) May Mar. June July Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1937 - #5 Blast Furna ce relined. 1938 -Bob Wier auit. -Ed Hackett quit. -New furna ce built for lO" Slejlp Mill,Bessemer. 1939 -#3 Blast Furna oe completely rebuilt, including foundation. 1942 -Bruce Powrie fired. -Walter Cook became Field Engineer. '-#1 Blast Furnace finished and put in service. 1945 -Kohlmorgen fired~ 1946 -Dave Lindsay started~ - #2 Blast Furna ce relined from mantle to the top . -#3 Blast Furnace fitted with high pressure top. -Pat ele l a id off' • . -Flue dust swnp at #3 Blast Furna ce put in operation. - New furna ce complete ",ith foundation in operation a t lO" Skelp .Mill, Bessemer. -Geffel quit to return to the Army. -Went through #1,2 and 4 Blast Furna ces on scaffolds. - #2 Blast Furna ce lined from. the mantle down. - New Tables,B and BB,in operation at the 40" Mill,O.H. 1947 J an. -Received ne,,, Buff' and Buff Transit. Feb. -New shop built for Linde at the 19" Mill,Bes semer. . Mar. - #5 Blast. Furna ce completely rebuilt and blown in.Two bays added to ca st house and one bay to gr anulated slag runway. Apr. - New 48" Strip 1-1:ill in operation at O.H. -Bill Lantz quit to go with Bucheit. -Built turnaround tra ck at west end of EWT. -Installed snubbers and new sa", t able at "l CBW Mill. - -Installed leveller a t #3 EWT Mill. -Rhuele qu!t. May -Completed 36" concrete pipe sewer from 48" Strip Mill to river. -Dave Lindsay let go after a fight ,,,i th Strayer. -Rhodes,Reinerth and Mof'f quit. . June -#5 Stra i ghtener and Landis Fa cing Machines went into use at CBW Mill. -Rotobla st at #2 E~'lT Mill complete and in service~ July -Bruce- ,Car penter, OH Supt. , quit. - Miller,from Chicago,ne"l OH Supt. -#4 Blast Furna ce relined to mantle. At~. -Leventry retired a s G. M.,John Graft the new G. M. -Landis Threading Ma chines in service at CBW Mill. -Laid 30" Water Line in river. Sept. - Steve ~iheeler left to go with UE&FCo in Fr ,n ce. Oct. -Linden quit a t Galv nizi ng Shop . -Davies uit at OH. -Collins quit at Coke Works. - #5 Soaking Pit t OH rebuilt. __ ~ ____ ~~-Reno g ve UD running instrument. Dec. J an. 3 23 J an . Feb. Mar. 19 Mar~ Apr~23 Apr. May June July Aug . 4 Aug . Sept. Nov. Dec. 1947 -Pusher at 10" Skelp Mill,Be ssemer,reset and braced~ - Ga s burner a t #2 Bl a st Furna ce ins t lIed. -"0" St and at 10" Skelp Mill,Bessemer,in operation. 1948 -Pa s uale Gliemmo died at 6 : 20 am. - Snm1ed lO" from 9 am to 9 pm . -Pipe Bundler at cmv Mill inst a lled. - #1 Landis Thr ea der at #1 CBVI Mill inst alled. -Enlar ged uncoiler at #2 CBW Mill installed~ - #2 Abramson Strai ghtener in j obbing floor relocated and in service. - Ander s on left a t Cok e Works~ - Ba chtel let out a t the Be ssemer. - Meehan Boiler ,Works burnt dOVTn after being s truck by lightning~ -Lawrence Par ks died. - Rode scaffold do\v.n through #4 Bl a s t Furna ce.Patch job on lin i ng. - #1 Bl a st Furna ce broke out at iron notch • • - Addi tion to coa l crushing pl ant a t Cok e Worlcs in operation. - Kofler came to work in f ield party,Reno sat it . out in t he of fice. - New ma chinery a t #2 CBW Mill in oper tion~ -Ra i s ed tra ck at old boiler house, Coke Works,removed. - New concrete reta ining wall at coa l handling plant, Coke Work s , inst alled -Elevator at #3 Bla st Furna ce in s er vice • . - Barney .McCarthy quit. - New std.gauge tra ck to 40" Mill s c Ie pit at Be s semer in service. -Bill Si ms quit at CBW. - McCoy m de a s s i st ant to Bokelm n. -Burns fired a t the 40" IvIill,OH. -Beatty fired at the Scrap Yard' - 22t -19" Mill,Be s semer,electrified and in s ervice. -Bert Dye ma de MM at 40" 1'-1ill,OH. - Stephens tr n sferred from Bl a st Furna ce to Corp. Sint.Plant Supt. - Wells , Stephens , a ssistant, quit. -Par k i ng lot a t th~ Be ssemer slagged. - Ne"T bell and hopper inst alled in #3 Bla s t Furna ce. , 1949 Jan~l - Moved to the Lincoln Hotel. 