1 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY Tod Administration Building Friday, March 17, 2006 Pursuant to notice duly given, a regular meeting (the two hundred sixty-fifth) of the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University convened at 3:00 p.m., on Friday March 17, 2006, in the Board Room in Tod Administration Building. Nine trustees were present at the meeting, to-wit: Mr. John L. Pogue, vice chairperson of the board, who presided in the absence of chairperson Dr. H. S. Wang, Dr. Sudershan K. Garg, Mr. Don- ald Cagigas, Mr. Larry D. DeJane, Ms. Millicent S. Counts, Mr. Scott R. Schulick, Dr. Dianne Bitonte Miladore, Mr. Paul L. Walker and Ms. Louise M. Popio. Dr. Wang and Mr. William J. Bresnahan were absent. Also present were: Dr. David C. Sweet, President; Dr. Robert K. Herbert, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dr. Cynthia E. Anderson, Vice President for Student Affairs; and Franklin S. Bennett, Jr., secretary to the board of trustees. Also present were approximately 25 persons, including deans, members of the faculty, students, administrators, and members of the news media. The chairperson called the meeting to order. ITEM I ? PROOF OF NOTICE OF MEETING. Evidence was available to establish that pursuant to Article II, Section 1, of the board?s Bylaws; written notice of to- day?s regular meeting was timely provided to each of the trustees, the student trustees, and to the president. ITEM II ? DISPOSITION OF MINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETINGS HELD SEPTEMBER 23, 2005 AND DECEMBER 14, 2005. Prior to the meeting, the secretary had provided draft copies of the minutes of the board?s regular meetings held on Septem- ber 23, 2005 (#262) and December 14, 2005 (#264) to each trustee, the student trustees, and the president. There being no additions, cor- rections, or revisions thereto, the minutes of the September 23rd and December 14th meetings were approved as provided. ITEM III ? REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY. Dr. Sweet provided a status report on a number of top- ics: 1. Horizon League Basketball champion University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee?s first round NCAA Tournament victory will result in 2 $1,000,000 to be shared among the Horizon League members. 2. The search for a Budget Director is underway. 20 applications have been received for the position. 3. The damage to the College of Engineer- ing building and equipment caused by a recent water pipe break was significant but, thanks to quick action by Dean Hirtzel, John Hyden and their staffs, not the catastrophe it could have been. 4. Astronomy professors Pat Durrell and John Feldmeier recently participated with a team of scientists who discovered a new dwarf galaxy and four previ- ously unknown star clusters. 5. YSU students Chris Hritz and Ryan Eng- elhardt won a regional industrial engineering competition in February and will compete in a national competition in May. 6. Dr. Sweet dis- tributed a copy of a recent Vindicator article describing progress on the refurbishment of roadway bridges along the northern campus border. 7. Dr. Sweet distributed a copy of a recent Vindicator article de- scribing the proposed renewal project that would enhance the connec- tion between the university and downtown Youngstown. (Copies of the Vindicator articles are included with these minutes.) 8. Dr. Sweet re- ported that university administration has undergone several signifi- cant personnel changes in response to the Labor Management Review Panel?s recent report and recommendations. Dr. Sweet stated that the university is moving forward toward a ?fresh start? in labor rela- tions. 9. Dr. Sweet reported that he recently attended an IUC meeting at which university presidents received a briefing on the implications of the TABOR (Taxpayer Bill Of Rights)/TEL (Tax Expenditure Limita- tion) referendum on the November ballot. If passed, the referendum would likely have dramatic consequences to YSU and the other state- assisted educational institutions. Dr. Sweet stated that the referen- dum is likely to generate significant political discussion and activ- ity as Election Day nears. Dr. Sweet distributed a three-page docu- ment entitled ?Political Activity of University and of University Em- ployees,? a copy of which is attached to these minutes. 10. Dr. Sweet stated that 2006 Spring enrollment is 50 FTE below the budget target. As a result, the university?s divisions have reduced their budgets by a total of $1.5 million. 11. Dr. Sweet reported that 2006 Fall registration and enrollment activities are well underway. Several new scholarship packages have been developed. 12. Dr. Sweet reported that the university recently conducted an ?image survey? of public perceptions of the university. The university has developed a new branding campaign, ?Your Success Is Our Story,? to address the im- age study outcomes. ITEM IV ? REPORTS OF THE COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD. The board considered the following committee reports and recommendations: 1. Academic and Student Affairs Committee Dr. Herbert reported that a kickoff meeting in prepa- ration for the Higher Learning Commission reaccreditation process would be held at 2:30 p.m. on March 24, 2006 in the Ohio Room in Kil- cawley Center. Dr. Herbert reported on the status of a number of pro- 3 gram reaccreditation processes. Dr. Herbert reported that an ad hoc committee is making progress in developing a procedure for program as- sessment. Dr. Herbert reported that 85 applications have been re- ceived for the position of Director of International Studies and Pro- grams. Dr. Kasvinsky is chairing the committee that is conducting a national search for the position. Following Dr. Herbert?s report, the chairperson recog- nized Ms. Counts, chairperson of the Academic and Student Affairs Com- mittee, who stated that the committee was recommending five resolu- tions for adoption by the board. On behalf of the committee, Ms. Counts then moved the adoption of the following resolution: Resolution to Approve Revision to Intellectual Property Rights Policy YR 2006-29 WHEREAS, the Institutional Policies are being reviewed and reconceptualized on an ongoing basis; and WHEREAS, this process can result in the modification of ex- isting policies, the creation of new policies, or the dele- tion of policies no longer needed; and WHEREAS, action is required by the Board of Trustees prior to replacing and/or implementing modified or newly created policies, or to rescind existing policies; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University does hereby approve the re- vision of the Institutional Policy governing Intellectual Property Rights, policy number 1018.01 of the University Guidebook, shown as Exhibit A attached hereto. Following discussion, the motion received the affirmative vote of the trustees present without dissent. The chairperson declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. On behalf of the committee, Ms. Counts then moved for adoption of the following resolution: Resolution to Authorize Conferral of Honorary Degree ? Dr. J. Douglas Faires YR 2006-30 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University does hereby authorize the conferral of a Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree, honoris causa, upon J. 4 Douglas Faires, with all the rights and privileges atten- dant thereto. Following discussion, the motion received the affirmative vote of the trustees present without dissent. The chairperson declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. On behalf of the committee, Ms. Counts then moved for adoption of the following resolution: Resolution to Authorize Conferral of Honorary Degree ? James Hall YR 2006-31 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University does hereby authorize the conferral of a Doctor of Humanities (HH.D) degree, honoris causa, upon James Hall, with all the rights and privileges attendant thereto. Following discussion, the motion received the affirmative vote of the trustees present without dissent. The chairperson declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. On behalf of the committee, Ms. Counts then moved for adoption of the following resolution: Resolution to Authorize Conferral of Honorary Degree ? Eleanor Beecher Flad YR 2006-32 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University does hereby authorize the conferral of a Doctor of University (D.Univ.) degree, honoris causa, upon Eleanor Beecher Flad, with all the rights and privileges attendant thereto. Following discussion, the motion received the affirmative vote of the trustees present without dissent. The chairperson declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. On behalf of the committee, Ms. Counts then moved for adoption of the following resolution: Resolution to Authorize Conferral of Honorary Degree ? Issa M. Al-Own YR 2006-33 5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University does hereby authorize the conferral of a Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree, honoris causa, upon Issa M. Al-Own, with all the rights and privileges attendant thereto. Following discussion, the motion received the affirmative vote of the trustees present without dissent. The chairperson declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. 2. External Relations Committee. The chairperson recognized Mr. DeJane, chairperson of the External Relations Committee, who stated that the committee was recommending two resolutions for adoption by the board. Mr. DeJane then moved the adoption of the following resolution: Resolution to Accept Development Gifts YR 2006-34 WHEREAS, Board policy provides that the President shall compile a list of gifts to the University for each meeting of the Board of Trustees and present the list accompanied by his recommendation for action by the Board; and WHEREAS, the President has reported that the gifts as listed in Exhibit B attached hereto are being held pending acceptance and he recommends their acceptance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept these gifts on behalf of Youngstown State University and requests that the President acknowl- edge the acceptance of these gifts and express our grati- tude to the donors for their generosity in support of the University. Following discussion, the motion received the affirmative vote of the trustees present without dissent. The chairperson declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. On behalf of the committee, Mr. DeJane then moved the adoption of the following resolution: Resolution to Name The Dr. Thomas and Albert Shipka Speakers Series YR 2006-35 WHEREAS, Youngstown State University, founded in 1908, has a rich tradition of excellence in the humanities, and part of that tradition is the Department of Philosophy and Reli- 6 gious Studies which is widely recognized for its signifi- cant accomplishments in teaching, research, and service as reflected in the fact that all nine full-time faculty mem- bers in the department are recipients of the YSU Distin- guished Professor Award; and WHEREAS, Dr. Thomas Shipka has served the department with distinction since his appointment to the faculty in 1969 and appointment as department chair in 1986 to the present; and is a three-time recipient of the Distinguished Profes- sor Award; a two-time recipient of the Watson Merit Award; an author of a popular philosophy text used by college stu- dents in North America for over 30 years; an inductee of the YSU Athletics Hall of Fame as a contributor; and has provided effective leadership on campus in various capaci- ties, including the presidency of the YSU-OEA and chairman- ship of the Academic Senate, and is a long-time benefactor of YSU; and WHEREAS, Albert Shipka played a major role in the unioniza- tion and representation of workers in the Mahoning Valley from the 1930s until his death in 1975, serving as Presi- dent of Local 2163 of the United Steel Workers of America; Assistant Director of District 26, USWA; President of the Greater Youngstown AFL-CIO Council; and served the commu- nity in many capacities, including the Mayor?s Human Rela- tions Committee, the Youngstown Area Urban League, the Fair Employment Practices Committee, the Ohio Program for the Humanities, the United Way, and the Board of Trustees of YSU from 1971 to 1975; and WHEREAS, Albert Shipka was a member of the group which pro- moted the transformation of Youngstown University to Youngstown State University in 1967, and which spearheaded the creation of the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine in 1973; and WHEREAS, in 1993, the Albert J. Shipka Speakers Series was created to enrich the lives of students in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies and beyond, through special lectures and programs, and since its inception has received unprecedented support from the campus and commu- nity and has grown to be one of the largest endowments to benefit YSU; and WHEREAS, in recognition of their leadership and generosity, and upon the unanimous recommendation of the faculty of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Youngstown State University wishes to rename the Albert J. Shipka Speakers Series, within the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, in honor of Dr. Thomas and Albert Shipka; 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University designates the Dr. Thomas and Albert Shipka Speakers Series, within the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that of copy of this Resolution be provided to Dr. Thomas Shipka. Following discussion, the motion received the affirmative vote of the trustees present without dissent. The chairperson declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. 