talc Univ~slty. Mr. Wick reported that pursuant to action of the Executive C Febru&vy 1, 1945, he had appointed the following a* a coanittoà to c ent in 6onooction with a c go for ¥ndowmmt Franklin B. Pewra, Chairs~a, . Ullaan, John R. Bowland, . Colliir and Henry A. Roeaer. Financial atatwaente aa of Septeaber 1, 1945, schedule6 shewing cash la bank8 and ianreutmçit held and etat a of currant incoae and expenditure and surplue and of iv i were presented to the Trustees. Copies of such schedules ara attached. There being no further busineos, the awting was duly adjourned. Hugh IT. Mancheeter, Secretary ck, Jr., Chairman of the Board