15 - Moved to 129 West Glenaven Ave. J an. -Fette retired a t CBW and Roy Ca se took his pla ce a s Supt. Feb.12 - Scott tran sferr ed from Supt. at Be ssemer to meta lurgica l dept.at Cleve. Feb . -DeZutter came from Buffalo to t ke Scott' s place~ Mar. 24 :rvIar~ pr.16 May - #3 Bl a st Furna ce broke out at the iron notch.A week l ater brok e out around the bustle pipe. - Mumaw died at 2 pm. , - George Campbell demoted from As st. St ationery Eng.to working in gang. - SnoilT. - Sharpna ck, NJ:l..1 at CBW Mill, sent ba ck into ma chine shop . - #4 Bl a st Furna ce blew up ba dly • . - Hydrotester in #2 Shippi ng Bl dg . i n service. June 8 - Scattered ~rDsts. 24- Georg e Warren 1 id off for good. - Bill Steele quit. - Murr ay , As st ,. to G. M. , quit. - #5 Bla st Furna ce relined from mantle up . Sa l amander not t ken out but June much of the carbon blocl{ relJl a ced. NeVi bell and hopper inst alled. July - Ne\v sav{ at #1 CBW Mill in serVice. ' Aug .5 - Reno r etired.This ",a s a t company 's request. Aug. Sept. Oct.l Nov.4 9 Dec. . 25 1949 - #3 Hydropress at #3 EWT Nill in service. - New police booth at Bessemer in service. -Speer quit at the Bessemer. -#2 Hydropress a t . EWT Mill in service. - NevI fence put up at west end of Coke Works. -Strike started. -First snm'l. -Returned to work. Worked t he first two weeks of strike,on va cation the next two, then loafed for seven w'orking days. Got half a day r s pay for the 31st of Oct. and a full pay for first half of ·Nov. - #6 Pit Furna ce at OH rebuilt. -Turbo-Blower a t Bessemer in service. -Bill Williams let out a t the Bessemer,was stationery engineer. -Jimmy Garcia out at the Coke l"lorks. -Paul Fry retired. -Dick Hagen forced out of lub.eng.job.Given job in ma chine shop. -Paul Meehan fired for not reporting to work on 24th. 1950 J an.l -Dave Jenkins demoted to, Chief Draftsman. 12 - McLa in started to work. 30 - Bill Dobson let out of Labor Dept. • J an. -#4 Blast Furna ce completely relined, carbon block in hearth and ca st hours e rebuilt. Feb.22 -Roy Case fired. Hildebrand,his assistant,went ba ck to Steel nd Tubes , Harry Jones became Supt.,CBW, and McClintock his assistant. Conklin became assistant at EWT. Mar.17 -Electric drive on 40" Blooming Mill,Bessemer,in service. Apr.22 - Moved to Mrs.~c's house • . June 7 -Took delivery of Plymouth coupe. 19-Carl Cerull and Dave Ohl ma de Assistants to Stauffer. - McLain quit '\11ithout notice. June -Glenn out a s NrM and Bill Carpan za in at CB'I;{. -Diamond Steel scrapped old blowing engine at the Bessemer. July -Diamond Steel Bcrapped steam engine and generator a t bla st furnace power house~ Aug. -Shutrump finished the four service buildings for blast furna ce electric l,transportation,combustion engineers and riggers. -Heller-I-1:urray finished \'l'elfare building a t Coke Works. -New coke battery in service. Sept. -#2 CBW Furna ce rebuilt with two new recuperators by Salem Eng. 24-Big smoke cloud from Canada came over and made it a lmost dark from 2 to 4:30 pm. , Oct. - McCoy out a s Assistant to Hoekleman and Kissavk in. -Diamond Steel tore down boile~ house at Il-O" ~nll, OH. Nov • .:1l -First Sn0'\11. 