3. Finance and Facilities Committee. The chairperson recognized Mr. Schulick, vice chair- person of the Finance and Facilities Committee, who stated that the committee was recommending one resolution for adoption by the board. Mr. Schulick then moved the adoption of the following resolution: Resolution to Authorize Purchase of Properties for Campus Improvement YR 2006-36 WHEREAS, Youngstown State University has identified an area surrounding the campus and within its Ohio Board of Regents (OBOR) boundary which it seeks to acquire property needed for the benefit of the University; and WHEREAS, the following parcel is needed for campus improve- ment, and final approval is sought in accordance with the University Guidebook: No. Owner Address Parcel No. Youngstown City Lot No. 1 Morris 326 West Scott Street 53-005- 0-104 4614, e. pt. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University does authorize the acquisi- tion of the aforementioned property. Following discussion, the motion received the affirmative vote of the trustees present without dissent. The chairperson declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. Mr. Schulick reported that the Audit Subcommittee met on March 1, 2006 and received reports regarding the university?s in- ternal procedures. 8 Mr. Schulick reported that the Investment Subcommittee met on February 28, 2006 and received a report from Hartland Associ- ates, the university?s investment advisors. 4. Internal Affairs Committee. The chairperson recognized Mr. Cagigas, vice chairper- son of the Internal Affairs Committee, who stated that the committee was recommending one resolution for adoption by the board. On behalf of the committee, Mr. Cagigas then moved for adoption of the following resolution: Resolution to Ratify Faculty/Staff Appointments YR 2006-37 WHEREAS, the Policies of the Board of Trustees direct the President to appoint such employees as are necessary to ef- fectively carry out the operation of the University; and WHEREAS, new appointments have been made subsequent to the December 14, 2005, meeting of the Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, such appointments are in accordance with the 2005- 2006 Budget and with the University policy on Equal Employ- ment Opportunity; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University does hereby ratify and con- firm the appointments as listed in Exhibit C attached hereto. Following discussion, the motion received the affirmative vote of the trustees present without dissent. The chairperson declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. 5. Trusteeship Committee. Mr. Pogue reported that in accordance with Article III, Section 9, Paragraph c., Subparagraph 2. of the board's By- laws, the Trusteeship Committee has met and today makes its report to the board regarding its nominations of officers for the year starting this June. Mr. Pogue stated today?s report would consti- tute a first reading only, and that voting on the election of of- ficers would take place at the board?s June regular meeting. The Trusteeship Committee?s recommendations for the 2005-2006 board officers are: 9 Chairperson Mr. John L. Pogue Vice Chairperson Mr. Larry D. DeJane Secretary Mr. Franklin S. Bennett, Jr. ITEM V ? COMMUNICATIONS AND MEMORIALS The chairperson recognized the secretary to the board who read aloud the following proposed resolution: Resolution of Appreciation YR 2006-38 WHEREAS, Paul L. Walker was appointed a Student Trustee of Youngstown State University in 2004 by Governor Bob Taft; and WHEREAS, during his term as Student Trustee, Mr. Walker served on the Academic and Student Affairs, External Rela- tions, Finance and Facilities, and Internal Affairs Commit- tees of the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University; and WHEREAS, as a Student Trustee, Mr. Walker served Youngstown State University, its faculty, staff, and especially its stu- dents, with distinction, bringing to the Board of Trustees a valued and respected perspective on student needs, issues and concerns; and WHEREAS, during his term as a Student Trustee, Mr. Walker frequently traveled to Ohio?s state capitol where he met with state legislators and representatives of the Ohio Board of Regents to discuss the needs of Youngstown State University and to promote the welfare of its students; and WHEREAS, Mr. Walker?s term as Student Trustee has proven mu- tually enriching to him and to the Board of Trustees, exem- plifying the value of the Student Trustee experience both to the student and to the University; and WHEREAS, Mr. Walker's enthusiasm and perspective will be greatly missed by the members of this Board of Trustees; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the members of the Board of Trustees express their appreciation to Paul L. Walker for his dedication and efforts to promote the welfare and best interests of the students, faculty, and staff of Youngstown State University and the community which it serves; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be furnished to Mr. Walker. 10 Following discussion, the motion received the affirmative vote of the trustees present without dissent. The chairperson declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. Mr. Walker expressed his thanks to the board of trustees, Dr. Sweet and all of those individuals who helped make his term as a student trustee an interesting and enjoyable experience. ITEM VI ? UNFINISHED BUSINESS The board considered no unfinished business. ITEM VII ? NEW BUSINESS The committee considered no new business. ITEM VIII ? TIME AND PLACE OF UPCOMING REGULAR MEETINGS Upon motion made by Mr. DeJane, seconded by Ms. Counts, which received the affirmative vote of all trustees present, the trustees resolved to set the following dates and times for the next regular meetings of the board: 3 p.m., Friday, June 23, 2006 3 p.m., Friday, September 22, 2006 3 p.m., Wednesday, December 13, 2006 ITEM IX ? ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was duly adjourned by unanimous vote of the trustees at 3:45 p.m. Chairperson ATTEST: Secretary to the Board of Trustees NUMBER - PAGE 1 of 4 UNIVERSITY GUIDEBOOK 1 Subject: Intellectual Property Rights 1 Developed by: Peter J. Kasvinsky Authorized by Robert K. Herbert Tide: Dean of Graduate Studies and Research Tide: Provost Approved: December 10,1999 EFFECTIVE: March 17,2006 Revised. February 2006 Policy: The development and dissemination of intellectual property benefit the public, the University, and its faculty, staff, and students. Research and scholarship are encouraged through an appropriate allocation of intellectual property rights between the creator and the University. RESOLUTION NUMBER: YR 2000-3 1 ; YR 2006- I Definitions: "Intellectual Property" includes inventions, discoveries, works of authorship, and/or other creative works that may be subject to protection under federal or state patent, copyright, trademark, and/or trade secret laws. "Intellectual Property Rights of Faculty" may be one of three types: - Independent faculty efforts are those properties created by the faculty member in the fulfillment of the faculty member's normal duties and responsibilities, without any significant University support. - Works-for-hire are written University-commissioned projects that are the result of the faculty member and the University knowingly and voluntarily entering into a written agreement to create a specific intellectual property. Such efforts are not in fulfillment of the faculty member's normal duties and responsibilities. - Joint efforts occur when the faculty member and the University knowingly and voluntarily enter into a written agreement to create an intellectual property as part of the fulfillment of the faculty member's normal duties and responsibilities. "Invention" is any discovery, product, process, machine, composition of matter, andlor improvement that may be patentable. Agenda Item E. 1.b. Exhibit A NUMBER 1 1018.01 1 PAGE 2 of 4 TatenttPatentable" is any invention or other matter that may be patentable under the patent laws of the United States or foreign country. "Trade Secret" is any information that derives economic value from not being readily known or available to others and is protected from disclosure by reasonable efforts. "CopyrightlCopyrightable" is any original work of authorship protectable under the copyright laws of the United States or foreign country. ''Gross Royalty Income" is gross revenue resulting from a given intellectual property. "Net Royalty Income" is gross royalty income less costs incurred by the inventor(s)/author(s), the University, and any third party commercializing the product, including securing legal protection and licensing. "University Support" is significant use ($5,000 in unreirnbursed use, other than incidental uses which include public facilities and normal services such as library and computer use) in connection with the work, including support provided by another organization when administered or controlled by the University. Significant use of University facilities means . extensive unreirnbursed use of laboratory, studio, computer facilities, or human resources. SabbaticalRaculty Improvement Leaves, Research Professorships, and reassigned time from normal duties are specifically excluded from consideration as significant use. The President and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research are specifically designated to serve as "Authorized Institutional Officials" with the right to approve licensing and royalty agreements with entities entering into a contractual or grant relationship for research and development activities to be carried out by the University. Parameter: Section 3345.14 of the Ohio Revised Code provides that all rights to discoveries or inventions that result from research or investigation conducted in any facility of a state university are the sole property of the University. The Board of Trustees may assign, license, transfer, or sell these rights as the Board deems appropriate. Accordingly, the Board has assigned the rights to intellectual property between any member of the full- time faculty and the University through ratification of the Agreement between Youngstown State University and Youngstown State University Chapter of the Ohio Education Association. NUMBER 1 1018.01 1 PAGE 3 of 4 Procedures: 1. The Dean of Graduate Studies and Research is responsible for administering intellectual property procedures as described in the "Handbook on Ownership of Intellectual Property" and for procedures for the allocation of income from intellectual property. As part of the duties of the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research as Authorized Institutional Official for grants and sponsored programs the dean may agree to assignment of intellectual property to the funding agency, provided that such assignment is appropriate to the project and maintains University rights to all or an equitable portion of royalties that may be generated by the project. 2. The University Research Council advises the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research regarding the ownership of intellectual property or the distribution of income derived from the intellectual property. 