+'Lc'.'.itionB. 4x3 tho Faculty IIh Enrollncn't Pigurcs VII. Beting of BOARD OF GOVJ3RNORS of Youngstuwn College October lBa 1937, at 8 PblL Im Additions to the Faculty me following additions have been made to our day school faculty: Karl We Dykema - English Deparhent (replacing Miss 11orth) Catherine Bridgham - Chemistry Department Catherine Semans - Psychology Department, acting Dean of Women IIelen Johnson - Library# half time assistant In addition to these full time faculty ~lernbers, it has been necessary to add a n~1n3e.r of part tim instructorsm II,, Enrollmnt Figures Liberal Arts Day 327 400 302 Business, Day 228 269 Ea s ine s s Evening 212 225 Law 39 50 --s'zz- m Freshman Class, Day L.Ae 118 181 36 of the Frcsb,len arc graduates of South IIigh and 27 of Rayen High, Warren G. Harding High School* Warren, md Chmey High each have 12 graduates. Others cone from McKinley High School, i?ilesa Ilcncrial High School, Cmpboll, Ursuli.nea $as%, and Canfielde Other high schools rcprescnted are: BessenerO Pam; Bemet, NbY,; Bracc~illc~ Boarban, Chmpion, Colmbiana, Conneaut, David A,ndors~n& Fairchance, Pae; East Livcrpccl, East hlestinc, FitchO Fowlers Girard* Howlad# Hubbard, l~ic1~cz-y~ Jolict Township, Ill.; Lake Benton, &firm.; Uctwood~ N.Y.; La~rellville, ITcDcnald, TV~CCCCL, lihnhalla Pa.; 1Icw Castlo# Pa.3 NeWbon Falls, JTorth Jackson, Poland, Sharon, Struthcrs, Vernon, Vionna ad Villa Ihrie* Paee Studcnts havc transfcrrcd to Youngstom Collcp this fall from , Flardue University IVhcaton College University of Pittsbuwh Fcnn Collcgc Oberlin College Uniw~rsity of Kentucky Ohio University, Adrian Collcgc John Carroll Univcrsi%y Xiaxii UnivcrsiQ University of Colorado ! College of Woostcr Wittenbcrc Collcp IVcstorn Re~crvo Uni~r@i%y liirm Collezo Ohio Statc University Iaqsiomry Tminiq bs%iq ? tute . .* mgo' 2 b 111. Industrial Program / I We have this yc3.r schcdulcd classcs for studcnts from scvoral diffcront oonpanioa hcrc in Ycm~stown. Thc Unitcd fi-~inccrin[; has mranpd for about 60 students to rcccivc instruction i.7. 1;Icchanical Dravrinc and I.~thcmtics* Tic arc conducting Q class in English for 22 ncn fron thc Gencral Fir~proofing~ 25 studcnts frcn the Truscon Stccl arc studying Strcn~th lhkcrialse IV. Collection of Tuition The fol~o~;in~ shows the collcc-kion of tuition for thc scconcl sonestor of last ycar, for the Libcral Arts day ad cvcninc collo~os~ , :A Sumnary of Contracts Sccond Scx~stcr~ , . +, - Liberal ~kts~ ad Ebcning ', 1 Nmbcr of Studcnts fiirollcd 588 100~00% Hunbcr of Studcnts Drcppcd Out 61 10.37% Nur.~bor of Stbdcnts - Cash mition 214 36.40% - Tuition Paid, Cash 13371.00 Fcbr'uary Instal~cnts 5537-78 i'krch Instal~cnts 3545.81 April Instalncnts 3338*50 Xny Ins talnelits 3641e02 Junc Ins t al.r.~cnt 2843 ..02 Wins at Closc cf Scliocl 2805*45 Tuition Canccll~.tions 3069.67 7#76% Tuition Allowances (~obs, Scholarships, ctce) 1409dlO 4478e77 3.56% , Total Contracts $39,561.35 100.00$ " 4 Liborcl Arts Tuition Rcfunds 8 V. Religious Prcfcrcncc ,I js The follov~ing is a sur.nxry of the religious profcrcncos of thc studants who attcndcd our day and cvcning collcgcs for 1936-1937. 883 studont~ tho following indications as to thcir rclizious prcfcrcnccs: 199 studcnts, 22$$# Catholic 480 studcnts, 54 %, Protcstmt 43 students, 4$$, Jewish 161 studorits, 18 %, No profcroncc indicated Thc Supcrintcndcnk of Schools of Colunbiana County, I&. Robcrts, has r~quostod that Youngstovm Collcgc expand its progrm to inc1ud.c thc training of publia school ~usic IIc fccls that tcacl~crs in his county arc ~c?oquat~ly preparcd in this field, and hc has been ~~nablc hirc suitable individuals for positions open in thc county this fall. Tic arc rcqucsting thc Statc Dcpartmnt for pcrnission to offer a tczching nkior in thc ficld of Public School 1:hsic~ VII* Financial Stater-~cnt A financial statcncnt is attaclicd.