20 -Dan Hernon died. 24 -The big snmv. About tvlO feet fell in 24 hours.Missed t-vvo days work. Nov. -Diamond Steel .tore down east boiler house at Bessemer. Dec. -Dan Va lentine promoted to boilermake foreman and Bill Montgomery, sst 21 -Femora l nerve in left leg s t arted ~o hurt. Very ba d on 23rd.Wa s able to go to work on 26th. J an.l -John Dunleavy retired. 2 - Si glovT started with us. 1951 25 - Miller transferred to Al abama and Cahill brought ba ck here a s OH Supt. ~l _~o~v Dean left Eng.Dept • __________ _ Feb.7 Apr. 7 15 16 June July 8 Aug . 2 13 14 Sept. 8 1951 - Nerve gave way on right side of f a ce in am . -Fa ce nearly ba ck to normal after tvl'O months~ - WelfCl.re Bldg. at CBW Mill in use. & 17-Snow flurries. - #1 Bla st Furna ce relined and high pressure top inst lIed. - McLaughlin made Supt.,T.& t.. -Ne,\,T office at Coke Works in use. -Scrap chopper at #2 EWT Mill in use. -Bell and hopper repla ced on #2 Bla st Furna ce. " -Conklin fired a t EWT. -Charley Leonard quit. -X-Ray Gauge at 48 " Strip Mill in service. -New ore bridge at #1. Ore Yard in service. -First frost. 1 - #3 Bla st Furna ce relined from mantle up,repla ced bell and hopper, etc. . 18-strayer fired for drinking. Oct. -New dipping tank and conveyor at north pot,Galv. Shop,in service. - Georg e Walker fired at EWT. -Harry Jones in charge of both EWT and CBW Mills. Nov.l - Maughan ma de Supt.,EWT,under Jones. Dec. Jan. 17 Feb.15 Mar. Apr. 15 -First snow. - McClintock made Supt,CBW~and Weedon, Asst. Supt. 1952 -Very severe r ain and electrica l storm in evening~ -T.R.Smith quit voluntarily a s Safet~ Supervisor. -Changed craruc shaft on engine at 40' Mill,OH. -Heavy snow started at 6 am , l a sted until noon. -Bottle cars in use to Bessemer. . May 30 - Steel strike. -Dick ~agen died. 31 -Dingledy fired for dickering for another job. June 2 -Strike started on pm. 12-Muntz televis ion installed. 30-Stopped by pickets at office, l asted one day. July 27-SDDike over. , l Aug. -We made a mist ake of 8 feet in location of scrap hole for chopper at Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 3 20 #3 EWT. . - New ~olumns and beams installed at coverter,Bessemer. -Slabs put under south r ail of .gantry,Bessemer Converter. - New slitter and chopper inst alled and leveller relocated,#3 EWT. -Steam in 1211 pipe line to Col{e Works. -First frost. -First snow. -Bundling r ck t CBW in u se. -Shutrump completed retaining \vall around office, a t Coke Works •. -Barney McCarthy died. - McClintock made Supt. and Maughn his Asst. at EV1T. -Weedon made Supt. and Kline his Asst. at CBW. -Johnson made Supt. and Beale his Asst a t Converter,Bessemer. 17 -Ed Maurice opera ted on. J an. 1 5 Feb.4 13 1953 -Carl Cerull demoted from Asst. Chief Engineer. -Ladle pit for direct hoist at OH in use. -Ed Maurice's leg amputated above knee. -United E & C clos ed t heir office and all personnel left. Boiler house and precipitators complete. 1953 Apr. 17 8; 18- Sn Oi'led all ni'"" t cmd f ollovvi . day . 23 - Si "low l a i d of f . May 22 - 3 8" i n ch es of r a in fell. 31 - Feis ley a nd Rees e t r an sferred to Indu strial Eng . Dept. - Kof l er tran sferred to Labor Dept . July - Buehl er .nd Sedl ock Ce_me to f i el d engi neer s on #5 Bl a s t Furn. job. - #5 Bl a st Furna ce r e lined from mantle up,b~ll an d h opper repl a ced . 10- Strang and Morrovv quit the M s onry Dept . 