3. Ownership and allocation of income: Copyrights - Individual faculty efforts are owned by the author. - Works-for-hire are owned by the University. They are not normal research or teaching assignment. Joint efforts are owned by the author. For works-for-hire and joint efforts, the first $5,000 of gross royalty income goes to the author followed by a pro-rata split for University reimbursement and documented expenses in excess of $5,000. Thereafter, up to $50,000, 90% goes to the author and 10% to the University. Funds in excess of $50,000 are split 75% to the author and 25% to the University. Patents and Trade Secrets - Individual faculty efforts are owned by the inventor. - University-supported efforts, whether works-for-hire or joint efforts, are owned by the University in accordance with state statute. Accordingly, the first $5,000 of gross royalty income goes to the inventor followed by a pro-rata split for University reimbursement and documented expenses in excess of $5,000. Thereafter, up to $50,000,90% goes to the inventor and 10% to the University; income from $50,000 to $100,000 is split 75% to the inventor and 25% to the University; and income in excess of $100,000 is split 50% to the inventor and 50% to the University. Sponsored Research - Absent specific guidelines for the ownership and allocation of income by a sponsor, income will be allocated as in joint efforts for copyrights, patents, and trade secrets. NUMBER 1 1018.01 1 PAGE 4 of 4 - Externally sponsored research is always between the sponsor as "grantor" and the University as "grantee." Therefore, the University exercises ownership and there cannot be a faculty sponsored agreement. The faculty may not agree or sign on behalf of the University for any sponsored program. Computer Software - Such products may be copyright, patent, or trade secret work and the ownership or income shall be allocated accordingly. Distance Learning Materials - Materials that can be copyrighted (e.g., tapes and CD's) fall under the provisions of copyright. REDLINE VERSION UNIVERSm GUJDEBOOK NUMBER 1 1018.011 PAGE 1 of 4 I Subject: Intellectual Property Rights 1 Policy: The development and dissemination of intellectual property benefit the public, the University, and its faculty, staff, and students. .Research and scholarship are encouraged through an appropriate allocation of intellectual property rights between the creator and the University. a't- ..:h:',-,T RESOLUTION NUMBER: YR 2000 - 31; &20085 I Definitions: "Intellectual Property" includes inventions, discoveries, works of authorship, and/or other creative works that may be subject to protection under federal or state patent, copyright, trademark, and/or trade secret laws. "Intellectual Property Rights of Faculty" may be one of three types: - Independent faculty efforts are those properties created by the faculty member in the fulfillment of the faculty member's normal duties and responsibilities, without any significant University support. - Works-for-hire are written University-commissioned projects that are the result of the faculty member and the University knowingly and voluntarily entering into a written agreement to create a specific intellectual property. Such efforts are not in fulfillment of the faculty member's normal duties and responsibilities. - Joint efforts occur when the faculty member and the University knowingly and voluntarily enter into a written agreement to create an intellectual property as part of the fulfillment of the faculty member's normal duties and responsibilities. , "Invention" is any discovery, product, process, machine, composition of matter, and/or improvement that may be patentable. "Patenflatentable" is any invention or other matter that may be patentable under the patent laws of the United States or foreign country. NUMBER 1 1018.01 1 PAGE 2 of 4 "Trade Secret" is any information that derives economic value from not being readily known or available to others and is protected from disclosure by reasonable efforts. "Copyright/Copyrightablef1 any original work of authorship protectable under the copyright laws of the United States or foreign country. "Gross Royalty Income" is gross revenue resulting from a given intellectual property. "Net Royalty Income" is gross royalty income less costs incurred by the inventor(s)/author(s), the University, and any third party commercializing the product, including securing legal protection and licensing. "University Support" is significant use ($5,000 in unreimbursed use, other than incidental uses which include public facilities and normal services such. as library and computer use) in connection with the work, including support provided by another organization when administered or controlled by the University. Significant use of University facilities means extensive unreimbursed use of laboratory, studio, computer facilities, or human resources. Sabbatical/Faculty Improvement Leaves, Research Professorships, and reassigned time from normal duties are specifically excluded from consideration as significant use. Parameter: Section 3345.14 of the Ohio Revised Code provides that all rights to discoveries or inventions that result from research or investigation conducted in any facility of a state university are the sole property of the University. The Board of Trustees may assign, license, transfer, or sell these rights as the Board deems appropriate. Accordingly, the Board has assigned the rights to intellectual property between any member of the full-time faculty and the University through ratification of the Agreement between Youngstown State University and Youngstown State University Chapter of the Ohio Education Association. Procedures: PAGE 3 of 4 2. The University Research Council advises the Dean of Graduate Studies regarding the ownership of intellectual property or the distribution of income derived from the intellectual property. 3. Ownership and allocation of income: Copyrights - Individual faculty efforts are owned by the author. - Works-for-hire are owned by the University. They are not normal research or teaching assignment. Joint efforts are owned by the author. For works-for-hire and joint efforts, the first $5,000 of gross royalty income goes to the author followed by a pro-rata split for University reimbursement and documented expenses in excess of $5,000. Thereafter, up to $50,000,90% goes to the author and 10% to the University. Funds in excess of $50,000 are split 75% to the author and 25% to the University. Patents and Trade Secrets - Individual faculty efforts are owned by the inventor. - University-supported efforts, whether works-for-hire or joint efforts, are owned by the University in accordance with state statute. Accordingly, the first $5,000 of gross royalty income goes to the inventor followed by apro-rata split for University reimbursement and documented expenses in excess of $5,000. Thereafter, up to $50,000,90% goes to the inventor and 10% to the University; income from $50,000 to $100,000 is split 75% to the inventor and 25% to the University; and income in excess of $100,000 is split 50% to the inventor and 50% to the University. Sponsored Research - Absent specific guidelines for the ownership and allocation of income by a sponsor, income will be allocated as in joint efforts for copyrights, patents, and trade secrets. - Externally sponsored research is always between the sponsor as "grantor" and the University as "grantee." Therefore, the University exercises ownership and there cannot be a faculty sponsored agreement The faculty may not agree or sign on behalf of the University for any sponsored program. Computer Software - Such products may be copyright, patent, or trade secret work and the ownership or income shall be allocated accordingly. PAGE 4 of4 Distance Learning Materials - Materials which can be copyrighted (e.g., tapes and CD's) fall under the provisions of copyright UNIVERSITY GIFTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2005 I ALUMNI RELATIONS 1 Cash-One Year Single & Joint Members Cash-Four Year Single & Joint Members Cash-Single & Joint Life Members Cash Contributions Total Cash UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT 307 42 Total Alumni Relations $9,850.00 3,825.00 30 0 379 6,925.00 0.00 $20.600.00 379 Major Gifts 1908 Society - $50,000-$99,000 Heritage Society - $10,000-$49,000 ~nnual I f I $20,600.00 Planned Gifts 2 3 [TOM Pledged Cash 1300 1 $416,940.61 1 $109,510.00 3 1,262.80 0 Centennial Club - $1,000-$9,999 YSU Circle - $500-$999 YSU Friends - $1 -$499 - $0.00 I I Total University Development 1303 1 $441,559.41 67 78 1150 Non-Cash 141,017.75 41,787.96 93,362.10 3 Below $500 Total Pledged Cash Non-Cash TOTAL GIFTS 24,618.80 Total WYSU-FM 1090 1098 0 Agenda Item E.2.a. Exhibit B 77,534.00 $82,584.00 0.00 1098 I I $82,584.00 Grand Total Gifts 2780 1 $544,743.41 Younsrs town ALUMNI RELATIONS CASH CONTRIBUTIONS BY RANK One Year Single and Joint Members Robert & Marilyn Abramski Alexander Adam Dominic Albanese Mary AUgood William Ambert Beverly Anderson Frank & Ann Anness Ralph Anzivino Noreen G. & Autumn Axel Dr. James Babb Marilyn Badger Joseph Baich Sandra Barba Ronald & Fawnda Barker Michelle Bartholomew Thaddeus Barwinski Edward & Deborah Basista Richard T. & Linda A. Beany M. Frank Beck Richard Bednar Guy A. Beltempo John Bender William & Martha Beniston Dennis D. & Faye Bensinger Michael Beverly Michael Birchak William E. Bletso Sharon Bonacker Reese Bradbum, Jr. Gary Brienza Col. Robert Brown Kathy Bruner John Bruno Alan & Maryann Burton Mary Rose Butch Phyllis Byers Margaret Cappelli Alice M. Carlisle Dorrill& Tenna Catlin Dean Cavacos David Chase George Chmielewski Jewel Clark-Luchette Fred & Mary Ann Cleary Jean Collins Ralph Collins John Craig Leah Cramer Delores Crawford Nancy Creed David & Carol Lynn Creps Virginia Criscione & John Janacone Kenneth & Kathryn Cromley Kathleen D'Amato & Donald Smiley Robert Davis Ronald & Nadine Davis Nicholas DeRosa John DeSimone Sara L. Dickson Salvatore DiFrancesco Salvatore & Lydia DiLiello Gerald Domanik Thomas Downey Michael Doyle Sherry Drummond Nicholas Dubos Heather Dull David Dunbar Clarence Dunham David & Barbara Enoch Mark Escaja Marian Eskay Donna Esterly Robert J. & Rose Eusanio Dr. Joseph Ezzo Susan Aim Fabian Samuel Faccioben Michael Feranchak Debora Flora Tom Flores Floyd Folio Gail Foreman Elmer & Michelle Forro Aurora Formnato Cheryl J. Fox Frederick H. Frank Jack & Ruth Frankenburg Atty. Ronald Galip Urban0 Garcia Gary L. & Patricia D. Garland Eugene M. & Bonnie J. Garritano Anthony Gates Bonita Gauding Jacquelyn Gawron Eugene & Janet Geister Lynne Gefhing Anthony Giampietro Pauline Giampietro Katherine Giancola James A. Gibbs Jennine Gleghom Mary Goclano Mark Gonda Leslee Green Michael Grieb Katie dries Glenn & Michelle Griffiths %chard & Alma GrBitbs Richard Hdaparda Robert & Ellen Hall John Havalo John & Charlene Hay Robert Hewitt Jennifer D. Hicks Selina Hightower Frank Hoso, ID Apryl E. Hosteder Mary Huber Christina Hylton Elizabeth Itts James E. Itts Mona E. Jackson Carol Johnson Eric Gordon. Johnson Roy & Jeanne Johnson Lawrence Jones Loimie Jones James A. Jordan Richard & Ruth Kale Susan Kalochodtis Debra Kascak Robert Ken Mary Kinnard Dorothy Kiraly Paul Klim Louise Kline he Beth Komara Stephen & Virginia Kozarich John Krpicak & Kelly Peachock Michael A. & Suzaime A. Kroner Mary Krupa Martin Kubic Michael Lacivita Paul Lambing James Lamp Amy L. Lapushansky Dr. James Lehnerd Jennifer Lenox Richard Lepore Dr. Vincent Lepore Dr. James Lessick Craig Lobmiller Patrick Lorelli Samuel & Carolyn Luse Gregory Lutz James MacDonald Don MacMillan Robert Joseph Mahaffey Joseph Edward Mahoney Donald & Marilyn Majors Michael MaIley Barry Mallory Charles hkcoe James & Mary Martin Robert & Em EdwinMa- Jeff & Janet McCauslia D3.m McFarland Anna McGrafh Daniel McNally Thomas Medzie Mark & Margaret Melnek Dr. Howard Meriee Roy h&ma Thomas & Valerie hbmte Anne Misel Rose Missik Alycee Mohney-Keith Mary Moon James Moore Ronald & Claudia Moore Darlene J. Morris Reynald J. Multari, Jr. Frank Nagy Annamarie Napofitan Vince Nardy Jerald Norton Michael N??uzz Fredric T. O'Connor Jean O'Mara Paul Orend Michael & Mary O'Toole James J. P&s Jerome Pann Frank Pavlechko Yvonne Petrella Charles Pierson Russ & Madonna Pinkard Brian Pinko-ton / Angel Ploumbis Merril W., Jr. & Susan Powell Constant Prassinos Herbert Pridhm Frederick H. Prossen Thomas Pryor Stephen & Deborah Puhalla Robert Raffle George Raiger Pattick hdli Jill F&d&l Nick Rega Raymond & Arlene Repko Thomas Rice .