MEETING OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF YOUIiaSTOJHI COLLEGE November 29th, 1932, Time -- 5:45, floveaber 29, 1932. Q.-. -. Place -- Youngst om College Building* :9: -^9 ; 1 - The following members were present: J. Eugene Benzett Ph i1 ip Fr ieder James L. Wick, Jrm Oscar Gugton Dâ‚ 2 Philip Schaff Dr. ,7. E. Smaker Herncnt Hurd //ar7*y Lev inson J. C. Argets inger Donald Lgnn J. C. Bur~*ett J. Russell LfcKay So J. Collins .*/illian~ 2uad Jr* NĂ B. Folsom Hugh 2an chester Jag Oaran. Frank1 in Be Powers C. Sne71ing Robinson John RO Rowland Clarence J. Strauss Herbert 3. Warwick Z. E. Bliss Verne J. Wilson Director Howard W. Jones Meeting called to order by I.?. ffick. The Secretary read the minutes of previous meeting; there being no objections9 they were approved. I.+. Krick reported that a comnittee had been appointed to look into the matter of Lau School. limes of Cornittee not nude public. Ur* Wick then called on A/r. Jones to take charge and read his report and answer any questions that might be asked. Report shows a gain of 86 students in the College Division and a loss of 102 students in the Preparatory Division. Total students this year, 727; last year, 743, or a loss of 16, A' question was asked as to proportion of boys and girls. Pr. Jones presented a budget wh ich was prepared last July, showing about #lOfOOOuOO surplus. Now expects the met surplus to be not more than #~,000.00, based on four months' experience* This surplus cannot be made unless enrollment for the second semester is equal to the enrollment of the firsb seriester. f-iri Jones suggested the appointment of a budget committee. L'oued and seconded that a budget connittee be uppointed. The motion was carried. Ai'r. W. C. l^cKa in, h. Sidney Coil-ins, and Lir . 3. 3. Bell appointed by the Chairman. LIr. Jibnes reported that the average teaching load for the Faculty is about 20% above standard set by the Ohio College Association. Mr. Jones reported that the PO S 0. Bus Conpany bad reduced the bus fare to students from Warren, lliles and Girard. Youngst own College enrolls students from 26 surrounding towns. Mr. Jones reported that the State Department of Education feels that we should establish a department of Education for teacher training, i..'ovec? and, seconded that a conmittee be appointed to in- ues&igate the natter and report to the Board of Governors. notion was carried* Dr . Hamaker, chairman7 h~rankl Pouers and Ur. Philip &chaff appointed to this conmit-Le by the Chairman* Mr. Jones said that there was a great deriand for use of the College Auditorinn and suggested a cor^iittee be appointed to establish a policy for rental of sor-ee Uoved and seconded that the use of the Auditorium be referred or Vice Chuir~an, to be referred to Executive Cornittee if necessary* The motion was carried. Uoeed and seconded that C1iairman be empowered to appoint committee to investigate the rafter of raising noney for a Library ^or the College* Hotion carried* Mr' William F* Zaag, Jr*, appointed /- ifhair'nan with power to appoint the other members of the Comnittee. Matter of refunding t7-t-i-bion to studante who withd raw from college during first semester was discussed. Hoved and seconded that a Committee composed of the Cha irman and Vice Chairman of the College, / the President and Treasurer of the 7. la. C. A. and Director Jones be appointed to investigate the matter of pol icy on refunding tuition as well as delinquent payments, and ^it,? the approval of Y. U. C. A. Trustees to put this matter into operation* The motion was carried* Repor+s ~f Committees: Lav) School Co~imittee reported progress being nude* Not yet ready to report* LIr* knchester reported for the Extra Curricular Committee jnd said they were supervising the student papers. ^e also felt we should have meeting place for student activities. The Committee considering the use of the Henry Vich property' Will take about $500.00 or $60OeOO to equip and maintain that building the balance of the year* Moved by fir. ^anchester that the Executive Conmittee be authorized to expend up to $600*00 for that purpose, After sons dis- cussion the mot ion was w itdrawn* Leasing of Trade School Building: Mr* Jones reported rental for ground was $300.80 per year* Lease had been prepared renting the building to Ur' Junes Ross and Ur. Verne Fisher for use as a aruje, at the rate of $50e00 per month for the first four months and 60.00 per month thereafter* They are to pay for all repairs and also the insurance. Part of the rent to be paid to the Library* Moved and seconded that we approve this lease. The motion was carried, Dr. Hammaker moved, and Ur. Maag seconded, that the report on the housing of the Extra Curricular Committee be referred, to the Executive Committee with power to act* The motion was carried. After a few remarks by Sr* Bennett, the reeting on motion was adjourned. Respect fully submitted,