30- Dave "'agar f ired after an a r gument wi t h Jenk ins . Aug.l - Dutch vfay12_nd f ired a t 48 " St rip lUll. - Went t o Corni ng a nd saw J oe Lombar do after 31 y ea r s . Sept . - #7 and 8 Pit Furna ces comp l et e l y rebuilt "lith neiri covers for cover cr ,nes . Oct.3 - Cr ank sh ft on engine at 2+0" Aill, OI-I,ch ang ed . 30 - First frost. - '\'lent to Kenton n d Wapak onet a on v cation . Kenton seemed much changed , \iapakon et a much t h e same . Nov . - Shutrump finished s outh property l i n e ".raIl .t Cok e Works . 4 - First snow f l urry. 14 - #4 Bl e, s t Furna ce shut dovrn . 18 - Cahill out at OH. Kappenhagen t he new OH Supt~ De c. - Extention t o St op 5 P r k i ng Lot in u s e . 5 - #5 Bl s t Furn ce b nked. 6 - "'Tent on f our days a "leek . 7 - Har mon returned a s El ect. Supt . Pebbl e s demot ed to Asst. 8 - J ohns on out a s a s onry Supt . St ern i s nel'T Supt . 14 - Went on t hr ee days a week. 19 - #2 Bl a st Furna ce banked. 1954 J an . 6 - Koppers s.t arted on ben zol p l a.nt. 10 - Ed Ware r e t i r ed. 13 - St ern, [as onry Supt.,~uit. 18 - Rut h took St ern ' s p l a ce . 1ar . 15 - Kof l er l a i d off t Labor Dept . 18 - Fei sl ey l a i d of f . 19 - Sobers an d Reese l a i d of f . 24 - Sedlock .uit. May - - Raked out #5 Bl e s t Furna ce. June - Patched brick in #5 Bl a s t Fu na ce. Aug .13 - McCorm ck di ed . Sept .lO- I-1c Coy out a s lun , EWT. 15- Sholt i s auit. 22- ll}'roblesk i I f'- i d of f . 27-trlall and Di ckson irJ'ent on f our d y s a we ek. Oct.13 - Ti ndle r etired. 15 - Lj·. 31 inches of r e,i n . 27 - Reyner _u i t. 31 - First Sn OirT. Nov.15 - Hall qu i t . De c.16 - "Tal l vTe nt on five days a we ek. 27 - Reese ret urned. J an. l 10 14 17 25 1955 - Dicks on , went on fiv e day s - Beatty retired . - Adele qu i t , ba by. - #5 Bl a s t Furna ce bl o1tm in. - Bett y ca l led b ck . vveek . 1955 Feb.15 - Irene Furl ong s t arted in offi ce. 26 - #2 Bl a st Furna ce l i t after relini ng from mantle up . Hi gh pressur e top , new bel l and hopper i n s t l I ed. IvIar . - Vic H milIa "\-vent blind. - Char lie Yetter brought ba ck t o office. 23 -Je, ck Al len st arted wi th f i el d en 'ineers . 28 -Feisl ey returned. 30 - Reese went t o ma in office . June 6 - Coleman st a r t ed f or sunrner. 17-Ruth, Ia s onry Supt .,left. 20-~ ~derson,from War ren, t ook hi s pI ce o Jul y 1 - CIO st ruck at 12 :01 am. St r i ke st t l ed before noon. 5 - Drove sheet piling and poured concrete tmder nor t h ore yard wall at s i nt er pl ant. 9 -In st alled nevi bel l nd hopper ~ #1 Bl st Furnave . ug.l &- 2- lade buildi ng repa i r s .t Converter, Be sseme r . 19 - Tommy Hm-lar d f orced t o retire • . Sept.l - Crawford s t arted. 13- Coleman returned t o s chool. Oct. I - Dave Ohl vlent t o W rren. 17 - Hough became Asst. Chi ef Eng . Nov . 4 - First snow . 28 - Eggleston transferred t o Cl evel and, Ar mbru st bec me Coke Norks Supt. De c. - Exp nder f ounda t ions f i ni shed. 31 - Hokel mc: n re ... i gned to go t o Chicago f or Sheet & Tube . 20 - Dave Pebbles retired. 1956 Jan. 1 -Kukilinski succeeded Hoekelman a s Mechanical Supt. 13 -#3 O.H.Furna ce lit after being completely rebuilt. Idle over two years. Feb.25 -TV antenna blew over in a very strong wind storm. 27 -Frank Miller srarted to work a s expediter. Mar. 6 -John Ferguson died. 16 -About 10" of snow. 23 -Chris Dalambakis returned to the Labor Dept. 29 -##4 Blast Furnace lit. Apr.l -Milligan took over as Electrical Engineer. 17 -Lost two concDete forms at the flues of #11 O.H. June 1 -#4 Blast Furnace shut sown and .raked out. 2 -Ensley Reno died of a stroke. 