-^rthw Richards Donna Etch James Rogers Thomas Rogers John J. Rom Charles Romig Dan Robert Roncaglione Joseph Ross Dominic Rosse& Jr. Marian Francis Rothenberg Ernie & Judith Ruby David F. Rupert, Jr. Ruth Rusriak Tracey Ryser Lawrence Safarek Gregory Salvati Frank & Melessa Scattino Howard Scheetz Joseph & Marlene Schiffer Robert E. & Kathleen Schneider Carolyn Schwartz Sara Scudier wfiatn scullin Thomas Scurich John Senvissky Robert & Genevieve Shively Debra Shovlin William Shriver Robert & Dawn Silvestri Joseph Simeo Harry Slaven Julie Smart Constance L. Smith Dane Smith Francis Smouse William Snider James & Donna Snovak John Snow Jack Sommerlad L. Jean Spencer Dr. Manuel& Demetda Spntos Shawn Starkey Janice Steffiuha Jack Stein Charles & Barbara Stephens Samantha St. Ives Thomas Strauss Ned & Dom Sturgeon Charles Suchy El~oie Susan Sweeney Chris Tatarb Gerald R. & Mariene A. Thomas Carolyn To~iao Ronald Torako Robert Toti Wesley & JoAm Traylor Anne M. Trefethem Pad Tmhm Donald Turjan Robert & Audrey Turner Charles Tydings Dr. Robert Udell Daniel Uhlar Marcel & Shirley J. Ulrich Karen Vasko Donna Vecchio Marc & Lisa Vegh J. Vennetti Raymond Vojtko Patricia Vuletich Total One Year Single and Joint Members: Four Year Single and Joint Members Joshua & Kimberly Aikens Ronald W. Albert Aqua Ohio, Inc. Gene & Joan Balas Eugene Bova Raymond & Lori Calcagni Gene Cashier Richard Conroy James DeCenso Ernest & Dorothy Dodson James & Antonia Douglas Joseph Dulovich John Edwards Richard, Jr. & Linda Ellashek Stephen &&or Thomas E. George h$ar-Aa Iskaader James Walker Evelyn Walsh Todd Walter Garey L. Watson Margaret Lois Whitacre Patrick & Patricia Whitaker Barbara Wigle Gwendolyn Wilkias Vema M. WWms-Hmer Ruth W~~son Loretta Wilhmtch Karen Willshaw Eleanor Woodford Cindy Woodman Raymond & ken Wright Connie Wright-McIntosh Norbert J. Yanek Denise Yanlde Kenneth, Jr. & Martha Young Mark Yurjevich Steven Zeiich Nick Zerefos Cheryl L. James May L. Jeffmson-WiEams Eva Joanou Gwendolyn Joyce Johnson James Jorh Sandra Ketchem Marly A. Kosinski John & Am Kwma Shelly Laberto Jon Lane Howard F. & Loretta Lewis Anthony & Judith Paduchik Nicholas Paolmi Russell Perb Ronald Petrus , Mary Raptis James Rogm Patricia Rudloph Robert & Carol Sinkovich Jane E. Sakely Dolores Tralick Kathleen Sdaka Jeffrey Wayland Mark & Helen Seman Arnold C. Welch, Jr. Total Focr Year Single and Joint Members: $3,825.00 Single and Joint Life Members David Baranski ' Barbara A. Brothers David A. & Traci Lynn Buttar Donald & June Byo Dorothy M. Carrino Ronald R. Carson, Jr. John J. & Shelia A. Chiebus Robert & Elaine Chrismas Paul L. Clouser Jared Crum Christopher E. Duncan WalterE. & Dolores A. Good Robert R Gregory, Jr. Guenther A. ffladiuk & Mary Arm Kessler Ronald A. & Jane E. James Gary Edmond Jones Louise T. Laughery Joseph R. Macejko Thomas R. Mix Ronald Molinari Kenneth & Victoria Pavaiko Anthony Pochiro Tony & Christine Reese Joseph & Susan Rossi Tom Sapienza Russell J. Schmidt Richard & Suzanne Teaberry Alan Wilson Robert & Janet Yantes F& ZaumreUi, Jr. Total Single and . Joint Life Members: $6,925.00 ,Young stown STATE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY DEWZLOPMENT PLEDGED CASH CONTIUBUTIONS BY RANK ' MAJOR GIFTS Donor Amount Desiqation 1908 Society - $50,000-$99,000 Merton John Bartehay $59,5 10.00 M.J. Bartehay Family Scholarship Roberta Marsteller Hmay $50,000.00 Academic Achievers Program Heritage Society - $10,000-$49,000 Estate of Mrs. Mary Am Fontanarosa $1 1,262.80 Allied Health and Athletics Atty. & Mrs. Dennis Haines $10,000.00 Dennis & Jan Haines Scholarship Wick Neighbors hc. $1 0,000.00 Summer Festival of the &ts ANNuAL4m Centennial Club - $1,000-$9,999 Nathalie and James Andrews Foundation w&am R Back Daniel H. Becker Robert C. Bitonte W.E. Bliss Foundation Raymond John Briya Martha I. Bruce Keith c. Bums Robert Anthony Calcagni Rex Brian Cp Delphi Automotive Systems Dorothy B. Demen Anita DeVivo Ralph I. Dillon Robert Alexander Dhso Joseph Paul Dolwick Kathryn Lynn Feld David S. Fagwon C. Kenneth Fibus Mary L. Fleming J.L. Francis Fund for ALS Research Shari Nel& Francis Friends of Music Association Joy Marie Gaetano General Motors Lordstown Complex Donald Graham John F. Greenman David Scott Hinkle Marleen L. Iannucci C. Gilbert James Thomas E. Jochman Nathaniel lt Jones &-men Joseph Julius Ibi&t-RiddaInc. - George & Helen Kohut Trust Thomas S. Leighty Carter Price Lewis Sidney A. Long Frances H. Lynn Willim T. Martin Richard P. McLaughlin Ned Mwos Ron John Mignella Marla Lyn Mitchell-Cichon Joan D. Mock Mon&y Musical Club, hc. Pan-Brothers Associates, Inc. Valerie Kay Peterson Virginia Phillips Paxnily Proctor Foundation Nathan Paul Ritchey Charles E. Schell Foundation Crown-Sen Shieh Helen R. Stambaugh Carl G. Swabek Fred Tod Jeanne D. Tyler Van Heel Foundation Hai shiuh wang Walter E. & Caroline H. Watson Foundation YSU Circle - $500-$999 Vivian Ann Abram John R. Mca Frank Carl Ambmse John Joseph Angelilli Robert Joseph Arena Gretchen R. Birrell Richard John Buchenic Burgan Real Estate Ltd, Inc. Thomas John Cavalier Anthony George Chila Peter P. Chila Carole Ruth Cobb Donald Beryl Cochran Jean F. Collins Edward P. Condo William H. Countryman Richard Anthony Crepage Tod George Cmwe Denise B. Cushwa Charles W. Darling Phillip B. Demison Alex Downie Craig Weldon Duff Edward Joseph Fiffick saeeda Abdul Ghani Robert Paul Glick Joseph S. Gregori Elaine Marie Greifenstein Charles Howard Haggis David John Halt James Wesley Herr Tl~msa A. Hickey Sally M. Hotcbkiss Rus~ll Ronald A. James Louis B. Jannetto Hyun W. Kh Raymond John Wean Foundation Wmen Richmond Webster Warren P. Williamson, Jr. Fund Veronica Willo Trust . Denise DeBartolo York Bemard J. Yozwiak John J. Zelis, M.D. Robert Kleh Cone Lynn Kovach Noman Kwallek John Charles Landers David E. Lawless David Parie Locke Frank L. MacAt-tor Mahoning Valley Bowling Proprietors Association Mercer Comty Mdcal Society Albert A. Miller Paul John Milligan James Howard Moore Gh saik Oh Marilyn A. Pitts Jerry s. Ph Joyce L. Rheam Thomas M. Rossman Lawrence Edward Sdarek Gary salvner Mary Alice B. ScM William M. Schneider Kathy B. Schmde Blanche Sekeres Charles R. Singler Mary B. Smith Keith Alan Snoddy South Range School District Julia Spitzer Memorial Trust Timothy Daniel Stanton Jack A. Staph Anthony H. Stocks Debra Am Strang Bernard John Szawan UAW Local 1714 somy P. vaccaro Joe Henry Vance Jack M. White Richard N. White Warren M. Young John David Zelenak Christine Marie Zirafi YSU Friends - $1-$499 Anonymous Alicia Marie Abdalla George W. Abrigg Christopher Patrick Adams Carolyn Porter Adkins Susan Lynne Agosthelli Pat F. Agresta Anthony James Airato Mary Katherine W. Ake Gary Lee Aleman Anthony Joseph Alfano Domenico B. fiberti William M. Allen Mary Ann Allgood Marsha Jane Ambrozy ChIiStopher Randall Anders Alana A. Anderson Barbara Jane Anderson Beverly Jean Anderson Glenn T. Anderson Samuel Henry Anderson Victor David Angel Bette E. Angstadt Ronald P. Antonelli Robert John Antonucci Ralph L. Anzivino Maxine Laverne Arm John P. Ashton Association of American Geographers Eugenia C. Atkinson Thomas C. Atwood Jack M. Ausnebmer Austhtown Local Schools Austintown Plaza Merchants James H. Babb Nancy L. Babos Joseph M. Baich Peggy S. Bailey Eugene Baker George A. Baker Richard H. Baker Ted James Baker Mary J. Baldine Ronald P. Baldine Ruth Elaine Baldwin Richard H. Balestra Lorraine Melody Balog Howard G. Balogh Bank of New York David A. Baranski Frank Patrick Barile George Tracy Barker Sally Lou Barnes Laureen Sue Barnhart Patrick John Barnhart Christian Patrick Bartholomew Regina R. Bass John Paul Bassetti Leonard William Batch Lawrence M. Baytos Brenda Jean Bayus Carol Beardmore Steven Douglas Beatrice Martha Joan Beatty Rand D. Becker Robert Roy Becki Mark David Beebe George D. Beelen Mattie Pearl Bell Thomas John Belle Robert John Belloto Michael Joseph Benedek Leonard Allen Benkosky Anna Florence Benson Brigitt Michele Berk Eher J. Berstling Joan Bevan Eve Bwilacqua Jacqueline Bib0 Richard C. BickersMf Stanley Blaise Bikulege Janice Bilker Kenneth Birath Cynthia L. Bird Gay S. Bimbaum Anthony E. Bisconti Richard A. Bimnti Mark William Bistransin Michael Edward Bistrica David Alan Bitonte Roger Watson Blevins Marilyn Moyer Blewitt Dan Thomas Blice Boardman Center Middle School Michael John Bochenek Laura Elizabeth Boich William David Bole Carol Ann Boles Lawrence Paul Bombara Mark J. Boy Katherine M. Bosak Phe Boston Paul Clifford Boucherle Eugene S. Bova Philip William Bova David Edward Bowen Willard G. Bowers Mary Alice Boyd Mark E. Boye James Andrew Bozin Thomas A. Brady Ruth M Brajkovich Patricia S. Branson Alan G. Brant Jacquelyn W. Brauninger Thomas Mark Braydich Ambrose M. Brayer Charles Michael Brekoski JefEey D. Breneman Norman Silvester Brentin William John Bresnahan Edward Richard Bretz George Gary Briach Catherine Alice Am Bridge Wayne Michael Brodnan Joyce Brooks Robert P. Bmphy Robert E. Bruderly Kathy M. Bruner Anthony G. Bruno Cynthia Ann Brunot Christina Marie Buccino Charles Robert Budinsky Gerald Leroy Bulisco . Willard L. Bundy Kay 0. Burbick John R. Burgan Holly Burge-SMord Bradley J. Burlingham James Donald Burrows Marilynn Sue Butler Butler Wick & Company David A. Buttar Gary Alan Buttar Robert T. Buzga Donald W. By0 Michael John Cdaro Donald Cagigas Randall Frank Cailor Rand R. cairey Thomas John Caldrone Maryam Cabrina Cama-Markowitz John B. Campbell Sharyn A. Campbell Robert Ralph Campolito Andrew A. Canellas Samuel Wayne Camel1 John F. Cantamessa Mark Anthony Cquano Herman Joseph Carach Bernice Caralla David Bruce Carle John F. Carney Thomas Joseph Carney David Paul Carson Julianne Angelhe Carsone Elma Jean carter Stephen Anthony Cmo Eugene H. Castle Patricia A. Ceghe James H. Centric Robert J. Cercone John Joseph Chahhe TSU-Liang Chang Lawrence Joseph Chax-niga Gunvant Jadavji Chauhan James T. E. Chengelis Nicholas H. Chengelis Virginia F. Chiarello Y. T. Chiu C. Virtine Christie John Marvin Chupak Theodore Chuparkoff George W. Churm Judith Lynn Cicatiello Albert B. Cinelli Alice Bemadette Citano Deborah Lynn Clark Gary Wayne Clark JeBey N. Claxon Fred D. Cleary Karen Ann Clemente David J. Clovsky Lee Calvin Coates James Fair Cochran Irwin Cohen Linda Ellen Cohen Rita Lyn Cole Karen Dorothy Coleman Victoria Lynn Collier Michelle A. Collins Flora S. Colwes Darrell L. Combs Brian Charles Commons Mike Lee Conlan Louis H. Conti George N. Contis Colleen Marie Cook Donald Grant Cook Kim W. Cook Marcy Ann Cook Mildred H. Comicelli Adam E. Costarella George G. Cover Donald C. Cramb Keith H. Cramer Charles A. Crans Thomas Chalmers Creese Lh& Jane Cresswell Keith R Crews Kevin W. Crews Margaret A. Cnshal L.A. Crockett Kevin John Crowley William A. c- Christopher H. Cubbison Fats Joseph Cubellis A. Ranger culml William W. Cushwa Carol E. Cuthbertson Gregory Frank Cvetkovic Donald Patrick Dailey Paul Euclide Dalbec Joseph Anthony Dallas Peter E. C. Dalton William C. Dado Salvatore A. D1Ange1o Dominic Angelo Damessa John Theodore Danw David Brant Daugherty Thomas L. Davis Linda Louise Davis-O'Leary Dallis Graham Dawson Joseph V. De Angelis Christine R. DeAngelo Vito R. Deblasio James T. Decker Rina Defi-ese Lisa L. Defiuia John M. Degenova Robert T. Dehoff E. Terry Deiderick Joseph Daryl Delsignore Delta Kappa Gamma Beta Pi Louis Joseph Demarhis Gregory Demetri Darlene M. Demjm James W. Denton Neil Joseph DePascal Mark David Dexthick Robert Michael Detelich Richard Michael Devico James T. DeWoody Sandra J. Dibacco-Tusinac Sara buise Dicbn Louis Charles Didonato Ray A. Didonato Jeannette F. Dietz John Donald Dipinto Amy Susan Direnzo Ben A. Dirienzo Rufus Dixon William James Dobosh John Joseph Docherty Ernest Dodson Robert Edward Dolwick Robert Jeffrey Dombrowe Ronald E. Domen Cathy J. Domico Albert L. Donadio John Paul Donchess James H. Donegan James K. Donne11 Michael A. D'Onofiio David James Dortin Robert L. Dove John R. Draa Barbara S. Drabkin Theodore Earl Draewell Wade C. DriscoU John Edwin Drotleff Nicholas Mark Dubos Richard William Duesing Jean Denise Dundee Larry Paul Dunn Douglas P. Duplin Janet Elaine Durick Robert Joseph Durick Joseph Durshaw William G. Dykms Eric Edgar Gunapala Edirisooriya John V. Edwards Robot J. Edwards Cary R. Efaw Martha Eicher D. Keith Eichhom Frank Hans Einsiedel Mary Emilia Elia Charlotte Ann Elliott- Wall Paul L Emch Melanie Emerson Kenneth John Endress Kent John Engelhardt Brian L. Evans Robert H. Evans Rose M. Fabek David James Fabilli . Leonard J. Farbman Thomas E. Farragher Verna M. Fanis Patrick John Faustino Alexis William Fedec Laddie J. Fedor Robert V. Fedorchak Jean Alice Fehr Joann Felde Paul W. FeUinger Nancy Joan Felton Cyril Methoduis Ferenchak Randall Gene Ferguson Anthony Mazino Ferlaino Robert Frank Ferro Oliver Hosley Ferry Jesse Joseph Figueroa Margaret R. Filaccio Archie J. Finamore Gail M. Fink Robert L. Fink Matthew P. Finneran Kevin S. Firm James R. Fisher Kenneth H. Fitzgerald Robert Michael Fitzgerald Tom S. Flores Mary Ann Flyak Larry Lynn Fobes Jeanne Marie Foley Joseph William Folk Robert D. Folk Mary Ann Fontanarosa Barbara Jo Ford Margaret J. Ford Philip D. Ford Bryan Frank Foskie David M. Foss Kenton L. Fourman David William Francis Jack Frankenburg ' Robert A. Frantz Teresa Elizabeth Frantz Angelina A. Frasca Samuel Anthony Frasco Raymond A. Fredrick Jean Barger Freeman Leroy Freeman William Gustaf Frolund Steve M. Furgas Kalman George Gancsos Susan Lynn Gans Ronald Edward Garback Jeffrey Steven Gardner Roberta R. Gardner Federico Frias Garriel Eugene Michael Garritano Cheri B. Garvin-Dodgson Anthony Lee Gates Jean 0. Gates Joeo Michael Gatti Gatto Electric Supply Company Bonita Lyn Gauding Jacquelyn Anne Gawron Jason Barclay Gay Pamela Groves Gay Thomas Elmer George Kris Herbert Geren William John Getchy Gregory Lynn Gett Anthony D. Giampetro Thomas Raymond Gibbons JackC. Gibson Robert Dale Gibson Christian Allan Gieseler Betty J. Glenn Stephen Matthew Globeck Mary Kay Goclano Mary Lou Godleski Karin A. Goeldi Golden Dawn Restaurant Anthony N. Gorant Francis Robert Gottron Michael A. Graban Mary Ann Gd.nlJl Michele D. Grant Denise Darlene Gray Joseph W. Grdenick James A. Green Thomas Evan Green Frances Y. Greenberg Morren Jack Greenburg H. Martin Greggo Glenn E. Griffiths Richard R. Griffiths Curtis Paul &imm Thomas F. Grohl Judith Gross Jack A. Gruber Joseph P. Grunenwald John F. Grzebieniak Ronald J. Guerrieri Joseph V. Guerriero David R Gundry Salvador V. Gurgiolo Lawrence Peter Gurlea Russel W. Gwin Russell K. Hack . Gwendolyn B. Haire Mary Frances Hake Beverly Ann Hall M. Susan Hall Robert Glen Hall William H. Hamill Dawn Marie Hamilton Gail M. Hammett Bernard J. Haxnrock Brian Louis Handley Kenneth Hankins William Joseph Hanlon Jill Harmon ~lorence Daryl Lynn Hatch Deborah J. D. Hatherill Margaret B. Haushalter John Gary Havalo Terry S. Hawk Carol J. Hawkins Darren Michael Hayes Manouchehr A. Hazrati Ronald H. Heames Heather Lynn Heaven Brian John Hecker Kenneth Carl Hecker Robert W. Hedland James Edward Heinold Jean Marie Henderson Brace D. Hendryx John F. Henry Lawrence Edward Herb David Nolan Herbert Mary J. Herdman Sue A. Herman John Felix Herubin William L. Hilliard Judith A. Hink Thomas G. Hitcho Patricia Jo Hjelm Matthew Lynn Hlebak Diane Joyce Hodgson Alice C. Hoffinan Walter Joseph Hogan Phillip James Holdash A. William Holdford Karen Louise Holisky Dennis W. Hollenbeck James Christopher Holmes Robert Russell Holmes Erin Rae Holmes-Wingfield Alida Hondas Corina Lynn Hoover Joyce Ann Hoover Lois M. Hopkins Kenneth Joseph Horvath Betty L. Houlton Josephine A. Houser Robot A. Hovis Lynnette Reeves Howell Philip Bruce Howren Robert M. Hritz Denise D. Hromyak Pei Huang William J. Huebner John S. Hughes Daniel J. Hugli Scott Davidson Hunter Laura Ann Hurst Steven Orlando lacobucci Thomas Leroy Inman John M. Jackson Elaine Ann Jacobs John Russell Jakubek Elizabeth Ann Janecko Edward Joseph Janik ' Raymond Joseph Jaros William A. Jensen Valeria Ann Jesionek Daniel J. Johnson Randall Dean Johnson Denton M. Jones Howard P. Jones James Albert Jones James Seth Jones Lawrence Joseph Jones Martin S. Jones Mary Jane Jones Wendell L. Jones William E. Jones Charles L. Joseph Louis Peter Joseph Thomas A. Joseph Martin J. Joyce John Peter Julian John Curtis Kabetso Edwin Michael Kaiser Ronald Kalas Michael Frank Kalitich Patricia Lynne Kambic James William Kaminsky Theodore J. Karczewski Kamal E. Kassouf Ned James Kaufinan Nancy Lynn Kayne Joan H. Kempe Paula Audrey Kempe Dorothy M. Kennedy Marilyn S. Kenner William Joseph Kepko James Myron Kemgan Blair E. Kershaw Sandra Lee Ketchem Sajjad H. Khan Hong Yung Kim David E. Kimmel Nancy Jean Kissel Joseph G. Klamar Heather Ann Klesch Gerald John Klika John David Kline Werner L. Kling Brian M. Kluchar William Joseph Klucher Connie Kneciht Robert Louis Kocan Joseph George Koch William Russell Koch Daniel R Kohl James M. Kohut Lance James Kohut Christopher Ronald Kolibab Joshua Brian Kollat Prabha Surya Kolli David J. Konik Robert Kopac Joseph Bernard Kope Bmce W. Kopp William Richard Koppel David L. Korb John David Korechko J. W. Korody Bernard J. Kortz Joseph Stanley Kosek John Louis Koshan Lisa Ann Kostka Thomas Vincent Kozusko Glen M. Kramer James Francis Kravec Michael Joseph Kraynak Kit Man Kreuzwieser Thomas G. Krispli H. Stewart Kristiansen Robert L. Krok Fredrick Carl Krolopp John Paul Krpicak Lorraine Jean Krueger James F. Kuba Cassey Daniel Kuhl Stephen Francis Kurta Eugene J. Kusnir Benjamin Aaron Kyle Shelly Renie Laberto Robert Edward LaCivita Virginia B. Ladig Debra A. Lagrasta Thomas P. Landolf Brian Michael Laraway Susan Jane Lame Babur B. Lateef Juanita Latham Thomas John Latona Theresa Marzio Lattanzi Louise Anne Laughery Douglas Leo Lawrentz Charles M. Lawson William Daniel Layman David Andrew Lazor Gary Michael Lazor Leland I?. Ledgerwood Leonard Milton Leenheer Steve Lehrman David Leo Donald P. Leone Thomas James Lepley James Eugene Lessick James E. Lewis John Howard Lewis Mary J. Lewis Robert James Lewis Sally A. Lewis Marylou Lickwar Edwin Yee Lim Mary Ruth Liming Stephen Charles Liptak Paul A. Listopad Paul James Little James A..Lowery John Lloyd Lowther Richard R. Lucarell Gilbert V. Lucarelli James Michael Lucente Marvin Lukin Beverly I. Lunn Bmce Howard Luntz Thomas Eugene Lynch Robert G. Lynn Shirley Ann Lyon John Millard Macintosh, Jr. John Michael Macabobby Barbara A. Macdonald Marie Ann Machuga Frank Robert Madura Mark D. Magana Beverly J. Mag& Joseph F. Malmisur Frank Joseph Mancini Angela Marie Manginelli Robert B. Mangold David Arthur Mangun Matthew Thomas Manley John J. Manolukas Jennifer Marie Mansfield Nicole Mariani John Anthony Marino H. Joseph Marra Michael John Marrie Thomas James Martin Tracy Lynn Martin - Richard John Martinko Talva E. Maslach John Joseph Massie John Masternick Louis C. Mastrian Donna Jean Mastromatteo Stephen Joseph Matesevac Mary Ruj eania Mathews-Bebe Richard Charles Mayoras Linda D. Mazias Michael J. Mazzella Amanda Christine McPheron Trevor A. McAleer Eileen Marie McBriarty Paul Wilbert McBride Sue Ann McCambridge Alan Arthur McClish James Edward McCloskey George E. McCloud Charlene E. McCracken David M. McCreary Richard Doyle McElhaney William Patrick McEvoy Elmer L. McFadden Am Frances McGeary Daniel Aloysius McGiffi James M. McGinn Mollie Arm McGovem Richard H. McGregor Gina Christine McHenry Sallie T. McKelvey - Jean E. McKenna John A. McMahon John A. McNally Debra S. Mechling Wallace M. Meikle Ray T. Melillo Charles Dennis Merrell Paul Robert Merz Harry Meshel Salvatore Messina Amy Jo Meszaros Albert M. Metro Debra Ann Mettee Donald Jay Metzger Joseph A. Meyers Carrie Ann Micciche Carl Walter Michael Mike D. Migliore Michael J. Mijic Jon M. Mikolay Martin Joseph Milich Robert P. Milich Edward Joseph Miller Larry Edward Miller Marian G. Miller Suellyn M. Miller Wayne F. Miller Virginia Mae Milliken Rebecca N. Milliron John A. Mills Laurie K. Mills Shirley May Minnozzi Thomas Salvadore Mirante Florence G. =kin Ronald J. Mistovich George Bennett Mitchell Richard A. Mitchells Thomas Robert Mix Sandra Lee Mokros Bonnie Griffith Molnar Robert Eugene Monrean Leonard Monteleone Daniel P. Moore Karen Sue Moore Jane Elizabeth Morckel Elaine Grace Morgan Marjorie Ann Morley Clyde David Morris Thomas James Mucci Barbra A. Munnell Mark E. Munroe Marilyn Ann Murcko George Joseph Murphy Patricia Lee Murphy George Edwin Myers Andrew Gregory Nadzam Frank James Nagy Girish Venugopalan Nair Anthony J. Napoli Lawrence A. Napolitan Celia Neimark Gary Lee Neville New Middletown Open Bert James Newman Richard Allan Nicalek Laura Lee Niebling Brenda M. Nielsen David Nigro Samuel Alfred Norling Thomas Stephen Novak Carl A. Nunziato Linda M. Nuzzo Donald T. Nyalka Traci Ann 0'Brian Colleen Elizabeth Ogan Vincent James Ognibene Virginia Ann 0'Hara Ohio Cultural Alliance Russell M. Oldfield Stephen Michael Olenick Diane Elaine Oliva James Louis Olsavsky Beverly Lynn Olson Carl Milton Olson Carol J. Olson Daniel J. 0'Neill Thomas L. Orr Wendell E. Orr William Berton Orr James Lewis Orsine Thomas James Osuga Ted James Otterson . Nicholas Dan Pacura Wayne Harry Pagani Samuel F. Pagano Gary Edward Palatas Linda Ann Palazzo Charles S. Palmer Stephen A. Palmer Pamela A. Palumbo Ben Pantalone Nicholas Frank Paolini Nicholas Paraska Marcella Parillo James S. Paris Joseph A. Paris Trevor Dowding Parks Cathy Bieber Pmtt David Michael Pasquinelli Thomas Americo Patella Robert Andrew Patrizi Jeff Patterson Kevin Benjamin Patterson Phyllis T. Patterson Robert Campbell Patterson Robin C. Patton Susan Colette Patton Frank Louis Pavlechko Marie A. Pavlicko Joseph Pavlov James Lee Peairs Susan Pe~hkurow Dwayne Ellis Pedrick Vincent Alan Pellegrini John E. Pelles Richard D. Percic Tedrow L. Perkins Booker T. Peterson Elizabeth J. Petrella Yvonne A. Petrella Frank L. Petrony Eugene R. Petrosky Michael J. Petrucci Catherine Louise Phifer Joan A. Philipp Joyce Hillary Pishkur Daniel John Pissini Julie Ann Plekan Joyce A. Pogany James P. Poggione Donald L. Pondillo Philip Edward Ponikvar Barry J. Poor John Arnold Popio James R. Popney John Poponyak Charles J. Popovich Kenneth Potter John Ralph Poulson Jeffrey William Powers John Weed Powers Sandra D. Pressler-Kemper Richard Thomas Price William B. Pride Christopher L. Prime David Lee Pringle Stephen Gregory Puhalla Robert C. Pushay Nick Quattro James Quilty Frank L. Quinn Robert A. Raffle Alfred Paul Raghanti Mary Ann Gloria Ramirez Patrick Ranalli Jill Renee Raslevich Richard R. Ratliff William E. Rausch Jim E. Ray Simon D. Rechedy Larry Gene Reed Rose Ellen Reed Patrick Joseph Reedy William John Reedy James Barry Reese Patricia Ann Reese Lisa Ellen Reeves-Berth Peggy L. Reinhardt Diane Isabelle Reinke ' Robert "Lane Remaley Deborah Rendes Emery Rendes Paul Basil Renier Raymond M. Repasky . Linda EL Resch Michael Edward Resek Elsie L. Rhodes Lawrence H. Richards Kathleen A. Rickert Thomas Peter Rigas M. Alice Riley Beverly F. Rine Jeanne Louise Riser Donna L. Ritch Dean E. Robb Lawrence Edward Roberts Connie M. Robinson Judith Adell Robinson Rockwell International Duane 0. Rodgers Jeffrey Alan Rodgers Timothy George Rodgers Pamela A. Rodland William Leonard Roemer Joseph E. Rohovsky John Philip Rohrbaugh Frederick Joseph Romeo Hassan Ali Ronaghy Joseph Santino Rongone Regina Angeline Root June E. Rose Joseph Leo Ross Eugene E. Rossi Judy Befi Roth Dean S. Roussos Marie J. Rubino Ray B. Rubrake James Nicholas Ruffing Chester E. Rufh William Earl Ruggles Teresa M. Ruozzo Angelo Mark Ruscitti Robert M. Rusnak Susan Russo John H. Ryan Cannel J. Sacco Jessica Sacco Helen E. Salandra Anthony Michael Salerno Mary Patricia Salomone Jeey Allen Saltsman Catherine Ann Saluga Charles P. Sammarone Catherine Ann Santucci Mary Julia Sartori John D. Sasanecki Lowell J. Satre Jeanne Marie Sauline Jay William Saunders Helen M. Savage Roy W. Scarazzo Eric Paul Schaffert James Robert Scharville Howard E. Scheetz Joseph M. Schiffer C. Reid Schmutz Eric Louis Schneider John Milton Scott F. William Scragg Elizabeth Jane Secrest Nora Seivert Edward J. Sekula Richard Norman Selby Elizabeth Gabrielle Seliks Michael J. Senediak Paul R. Sevenich Ronald Michael Sfara Henry C. Sforza Richard Shale James S. Sharlet Bessie Jones Shavers Dennis Dwight Shiplett Robert Walton Shively Richard L. Shook Richard James Shriver Betty Jane Shultz Richard John Shuntich Peter D. Sicafbse Judith W. Sicilia Jeffrey S. Sikora Brian EL Silvers Matthew Siman Janet Lee Simerlink-Reeves Jerome Sims Stephen Joseph Simunich Garry James Sinchak * Mark Alien Singer Anthony Thomas Sinopoli Gregory Joseph Skala Cynthia Lynn Skinner John Anthony Slanina Emily E. Slaven Jim Edward Slivkoff Alyce Rose Slivochka Walter C. Slomski Philip A. Smaldino Raymond M. Smesko D. James Smith Dr. John-Christian Smith Joseph Richard Smith Lany Daniel Smith Lucy Ruby Smith Nancy Ruth Smith Patricia A. Smith Randolph Tremayne Smith Snell& Wilrner, LLP Stephen L. Snidennan Brian Joseph Snow Philip A. Snyder Theodore Larry Socha Dolores Jean Marie Sonoga John T. Sontich Metrechia A. Soper Lisa Anne Spangler Rocco L. Sperati St. MatthTas Home & School Assn. Joseph Dennis Stafford Ronald Peter Stas Dale Kim Stefanski Janice Marie Steffanina Barry L. Stein Jack Stein Dimitrios P. Stephanopoulos Thomas Richard Stephenson Betty Jo Stevens Michael E. Steve? Shannon Marie Stevens James R. Stille Kathleen Ann Stone Jerry L. Stoneburner Janet Elaine Stoops Mary L. Storey Peter Joseph Storey George R. Stowe Todd P. Stratford Kathleen Ann Strelko Paul Suda Richard Alien Suhar Yan sui Ronald Sullivan' Elyn Summers Robert David Summers Phillip Michael Summitt Michael Thomas Sunday Kirsten Elvera Swanson Edward L. Sweeney David C. Sweet Jean M. Sylak Judie Diane Sylak Alan Attila Szabo Pauline F. Szary Lois Mae Tamplin Diane Lynn Chermely Tanner Frank J. Tarantine James Anthony Tarantine Craig Nicholas Tareshawty George Michael Tataseo Marilyn Louise Taylor-Gavi David Lee Tempesta John Michael Terlesky Donna Jean Terzak John Tesner William E. Thayer Anthony John Thomas Edward D. Thomas Hannelore Jean Thomas Mary Place Thomas Robert E. Thomas W. Scott Thomas Mark W. Thomson Wayne Allen Tiedernan E. Gregory Tiemo Timothy George Tillery Gary Alan Tincu James A. Tkach Kenneth M. Tomko Carolyne Marie Toth John Robert Toth . Thomas Arthur Toth Joseph W. Toti Robert Joseph Toti Ronald J. Totten Ray Travaglini James Tressel Eric Edward Trevelline Jeffrey Allen Trimble Susan Claire Trock Maureen Elizabeth Tucker Leon E. Turek William John Turocy William Cecil Tyson Helen T. Ursetta Guy Utterback