23-18" Cast Iron Pipe installed under hot metql track at B&O und~rpass. -Big storm did much road damage at Struthers and Campbell. July 1 -Strike started at 12:01 a.m. Aug.4 -Strike over,returned to mill.Worlted or took vacation during strike. -North end of coal bridge blown off track about 5:30 p.m. North end was out· of line 45'-6". Sept.12-Put pressure on first pipe in the expander on a tryout. 25-Gyromat at #1 C.B.W. in operation. 28-Diamond Steel finished repairs on skull cracker structure. Oct.8 -Yakubec came down from Eng.Dept. to replace Miller. 15 -DeZutter became Supt.of 48" Strip Mill. -Schettler became Supt.of the Bessemer Plant. l -Ransom became Supt.of the Roll Turners. 27 -Harold Warnock died. 31 -Frank Miller quit to got. with Mesta at New Castle. -Perman quit at the Eng.Dept. Nov.3 -New crane at Skull Cracker in operation • . -The first snow;light. (, ( 1956 Dec.lO -Plastic coating equipment went into service at Bessemer. . 1957. Jan.16 -Gyromat a t #2 E. W.T.in opera tion. 18 -Bessemer Converter gantry crane repa ired by Diamond Steel. Tra ck 28 Feb.5 11 28 Mar.l 8 Apr.4 t aken up and reset in concrete. -Raymond Gra y started with Field Engineers. -Conc.floor poured in three ea st bays of Galv.Bldg . -East circula r tra ck at 40" Merry-Go-Round renewed. -Installed new· bed plates under dri;ves a t "1 E. W.T. -Kappenhagen became Supt.of all steel making opera tions in district. -Welfare building behind Bessemer soaking pits burnt. Rebuilt a t . once. -#4 Blast Furnace blown down. -New fence put in along dump on Powers Way. 27 -Irving Johnson,former Masonry Supt.,died. May 3 -concrete road put in between C.B.W. and Galv.Shop. 7 -Cincinnati Milling I"1ach. Grinder insta lled at O. H. Roll Shop. , 15 -Finished re,t a ing wall and founda tiond for add.to C.B. \v.Shipping Bay. June 15-Kline became Asst. Supt.at 48 " Strip Mill. -Erdis became Asst. Supt. a. t C. B. W. 24-#2 Bla st Furna ce broke out at iron notch. July 5 -#2 Bla st Furnace ba ck in opera tion. Aug.7 -O.H. 40" crankshaft changed. Sept.20-Vic Chartener died of lung cancer.. . . 27-First frost, f a irly heavy. Oct.2·5 -Russel Jones let out a s Asst. Supt.a t Bessemer. Wagg.ener new Asst. 26 - A little snow in the a i n . 29 -Polla ck pulled out a fter a. rebui ld on #3 Bla st Furna ce.Furna c.e not finished, company to finish. Salamanden dra ined, carbon block ~eplaced Nov.ll Dec.l 8 26 29 31 Jan.8 31 Feb.l 10 Mar. 31 completely re~ined,new bell and hopper, etc. -Feisley l a id offJ - Went on 4 days a week. -All open hearths idle,5 were opera ting. #l Bl.Fce.only operating . - Samuel J.Liggett died a t 9 a . m. -Five open hea rths went ba ck into opera tion. - New recupera tors installed a t #1 C. B. W. Furnace. 1958 -New cleaning facilities at-Pipe Coating Shop completed. -Longstreet" Horgan,Evans and Harmony forced to retire. -Went on three days a week. . -Ed.Roger~ made General Foreman of Boiler Shop.Valentine became a foreman. -Double-spindle facing amchine,gyromat and straightener. in Job .Shop and Threading Bay at C. B •. W. in operation. -Bruce Wall died of a heart attack .in the office about 1 p.m. June 7 -Froet this morn1ng • . 16-Went on four days a week. 30-Went on five days a week for a while. -County rebuilt the four Center st. bridge piers at O.H.Roll Shop. July 7 -Feisley retur.ned to work. 9 -Dave Ohl returned to YoungsDown. -Hough took over Stouffer's duties, but Stouffer remains on the payrol ., Dave Ohl is the assistant. l5-Koppers finished the rebuild of the Sintering Plant. Aug.3 -The relocation of the #3 Electric Weld Mill completed. 