David Clyde Vanaman Ronald John vanatsky Harry C. Vanbrocklin David Richard VanSuch Matthew G. Vansuch Thomas G. VanWert Robert William Varley Marc H. Vegh Charles B. Vergon Anthony Richard Verostko Frank George Verterano Michael Christopher Villan Robert Alfonso Villani William Charles Vinopal , John Joseph Vinski Donald A. Volenik William J. Volk Eric John Vrabel Anna Renee Vrankovich-Olek Michael J. Vuksta Judith Ilene Waldman Kenneth Harold Walls John Grant Walter John P. Walters Eric John Waser Alice Louise Washington Eleanor Watanakunakom Kevin George Watson Terri Lynn Watters Jeffrey Marvin Weekley Thomas Kenneth Weeter Patricia Helen Weickenand John C. Wendle Kathleen Theresa Wetzl Stephen Douglas White Janet L. Whitfield James E. Whittier Barbara Wigle Catherine C. Wigley Barbara Anne Williams Linda Lou Williams Richard Alan Williams Edward F. Winsen Alese A. Wise Venus Stella Olympia Witte Michael G. Wityshyn -- Barbara J. Wolf Brian J. Wolf Arthur D. Wolfcale Judith Dawn Wolfe W. Dallas Woodall Eleanor Katheryn Woodford James L. Wortman Raymond E. Wylam Ronald Patrick Yaist Paul Eugene Yarab George T. Yates Richard Alan Yecies . Hsuchiao Yeh Alan Joseph York . Melissa L. Young YSU University Scholars Program Florence Margaret Yuhas John Edward Yuhaschek Carl W. Zabel Val Anthony Zampedro Catherine Mary Zapka Jason Alien Zapka Richard P. Zbell Pearl E. Zehr Myron M. Zets Ronald V. Zetterquist Marian E. Zickefoose Anita M. Ziemalc John J. Ziemianski Philip J. Zitello Richard Joseph Zitto Gerald Robert Zoccali Thomas George Zogakk Stella Ann Zone Total Pledged Cash Contributions: $416,940.61 NON-CASH CONTRIBUTIONS Karen & Brendan Consadine $1,500.00 Baby Grand Piano for SMARTS Michael A. Gangone, Jr. 20,000.00 Youngstown City Lot #I9824 Angelo & Donna Pezzuolo 3,118.80 Computer & Film Editing Software Total Non-Cash Contributions: $24,618.80 Youngs town WYSU-FM PLEDGED CASH CONTRIBUTIONS BY RANK $1,000 - $4,999 Dr. & Mrs. James H. Andrews Ms. Mary Alice B. Schaff $500 - $999 Mrs. Jo Ann Beh Dr. & Mrs. William Countryman Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Evan Dr. & Mrs. Anthony H. Stocks Mr. Frank Wanat Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Wolfcale Below $500 Anonymous Mr. George Abinader Ms. Jeannette Abinader Ms. Evaline E. Abram-Diroll Attys. Richard & Karen Abrarns Mr. Scott Ackerman Mr. Chuck Adamo Mr. Jeffrey M. Adams Rev. Kathryn T. Adams Ms. Anna Aey Ms. Susan Aey Mrs. Martha I. Aiken Ms. Deborah Aillo Mr. & Ms. Greg Aker Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Albani Mrs. Hilda Albini Mr. Joe Alessi Ms. Deborah Alexander Ms. Nancy Bizzarri Alleman Dr. & Mrs. Donald Alien Fr. Joseph Alien Mr. Jack N. Alpem Mr. & Mrs. Jaryl Altomare Mr. William J. Ambert Mr. Richard Ames Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Amundsen Mr. & Mrs. David R. Anderson Ms. Lynn Anderson Ms. Linda J. Anthony Mr. Carl Antonelli Dr. Nancy Antonino Mr. Fredrick Appel Ms. Julia Applegate Ms. Thea Arai Ms. Felicia Armstrong Mr. George Armstrong Ms. Gail A. Arneson Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Anidin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Atkinson Mrs. Nancy L. Ault Dr. Louise Audio Ms. Vivian Axiotis Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Babyak Dr. Chris M. Bache Mr. Ralph E. Bacon Mrs. Marilyn J. Badger Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Badolato Mr. & Mrs. William Bagnola Mrs. Barbara L. Balog Mr. Richard J. Baluck Mrs. Virginia L. Bandy Mrs. Ellen W. Banks Mrs. Elizabeth J. Bannon Mrs. Cynthia Baringer Mr. & Mrs. John B. Barkett Dr. Diane & Mr. Ben Barnes Ms. Rebecca Barnhouse Ms. Shirley A. Bartdett Mr. & Mrs. William W. Bardey Ms. Barbara Bartos Mr. John P. Bassetti Mr. & Mrs. James D. Bartafarano Mr. & Mrs. John Battlsti Mr. Gary Baqhman Ms. Patricia A. Barngamer Ms. Joarme E. Beard Josie Beaudis Dr. & Mrs. Jack Becker Ms. Chaia Beckerman Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Beebe Ms. Marilyn Beemaa Ms. Peggy J. Behnke Dr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Beiersdorfer Mr. & Mrs. James Bed Ms. Laurie Bell Mr. & Mrs. William S. Benedikt Mr. Edward J. Bentkowsld Mr. Patrick Beres Mr, Richard H. Berg Dr. & Mrs. MartinBerger Mr. & Mrs George M. Bemardich Mr. Jonathan Best Ms. Margaret F. Bidinotto Mrs. Christine Bidwell Dr. & Mrs. Bill C. Biming Ms. Mary J. Biroschak Mrs. Gretchen R. Dennison Binell Dr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Biswanger, Jr. Mr. J. Edward Black Mr. Anthony Blackburn Ms. Bemice Blair Blood & Cancer Center Mr. & Mrs. Brad Bloomberg Mr. Terry Blunt Ms. Aaa Bobby Mr. David Bobovnyik Ms. Kristin Boehm Mr. Zoltan Bokor Dr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Bolotin Ms. Diane Borovitcky Ms. Dorcas Borton Mr. Christopher R. Bosi Dr. Bege K. Bowers Dr. Joan Boyd Mr. & Mrs. James A. Boyle Mr. Frank Boyles Mr. Garland Bradshaw Ms. Mary Alice Bracishaw Mr. Samuel Brandt ~i emer Ms. Martha L. Brenner Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bresnahan Ms. Carol F. Bretz Ms. Carol Brewster Ms. Jane Brock Ms. Katbqm Brookover Dr. Barbara Brothers Ms. Constance Brown Ms. Mary Brown Ms. Raquel Brown Ms. Donna Bruno Mr. J. Robert Bmya Mrs. Ruth Buckler h4.r. Thomas Buckler Mr. WilHam J. Buckner Ms. Amy Bufano Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bumbaugh Ms. Holly Burnett Ms. Lois Burnett Mrs. Holly Burnett-Hdey Mr. Jeff Byce Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Byo Ms. Cynthia Cairns Dr. Javier Calderon Mr. Roland Cale Mrs. Gabriele Calior Ms. Catherine Caiko Mr. John CaUahan Mr. Joseph Callahan Ms. Ida M. Callan Atty. & Mrs. Jim Callen Mrs. Annette M. Camacci J. Bradley Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Steven Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cantanzriti Mr. & Mrs. Hexman C. Carano Ms. Mellie G. Cardoza Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Carey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph V. Carfora Mr. Sean. Carney Mrs. Catherine C. Cairoll Ms. Gemde Carson Mrs. Lorene Carvin Mrs. Laura Casey Ms. hlary Lou Casey Dr. Frank Castronovo Mr. & Mrs. Louis Catalano Ms. Julia Catchpok Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Catullo Ms. C. J. Cerimele Dr. & Mrs. John N. Cemica Mrs. Mary Jude Cemica Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Cervone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Chako Mr. Dennis Cheplick Ms. Margaret Chianese Dr. & Mrs. David ChiareUa Mr. Fred Child Mrs. Maria E. Chbidis Ms. Becky Chura Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Chordas Mr. Neil Ciminero Mr. & Mrs. William R. Clark Ms. Edith J. Clayton Mrs. Aim L. Chess Mrs. Jodi A Clowes Ms. Debbie Cogan Mrs. Andrea V. Co1aiaco Mr. & Mrs. Jim F. Collier m. sharyn comrnon Ms. Fran Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Conatser Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Comer Ms. Lucy A. Conti Mr. & Mrs. William A. Coati Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Comvay Mrs; Mard M. Cook Dr. Thomas A. Copeland Mr. & Mrs. William Copich Ms. Marianne Coppola Dr. & Mrs. Heme M. Corb6 Ms. Mellie Cordoza Mr. Coy Cornelius Ms. Susan Cospve Mr. Richard Coski Miss Jessica Coudriet Mr. & Mrs. Randall Coudriet Dr. & Mrs. Robert Crafton Mr. Stevea J. Craig Ms. Amy Crawford h4i. ?ad Cresc~o Mrs. Devon Cretella Mr. Matthew N. Crisci . Mr. Troy Cross Mr. kel Cubick Ms. Kathleen J. Cuff Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cmf Mr. & Mrs. Bernie hrdns Ms. Mary CeM Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Cunnkgh~~~ Ms. Kim Curry Mr. David Cuva Dr. & Mrs. Paul Dalbec Mrs. Lisa S. D'Amore Mr. Paul J. Danish Mr. Andrew F. Danus Dr. Rosemary A. D'Apolito Mr. Charles W. Darling Mr. Scott Davidson Ms. Martha Davies Ms. Cynthia Davis Ms. Julia Fuhrman. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Daytner Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Decapno Mr. Ray De Carlo Mrs. Annette Decesare Dr. Jason Delatore Ms. Catherine Demas Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. De Paul Ms. Marilyn Desalvo Ms. Diana De Vito Mr. & Mrs. Scott Dicken Ms. Sara L. Dickson Ms. Lark R. Dickstein Mr. James M. Diffley Tevis Dimascio Mr. & Mrs. Florin Dimitmi Father Giles Dimock Mr. & Mrs. Jim Dinopoulos hh. Fd Mr. Thomas Doll Ms. Debbie Donatelli Mrs. Carol A. Doughem Mr. A. J. Douthitt Mr. George Domes Mrs. Lynn H. Doyle Mr. Matt Doyle Ms. L. Drapcho Mrs. & Mr. Frances Dieyfus Ms. Cpthia J. Droba Ms. Maureen Dmmmond Mr. Richard Dryburgh Dr. Raymond S. Duffett Ms. Linda Ihganne Mr. David D. Dull Mr. & hfc. Mark S. Duncko . Ms. Elsie L. Dursi Mr. Donato D'Urso Ms. Susan Easter Mr. & Dr. John Eaton Ms. Geraldine Eckert Ms. Ellen L. Eckhouse Dr. Constantme G. Economus Mr. & Mrs. Robert Edebum Dr. Gonapda Edirisooriya Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Edwards Mr. Mark W. Edwards Mr. Samuel K. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. C. William Eichenberger Ms. Mary Lou Eicher Mrs. Byron Eichorn Ms. Joanne Eiselstein Ms. Susan J. Elberty Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. Elder Rev. & Mrs. Peter Elencovf Ms. Nydah Ellet Ms. he EUis Mr. & Mrs. John H. Ellison Ms. Gmny Elser Mr. Bob Elwell Ms. Jeanette S. Engle Mr. Kent J. Englehardt Dr. James Esperon Mr. David Esposito Mrs. June E. Esquibel Ms. Kafhnm Ewald Mrs. June Ewing Manal A. Farhan Mr. & Mrs. William E. Farragher Ms. Sara Faudree Mrs. Lori A. Faust Ms. Diane R- Fawley Mr. Donald E. Feindt Ms. Debbie Feke Mrs. Kafhylyan & Mr. Philip Feld Ms. Nancy Felton Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Fereace Mrs. Mary Jo Fer-won Ms. Janet Fetter hk. Mark Fifher Mr. William E. Fink Mr. Dennis C. Finneran Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Fischer h41. & Mrs. Rick J. Fitch Dr. Dorcas C. Fitzgerald Ms. Eva Fitzgerald Mr. James R. Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Fizet, Jr. Ms. Chrisrine Flak Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Fleming Mr. Chris Floros Mr. John K. Fodder Ms. Maurine Fogarty Ms. Deaona Ford Mrs. Margaret J. Ford Ms. Susan Foster Norfolk Southern Foundation h4s. Amla Fributt Ms. Susan H. Francis Mr. Alejanero A. Franco Dr. Alan J. Frank Mr. Frank Frankovich Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray Mr. Art Friedman Mrs. & h4i. Ekabeth Frivddi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Furillo Mr*mLKGaEIl Ms. Molly M. Galano Ms. Donna Galey Mr. & Mrs. John P. Gdagher Ms. Patricia Ann Gallo Mr. Bill Galloway Ms. Renee Garchar Mrs. Kathleen B. Garcia Mrs. Asne T. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Roman Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Gasser Mrs. Sondra Gaylord Mr. Jerome H. Geier Mr. & Mrs. I??fichae D. Wmd Mrs. Barbara Geller Ms. Rebecca Geltz Mrs. Jdce T. Gsniviva Mr. & Mrs. David George Mr. Joseph A. George Mrs. &iois George Ms. Beverly Gibson =. John J. Gillespie Mr Jeff GilIiland m. Heather Gimm h4r. & hh. William P. Gom Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Gould Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Grace Dr. & Mrs. James J. Graneto Mr. Thomas Graney Ms. Sherry Grant Mr. Bob Graves Ms. Judith Graziano Ms. Mary Green Mrs. Frances T. Greenberg Dr. & Mrs. William Greenway Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Oregon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greitzer Judge & Mrs. Lynn B. Gi~ffiIh, Jr. Ms. Terry Grishaber Mr. Andreas Grotewold Mr. James Gue Mrs. Christine J. Guesman Mr. James A. Gumina Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Gurdak Mr. Richard J. Gurska Dr. & Mrs. Stanley D. Guzell Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gyomber Ms. Elaine Habeger Ms. Susan Haddox Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Hahn Mr. Robert A. Hahn Mrs. Mary M. Hake Ms. Prudence Hall Mr. Edward Hallahan -Mr. h4& Hamilton Mr. & hh. Rokrt M Hdton Mr. William J. Hanlon, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Hanzely Mr. Terry Hapach Mrs. Marie Hamgan Mrs. Jaye Hards Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Harris Mr. Jacob Harver Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Hassay Mrs -garet B. Haushalter Mrs. Diaaa Hayes Dr. Norm J. Hazelbaker Mr. & Mrs. William C. Haziest Mrs. Janet M. Hazleite . Ms. Marian Headley Vr. & Mrs. Richard C. Heberling Mr. & Mrs. Patrick EecJaag Dr. Rekcca J. HeWen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Heiman Mr. & Mrs. Harold Henderson Ms. Agnes Hendrickson Mr. Francis J. Hensler Mr. & Mrs. John Herbert Mrs. Ruth G. Hersh Ms. Marian Hesse Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Hewitt Ms. Diva S. Higby Ms. Laura Hill Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hines Ms. Rose Made Hippie Mrs. Blanche P. Hirsch Dr. Cynthia Hirtzel Mrs. & Mr. Shirley J. Hite Mrs. Rebecca HSvely Mr. Matthew L. fflebak Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hobart Mr. Mark T. Hobson Mr. Bob Hockenberry Ms. Linda Hoefert Ms. Melinda Hogue Mr. Richard Hollender Mrs. Benge W. Holz Ms. Marguerite Holz h4s. Arm Mary Howler ' Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick D. Horn Ms. &-en HorreII Mrs. Nola K. Horvarh Mr. Christopher Houser Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Howley Ms. Betty J. Hoyt Mr. David Hoyt Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Hub3 Ms. Melissa Hughes Mr. John Hull Mr. Keith Hunt , Mr. Vern H=jt Ms. Michele Huston Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hvisdos Mrs. M. Hylaad Mr. Andy Inboden Mrs. Lydia Infante Mr. Nmnan hto Mr. & Mrs. Neal D. Li Mr. Angelo J. Itaiiaao Mr. John Jackson Ms. Kay Jackson Rev. Ross B. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. James P. Jakubovic Mr. C. Gilbert James Ms. Mary C. ~ames Mr. Kenneth Jasper Mr. Edward Jay Mr. Leo Jay Ms. Janie S. Jenkins Dr. William Jenkins M. Chris Je-gs Mr. & Mrs. Warren D. Jensen Ms. Holly Johnson Mr. John M. Johnson Mr. Raymond Johnson Ms. Roberta A. Johnson Mr, & Mrs. Carl Johnston Ms. Chauncey Johnston Dr. Barbara Jones Ms. Connie L. Jones Mr. Dan Jones Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Jones Ms. Mary B. Jones Dr. & Mrs. Richard Jones Mr. Robert Jones - Mr. Rudolph Jones Mr. & Mrs. William Jones Mr. Mark Jubelirer Mrs. Susan Kagy Ms. C&y Kajut Mr. Plato Kalfas Dr. John Kames Ms. Martha H. Katz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kavic Mr. Maurice Keaveny Ms. Rebecca Keck Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kekel Ms. Rochelle Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kengor Mrs. Shirley Kessler Ms. Jane Kestner Mr. Andrew Kieppsr Dr. & Mrs. Hyun W. Kirn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kimpel Mrs. Uta King Ms. Do- M. Krng-~r~andi hk. Wfim Kinnick Mr. James L. Kish Ms. Leslie A. Kiske Ms. Mary L. Klein Ms.~~s Ms. Carol Klingensmith Mr. & Mrs. Rex W. Knisley Mrs. Jane Knuppel Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kobulnicky Mr. & Mrs. William R. Koch Ms. Kathleen Kocjan Mr. John Kolar Mr. & Mrs. Richard Konzen Fr. J. James Korda Mr. Albert J. Korsok Ms. Kathy Kortes ' Dr. Kathleen M. Kougl Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Krauss Ms. Anne Kravitz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraj~ianski Ms. Agnes Krevetsky Ms. Jodie Krontiris-Litowitz Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krygowski Mr. Robert Kubiak Ms. Valerie Kuehn & Mr. Tom Engstrom Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kuester Ms. Jean C. Kukura Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Kunkel Prof. David Kurtanich Mr. Jack w. Kud Mrs. Karen E. Lackey Carmen F. Lamancusa Mr." & Mrs. Rodney J. Lamberson Dr. & Mrs. Edward D. Lacy, Jr. - Mr. & Mrs. James W. Laiiz Mr. Humberto Latorre Mrs. Niki Latsko Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Lawson Dr. Gloke M. Leck Ms. Debbie Leece Mr. Gordon M. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Leeper Ms. Colleen Leffheib Mrs. Paula Lei&-Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Lekon hk Milton J. Lerhart Dr. & Mrs. Keith J. Lepak Mrs. Michele Lepore-Hagan Ms. Alice Lev Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ley& Dr. Betty J. Licaa. Dr. Soon-Sik Lim Mrs. KathrynL. &Mr. JohnLima Ms. Leslie Lhabian Mrs. Maryarin LMer Ms. Anita Lin Mr. David A. Lipstreu Dr. Loretta M. Liptak Mr. John Liscio Mr. Bill Livosky Ms. Arlene B. Logan Ms. Joan Logan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lohr Dr. Heather E. Lorimer Mrs. Margaret C. Lorimer Mr. Richard Losasso, Jr. Rev. WilBam J. Loveless Ms. Sarah V. Lown Mr. Steve Lowly Mr. JeiEey I. Lucas Ms. Manuela Lugo Mrs. Ingrid A. Lundquist Ms. Debra Lutz Ms. Lois U. Lynam Mr. & Mrs. David M. Lynn MiGilMacaIi Mr. Robert L. Macomber Ms. Dona Mklacsi Ms. Monica Madaus Mr. & Mrs. John T. Madden Mr. Frank M. Magyar 14s. T& L. Miihanovich Dr. Philip Maiden Ms. Natalie Majoros Mrs. Rosemarie Maki Ms. Cha30tt.e hMkh Ms. 3em.i -Mikin hk. & Ms. Jossph F. h4- Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mancini Mr. Steve htandel Mr & Mrs. Wmiam Manevich hh. & Mrs. John W. MashoIIan Ms. Mary Grace Mamhg Ms. J&m M. hbfield Ms. Kate h4. Marado , Ms. Nicole Marino Ms. Christy Markopoulos Dr. & Mrs. Saaford Marovitz Ms. Debbie Marshall Mr. J. R. Martin & Ms. Linda Hoefert Dr. Scott C. Martin Dr. Agnes Martink0 Ms. Kimberly Mascarella Dr. Lance Masters Mr. & Mrs. Mires Maszczak Mr. David Matheny Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Matune Mr. & Mrs. Don Mauck M. Eda Maxwell Ms. Carolyn J. May Mrs. Marcellene Hawk Mayhall Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mc Bane Ms. Kate McCan. Mr. Gene McCarragher Ms. Rachel McCartney Ms. Rebecca S. McCauley Mr. Charles McChesney Mr. Jesse V. McClain Ms. Marilou A. McClimans Dr. George E. Mc Cloud Mrs. Maggie Me Cloud Mr. Everett McCoIhim Mrs. Deborah McCullough Ms. Betty McDonough Ms. Evangeline McDorman ' Rev. & Mrs. James W. h4cDorman Ms. Patricia McFaiI Ms. Karen McGarry Mr. & Mrs. Joe McGee Mr. Gib McGill Ms. Brenda L. Mchtyre Mr. & Mrs. Delber L. h4cKee Mayor & Mrs. George M. McKelvey Mrs. Linda McKeman Mrs. Pada J. Mc bey Dr. -be M h4cMaho~ Mr. & Mrs. James L. h4cNeal Mr. Tim McNeil. Jr. hk. & hks. Thom h4chiiclde Mr. Ronald McWold Ms. Nancy L. Meacham Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. hdecak Dr. Carol R. Mehler Ms. Leda Mele Mr. Mathew Melonio Dr. & Mrs. Isadore Mendel Miss Clemence R. Mershon Mr. & Mrs. Howard D. Mettee Mrs. Miller Mr. Donald K. Mmer Mrs. Joan Miller Mr. John C. Miller, Jr. Mr. Ronald Miller Ms. Sharon Miller Ms. Yvonne Y. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Paul Milligan Mr. &Mrs. Roy A. h4hm-i Mrs. Judy Mmdicino Mr. & Mrs. Tom Miranda Mr. Arturo E. h@asol Mrs. Terry Mitchell Ms. Linda Mohn Mr. Anthony P. Moldovan &. Lea Moh Mr. James Mondok Ms. Alyce Moore Mr. & Mrs. David J. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Moore Mr. Samuel R. Moore, Jr. Ms. Marianne Morano Mr. & Mrs. Ray Morelli Mr. John A. Moretti Mr. Scott Morey Ms. Corinne Mormi Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Moroco Dr. Alison Enoch Morris Ms. Nancy K. Morris Mrs. Patricia Morrison Ms. Sheila Morrison Ms. Marianne Morway Dr. Joseph Mosca Ms. Hama h4uses Mrs. Sue A. Motzer Mr. & Mrs. William J. MuUen Dr. Philip C. Munro Mr. & Mrs. Mark Munros Mr. Terry hdurcko Ms. Pat Mirphy Dr. Elizabeth L. Myer Mr. Diana Myers M. ~~y Myers Mr. Ken Nared Ms. Linda A. Neb Mrs. Celia Nekk Ms. Mary Jane Nelson Mr. John E. Neville Ms. Nancy Newton Mr. Robert Newton Dr. S. Thomas Niccolls Mr. & Mrs. Robert Noble Ms. Alice Noga Ms. Marilyn Norconk Ms. Mary E. Nourse Ms. Jennifer Novotny Ms. Lorraine Nuzzi Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Nybell Mr. David Ocamb Mr. Robert Ochtyun Mr. Ernest Oelker Mr. George F. O'Hare Mrs. Karen 0'MaIia-Zauderer Ms. Monica F. Ondrusko Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Oravecz Ms. Mary Arne OToole Ms. he Ms. Barbara Pagani Mr. Edward Palguta Mr. Jorry M. Palm Ms. hurie Palmer Dr. Gabriel F. Palmer-Fernandez Mr. William Palornald Mrs. Mary J. Parillo-Orsini Mr. & Mrs. E. Mack Parrott Ms. Stephanie Parrott Mr. & Mrs. Rob Pasha Mr. Louis Paskoff Mr. Robert Passarelli Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Passarelli Mi. Dan Patrick Mr. & Mrs. Jody E. Patrick Mr. & Mrs. Tom Patterson Mr. Frank Patton Mr. Gary Paull Ms. Andrea Pavlick Ms. Helen K Pavlov- Mr. & Mrs. Janes L. Pazol Mr. & Mrs. Harold UT. Pea-ce Ms. Judi Pecoielli Mr. Bill Perez . Ms. Caroline Perjessy Dr. & Mrs. Tedrow L. Perkins Ms. Andrea A. M. Pemotto Ms. Maryann L. Pemotto h4.s. Amba Pedo Mrs. Jeannie Peskin Ms. Mary Petrosky Mr. George J. Peya Dr. & Mrs. C. Alien Pierce Ms. Agnes M. Pierson Mr. Michael Pistolesi Mrs. Mary Place-Thomas Ms. & Mrs. Marc E. Plaingonet Ms. Patricia Pobric Atty. & Mrs. John L. Pogue . - Mr. John Polanski Mr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Polas Mrs. & Mr. Jane H. Pollis Mr. Ronald Pollock Ms. Victoria Pompura Ms. Nancy Porreca Ms. Peg L. Portal Ms. Christine Porter Ms. Linda Porter Mi. & Mrs. Chm Babu Potluri Ms. Ron Powell Ms. Catherine W. Powers Ms. Judy Pozega Ms. Jennifer Pratt Ms. Jacqui A. -sly Ms. Shirley Preston Ms. Medal H. Price Ms. Mary Ann Prince Mr. & Mrs. David M. Privette Ms. Melodie Provencher Mr. Steve Puhalla Mr. Dennis G. Puko Dr. Morris W. Pulliam Mr. & Mrs. James Rafferty Mrs. Elaine B. Raffety Atty. Joe Rafidi Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ramos Mrs. Lorraine Rmchod Ms. Connie Raupach Rev. James E. Ray Ms. mureen Reardon Dr. & Mrs. David G. Reed Mr. Stevea Reese Mr. & Mrs. John J. ~&e Mrs. Janice C. Reichenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Keiih P. Reid Ms. Paula Re&d Mr. Stephen Reinhard Ms. Stacey Reinhart Ms. Jessika Rek Mr. Richard Rentz Ms. Gail Repasky Mr. & Mrs. Martin R. Repasky Mr. & Mrs. Dan Resinger Ms. Regina Reynolds Mr. Ralph M. Ricci Mr. Greg Richards Mr. Ron Richards Ms. Sharon Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Rickard Ms. Margaret Ridge Dr. & Mrs. Steven Riggall Dr. Teresa Riley Ms. Elli Rmko Mr. Frederick R Robsel Mr. David Rockyvich Ms. Theadora Rodgers Ms. Rebecca M. Rogers Mr. Scott Rogers Mr. Paul Rohrbaugh, Jr. Ms. Betsy Roll Ms. Marybeth Roman Mr. Michael W. Roseriberg ' Mrs. Rosemary Ross Mr. & Mrs. Sam D. Roth Ms. Maria Rotimno Ms. Bertha Royster Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Ruby, EI Father Joseph S. Rudjak Dr. Rochelle L. Ruffei Ms. Melinda Rulli Ms. Lees Ruoff Ms. Carolyn Rusnak Mr. Peter Russell Mr. Willard D. Russell Ms. Susan Russo Mr. & hhs. Ron Ryaa Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Sacheman Ms. Pam Sacui Ms. Jo Sagebeer Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Sager Dr. & Mrs. Gary M. Salvner Ms. Barbara Sanders Mr. Jesse Sanders, HI Ms. Michele Sandfrey Ms. Mae Sands Ms. Margaret A. Sandy Ms. Barbara Sanner Mr. Joshua Santone Ms. Danielle Sapino Mr. Larry Sapir Dr. John Sarldssian Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sarldssian Dr. Lowell Satre Ms. Jain A. Savage Ms. Susan M. Savastuk Mrs. Jeanette A. Sbema Mr. Richard J. Sberna Dr. Joanne Scarvell h4i. my SchafT Mr. James Schaffer Mr. & Mrs. Shawn D. Scharf Mr. Toby Scharf Ms. Katbryn Scheel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scheetz Mr. & Mrs. Leonard D. Schiavone Mr. Charles SclifBmer Dr. & Mrs. Steven M. Schildcrout Dr. Lawrence I. Schetterer Ms. Julia Schmidt Mr. Fritz W. Schneider Sister Susan Schorsten Ms. Nancy Schuiz Mr. Helmut Schumacher Mr. Victor Schumacher Mr. Lee S. Schwebel Mr. & 'Mrs. Daniel Scudier Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seclder Mrs. ?Xima SeEus Dr. Louise Sellaro Ms. Marion Seman Mr. Tim Sernan Mr. George Semer Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Sexton Mr. Maii G. Sexton Mr. Albert SWey Dr. Rick Shale John Shanks Mr. Allan Sharapa. Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Sheban Mrs. Becky A. Sheeler Mr. & Mrs. David A. Shepherd Mr. Michael A. Shepherd Mr. Charles F. Sheppard Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Sherman Mrs. Barbara Sheiwood Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Shiderly Dr. Thomas Shipka Mr. David & Ms. Pat Shively Ms. Elaine h4. Sbively Mrs. Madeline P. Shivers Mr. & Mrs. David K. Shriver Ms. Gwen E. Shriver Mr. Shiraz Sidi Mr. Tad Siembida Sigma Alpha Lota Mr. Brian K. Silvers Mr. Jeff Simon Ms. Wendy S. Simon Mr. Stephen J. Simunich Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Singler Ms. Celeste B. Sinistro Dr. & Mrs. Samer Siouffi Ms. Barbara Sifko Ms. Sophia Skoufis Ms. Brooke Slanina Mr. James SIandz Ms. Linda Smaltz Dr. Jeflrey A. Smiley Mr. Bradley Smith Mr. & Mrs. Chris Smith Mrs. Darlene Smith Mr. Douglas Smith Ms. Erica Smith Lee Smith Ms. Mary Helen Smith Dr. Melissa T. Smith Mr. Thomas Smith Mr. & Mrs. Tim Smith Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Smotzer Mr. & Mrs. David 1. Smyntek Mr. Brace D. Snyder Mrs. Con.st.mce G. Snyder Ms. Michelle Snyder Mr. Fred Sole Ms. Florence Soletro Ms. Misty L. Sorger Dr. Angela Spalsbury Ms. Ellen Speicher Ms. Taxi Spielberg Dr. Robert G. Spratt Ms. Jennifer J. Staaf Mr. Michael Staaf Mr. Stephen M. Stahara Ms. Charlotte Stahl Ms. Judy Stanger Ms. Margaret N. Starbuck Mr. Ernest Starks Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. Steams Ms. Gail Steele Mrs. Patricia J. Stefek Mr. Robert Steffes Ms. Carolyn S. Steglich Mr. Jack Stein Ms. Judith Steinbock Dr. Sandra W. Stephan Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Stephenson Ms. Susan L. Stevens Mr. George Stevens Mr. & Mrs. James R. Stewart Mr. David K. Stiver Ms. Joann Stock Mr. Fd Mr. Edward R. Stride Dr. Sharon A. Stringer Ms. Ann Marie Stroney Mr. & Mrs. Allan Stmuss Ms. hlartha Stump Ms. Patdcia Sturgeon Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Stypula Dr. R Sudheendra Mr. Albert Sumell Ms. EUen Summers Mrs. Kerstin SundvaU Ms. Katherine Sutherland Dr. & Mrs. George E. Sutton Ms. Patricia Sveth Ms. Susan Swartzbeck Ms. Florence K. Swierz Mr. & Mrs. Frank Swogger Ms. Ann C. Sd- Mrs. Esht er M. Szskach Mr. Paul Taaona Ms. Janine M. Tareshawty Mr. Chip Taylor Mrs. Patricia D. Taylor Ms. Roberta M. Taylor Ms. Shiriey Tegethoff a ner Dr. Linda J. Tessier Ms. Dorothy Tharpe Dr. Michael Theall Ms. Carol Thompson Mr. James Thompson Mrs. Joann Thompson Mr. John M. Thornton Mrs. Ruth Tibbits Ms. Angelina Tiberio Ms. Maureen Tighe-Brown Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Tidin Dr. Stephanie A. Tingley Mrs. & Mr. Nancy L. Tirpak Mr. & Mrs. Ross F. Tittle Ms. Ann M. Trefefhem Fr. Fred E. Trucksis Mr. Tim Tryon Mr. Robert D. Tupaj Mr. & Mrs. John Turner Mr. Walt Ulbricht Ms. Alexis Uspenski Ms. Marianne Valentine Ms. Barbara Vaiiensi Ms. Mary Van Buren Mr. Andrew Vanish Mr. Allan Vaughan Ms. Jan Vaughn Rev. Daniel M. Venglarik Ms. Debbie Vexmetti Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Verone Atty. & Mrs. Frank G. VeJL"terano Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Victor Ms. Cytft Vigiliotti Mr. Jim Villam Ms. Catherine S. Vbdrey Dr. & Mrs. Peter W. Von Ostwaiden Ms. Barbara Von Thaer hk David L. Vosburgh Mr. Kevin Vosler Mr. Gordon D. Vujevic Mr. Stephen Weer Mr. Tim Wagner Mrs. Diane Wagstrom - Dr. & Mrs. David S. FXJddmm Mr. Richard L. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Walker Mr. Carl J. Walkush Ms. Carol Wall Mr. & Mrs. Don Wallace Ms. Monica A. Walls Ms. Jane Walsh Ms. Heidi M. Walter Mr. & Mrs. R. David Wardale Ms. Regina A. Waris Mr. E.R. Washington-Mason Ms. Aim Waters Ms. Sandra Watters Mr. David R. Webster Dr. Lisa Weiss Mr. Tom WeUer Mrs. Jeanne Wellman Mr. Ben Welsh Mr. Daniel J. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Tim Welsh Mr. & Mrs. M. Frederic Welter Mr. & Mrs. Alan Wenger Dr. & Mrs. Gordon G. Wepfer Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Wheeler Mr. Dan Whirl Ms. Janet White Ms. Louise "White Ms. Marilyn White Ms. Clara K. Wick Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Wiercinsld Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Wiese, Jr. Mr. Gordon Wilber Ms. Diana Williams Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Williams Total Cash Contributions: hk & Mrs. Richard A. Wiim Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wilson Mr. Robert w31son Dr. Sonya M. Wilt . Ms. Sue Wine Dr. & Mrs. Eric J. Wmgler Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wiky Ms. Constance G. Witt Mr. & Mrs. James E. Witt Mr. Joseph A. Wojtowicz Mr. Harry Wood Mr. & Mrs. Doug Woodring Ms. Kay Woods Mr. John Worthington Mr. Darrel Wright & Ms. Lisa Vani Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wright Mr. Paul Wysocki Mrs. Gretchen Yeo Mr. D. Gregg Yoho Mr. & Mrs. David J. Young Dr. & Mrs. Warren M. Young Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Yozwiak Ms. Misook Yun Pyongso Yuoon Ms. Elizabeth zagorski Mr. & Mrs. Terry Zahniser Mrs. Victoria M. Zeiger Ms. Marian Zeigler Dr. Matthias Zeiler Mr. & Mrs. Ron Zetterquist Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Zitello Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Zitto Judge & Mrs. Julius A. Ziotnick Mrs. Sarah G. Zuckennan Mr. James Zupanic Mr. John Zuppo Ms. Lym Scd YOUNGSIOWN STATE UNIVl~RSITY PERSONNEL ACTIONS OCTOBKR 1,2005-DECEMBER 3 1,2005 ",." ",",,,"-" " . ." .---- . . .*" "..' ---v-" "." ,. .... - j . . . .. ............ 7- ." .. . --- ..r. .------ .-- ---... APPOINTMENTS - ....-------..F- HOARD ...... - TRUSTEE! I i NAME -. None I 11. R~hei Witid None, M/C Replacement $4 8,000 N OVKMBKR 2005 Assistant Profrssot Human licology November 1, 2005 $15,446; base Ncw/Pio'i. 1 $48,000 DI'X'ICM BER 200s TITLE " --.- ." " - -- NAMK - " . Ms Molly Ijuuletlc DEPARTMENT . ---- - -- POSITION NA??'o R l~/~I~A(,'/~A//~/V SALARY/FIR (/t~clri~lit~g I CONTRACT1 I (??ENDEK Portion Riitlgc~if APPOINTMENT BASE RACE* -----. Salary) - -.----- TITLE 1)l~I'AItTMICNT .-----*- .-*-A *--**--- ---.- DATES " SALARY - OC1'0??E 2005 OCTOBER 2005 F/C New $14,327 Ms. Mclit~~ie F/C New $29,500 General Studies Dean's Office College uf Cooitlina(i~r/ Arts and Sciences Academic Advisor Coordinaloi SCOPE M,s. Deanna Theodore I-YC Replacement Co-1 lead ( :oadi, lntercollcgiate Athletics $2.949 Cheerleading ,10 A Asian or I*itcific Islandei, ongins in any ol the original peoplesof llie 1-ar I*dsl, Sotitl~i"ii>l I9acilii. lslamls, m Indian siihcoiitii~~til 11 Dliii.k (not of I lispai~ic origin), origins 111 any of the black racial granite 1 (' WI11lc (m~i of I Itspanic niigtii), ongins in Hie original pciiplci. of 1-tirope, Nimli Aliica, or 11it- &litltll~ f<'~st 9 I I I liiipaiiic-Mcxicaii, Pucrto Rican, Cuban, Central/South Anici lean or other Spanish eulkiie FJ *4nwricai1 lndiaii or Alii4~1 origti~s ti1 any of ihc otigii~al ,tcq~les Noit11 AIIIC~IUI &? ^ n P New hire. New hire; Uxternally fuiitIe52 1 1.00 FTE ................. Support Services NOVEMBER 2005 TITLE Ms. Sarah Ellis FIC DEPARTMENT New $27%000 Manager of Re:CREATE CONTRACT1 APPOINTMENT DATES Program Intervention Classroom Instructional Aide ~ssistant Coordinator SALARYIFTE I BASE SALARY COMMENTS Ms. Emily Farkas FIC New I $15>600 1 Rich Center for Autism 1 .oo FTE $1 5>600 $17>73 1 1 .oo FTE WC 1 Replacement i $26>700 Mr. Timothy Maher Metropolitan College MIC Replacement 1 i $58,449 Mr. Gregory Morgione Associate General Counsel Office of the General Counsel 1 .OO-FTE $75>000 $14~790 SO FTE $157600 ! F,c ...... .......... ............ ................ New 1 1 $157600 Social skills Rich Center for Autisnl New hire; Externally finded. Ms. Kathy Rober Classroom Aide DECEM $2> 169 .40 FTE $28,721 I New hire; Temporary. Assistant Reference Librarian (Temporary) ~ana~er, : New hire. . # Replacement , $44> 196 3 ~&dent and University Receivables $3071 15 1-00 FTE $54,000 $7*074 SO FTE $24,916 Customer Service and Operations coordinator of . External Testing Comprehensive Testing Center I New him. -, Ms. Angela Gerthung , FIC - 1 Replacement ! $12,458 *Race abbreviation codes: A = Asian or Pacific Islander, origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, or Indian subcontinent. B = Black (not of Hispanic origin), origins in any of the black racial group. C = White (not of Hispanic origin), origins in the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. H = Hispa~iic-Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, CentralISouth American or other Spanish culture. N - American Indian or Alaskan Native, origins in any of the original peoples of North America. YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL ACTIONS OCTOBER 1,2005-DECEMBER 31,2005 SALARYIFTE CONTRACT1 I APPOINTMENT BASE DEPARTMENT DATES SALARY POSITION NEW or REPLACEMENT (Including Vacant Position Budgeted TITLE New Intervention $1 5>600 a Classroom ' Instructional Aide Replacement Coordinator $28>654 COMMENTS , New hire; Externally NAME 1 RACE* Ms. Tia Johnson ' FIE3 Rich Center for Autism $8>220 1 .oo FTE $1 5,600 $15>539 1 .oo FTE $28>654 $15>575 1 .oo FTE $26>700 funded. New hire; Progress Ms. Shannon Reesh Externally funded. New hire; ! Externally funded. , Replacement ' ~ssistant $26>700 % Coordinator 8- - Ms. Sharon Schroeder FIC . , ., . . . . . , . .. .. , . . . . . . . Metropolitan College OCTOBER 2005 -- - Small Business Development Center Contract Analyst $17>186 .60 FTE $38,192 $9,072 1 .oo FTE $36>288 $15*399 .75 FTE $27,376 $26>553 .90 FTE $39>338 extension; Externally funded. Ms. Holly Burnett-Hanley FIC NIA Research Associate IIlEnvironmental Coordinator Center for Urban and Regional Studies Contract extension; Externally funded. contract extension; Externally Ms. Lana Ilain Research ~ssistant Health Professions I MIC fknded. Contract Analyst Small Business Development Center Mr. William Oliver extension; Externally funded. *Race abbreviation codes: A = Asian or Pacific Islander, origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, or Indian subcontinent. B = Black (not of Hispanic origin), origins in any of the black racial groups. C = White (not of Hispanic origin), origins in the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. H = Hispanic-Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, CentralISouth American or other Spanish culture. N - American Indian or Alaskan Native, origins in any of the original peoples of North America. YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL ACTIONS OCTOBER 1,2005-DECEMBER 31,2005 ENTS FOR BOARD 7 TRUSTEES APPROVAL L POSITION NEW or REPLA CEMENT (Including Vacant Position Budgeted SALARYIFTE CONTRACT1 I APPOINTMENT BASE DATES 1 SALARY 1 COMMENTS 101112005- : $38,588 i Contract NAME 1 RACE* Ms. Patricia Veisz , FIC - Salary) TITLE NIA 1 Sub-center DEPARTMENT Small Business Development Center 613012006 .85 FTE i extension; $60,53 1 Externally i hnded. Director, SBDC NOVEM Coordinator, Summer Festival for the Arts 3ER 2005 college of ~ine Performing Arts Ms. Lori Factor ' FIC 1111612005- ' $10,776 613012006 .SO FTE $34,482 Rehirelretum to previous part- time position from temporary hll-time. SALARYIFTE REPLACEMENT CONTRACT1 APPOINTrnNT $26,121 I 1 .OO FTE *Race abbreviation codes: A = Asian or Pacific Islander, origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, or Indian subcontinent. B = Black (not of Hispanic origin), origins in any of the black racial groups. C = White (not of Hispanic origin), origins inathe original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. H = Hispanic-Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, CentrallSouth American or other Spanish culture. N - American Indian or Alaskan Native, origins in any of the original peoples of North America. YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL ACTIONS OCTOBER 1,2005-DECEMBER 31,2005 NAME 1 RACE* POSITION NEWor REPLACEMENT (Including Vacant Position Budgeted Salary) APPOINTMEN'I TITLE SALARYIFTE I BASE SALARY COMMENTS CONTRACT1 APPOINTMENT DATE SEPARATIONS Dr. John Buoni DECEMBER 2005 , -. ! r WC ; Faculty , Professor ~athekatics & Statistics. *Race abbreviation codes: A =Asian or Pacific Islander, origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, or Indian subcontinent. B = Black (not of Hispanic origin), origins in anyof the black racial groups. C = White (not of Hispanic origin), origins i~ the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. H = Hispanic-Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, CentrallSouth American or other Spanish culture. N - American Indian or Alaskan Native, origins in any of the original peoples of North America. 12-31-05 ! Retirement $953816 ; (ETS) YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL ACTIONS OCTOBER 1,2005-DECEMBER 31,2005 Mr. George Evans SEPARATIONS Dr. Paul Gallagher .......... NAME Coordinator SEPARATIONS: OCTOBER 2005 DEPARTMENT Ms. Cynthia Rogers GENDEIU RACE* PIA Ms. Heidi Jo Thomas FIC PIA CATEGORY OF EMPLOYMENT COMMENTS SEPARATION DATE Instructional Aide TITLE VACANT POSITION BUDGETED SALARY Externally fknded. I Ms. Lori Factor Temporary I appointment ended; returned to part-time 1 position. - I Financial id & ! 0813012005 $28,773 I ! Assistant 1 Asst. Ref. Assistant Coordinator Scholarships Maag Library Resignation. i Ms. Lisa Croyle FIC PIA PIA General Accounting 12/1/2005 Mr. Andrew Kuboff 3 MIC *Race abbreviation codes: A = Asian or Pacific Islander, origins in any of the original peoples of the Far %st, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, or Indian subcontinent. B = Black (not of Hispanic origin), origins in any of the black racial groups. C = White (not of Hispanic origin), origins in the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. H = Hispanic-Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, CentrallSouth American or other Spanish culture. N - American Indian or Alaskan Native, origins in any of the original peoples of North America. YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL ACTIONS OCTOBER 1,2005-DECEMBER 31,2005 SEPARATION TITLE DEPARTMENT DATE Instructional ! Rich Center for Autism ! 12/22/2005 NAME Assistant VACANT POSITION BUDGETED SALARY $2 1,000 : P/A I GENDER1 RACE* COMMENTS Resignation; CATEGORY OF EMPLOYMENT Externally funded. *Race abbreviation codes: A = Asian or Pacific Islander, origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, or Indian subcontinent. B = Black (not of Hispanic origin), origins in any of the black racial groups. C = White (not of Hispanic origin), origins in the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. H = Hispanic-Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, CentralISouth American or other Spanish culture. N - American Indian or Alaskan Native, origins in any of the original peoples of North America.