4 -Went on four days a week. Aug.5 6 Sept.8 Oct.2 5 6 18 Nov.5 14 21 Dec.27 1958 -#5 & 6 B.& O.cutoff machines insta.11ed at #3 E.W.T. ( -Bundling machine on #2 Finishing Floor at #2 B.& C.Tube completed. -New Pangborn ~leaner at #3 E.W.T. completed. -Heavy frost. -Installed new 40" Mill Housing and new base under the Crop Shear at the O.H. 40" Mill. -Cook returned to work after being sick since Aug.28. -#3 Blast Furnace lit. -Took off .. #1 Blast Furnace. -Bill Carpanza quit as M.M. · at the B.& C.Tube. -Snow in the evening. -New dust collecting system for both pots in operation at Ga1v.Dept. . 1959 Feb.2 -Farrow Tester installed at #3 E.W.T. 9 -West on ~ive daya a week. Mar.1 -#5 Blast Furnace blown in. . 20~-Kappenhagen tranferred to the Chicago District. May 8 -Mabel Dickson died. 16 -Heavy frost. June 1 -Joe Pavlik promoted to Rigger Foreman. 15-A1len,Gray and Feisley went on sa1ary.Practica1ly the whole eng. dept. 18-Reset the bearing stands unde~ three bearings just east of the engine at the 16-14 Mi11,0.H •. July l5-Steel strike started. lB-Left on vacation to New York City on the Erie in the evening • . 25-Got home from New York about noon. Sept.17-Heavy frost this morning. Nov.2 -First snow squalls. 7 -Supreme Court upheld the Taft-Hartley Act.Men started to return to work on the 11 pm shift. . 22 -Fire at dust collector bin, Galvanizing Dept. , Dec.l1 -Ground caved .in along north side of 7')" city sewer opposite the scale pit at the 22~-19 Mill at the Bessemer about 1:45 pm. 31 -W.I.Man1ey retired as Asst.Gen.Manager. -Vic Drebes retired as Line Gang Foreman. 1960 . Jan.4 -Steel strike settled. . 8 -Pete Wilson retired as Supt.of Blast Furnaces.C.A.Anderson became 20 31 Feb.l 16 22. 29 Mar. 23 Apr. 5 Supt. -Don Sobers came baok to work with Field Engineers. -John Stouffer retired as Chief Engineer. -J.A.Gerberry became Line Gang Foreman. -Fernley Reed died this morning. -Walter Cook operated on. -Ultrasonic Tester after Jumbo Tester at #3 EWT completed. -Dave Pennock started with Field Engineers. -Crane Runway at 18" Hot Bed,OH,levelled,lined and grouted in. -Baffle installed at #5 Blast Furnace Slag Pit. 12 -Kate Roberts died. 18 -Shipping Crane Runway at 10" Skelp Mill,Bess.,lined and grouted. Girders repaired and new walkway installed. 24 -10" Bar Mill Furnace,Bess.,rebui1t. . June 1 -4i" to 8 5/8" Plastic Coating .Mill construction job done. l2-Plastic Coating Mill making acceptable coated pipe. 20-Went on four days a week. 1960 June 30-#1 Blast Furnace relined from mantle up, patched below mantle. . #5 Trestle repaired. Sept.16-Ted Kissack retired. Oct.l ~First frost. 24 -First. snow. Nov.30 -General retirement of all foremen and salaried employees over 65 years old and the retirement or f~r-~ of a large number under 65. Eng.Dept. lost Seifert,Waite,Yetter,Andrews and Jones. . 1961 Jan.16 -Leon Lipson became Asst.Supt.,~echanical Dept. 31 -Koppers practically completed Battery "c" at Coke Plant. -Plug conveyor in operation at #2 Plastic Coating Line. Mar.l .,..#1 and "2 Heating Furnaces at 16-14 Mill rebuilt from floor beams 6 12 19 22 Apr.22 up.New flue built and lined with castible. -#3 Plastic Line coating. pipe. -Pumps went into operation at the 21i-19 Mill Scale Pit at Bess. -Pumps went into operation at the 40" Mill Scale Pit at Bess. -Diamond Steel replaced six rings. on #1 Soaking Pit Stack at Bess. ~Replaced bearing slabs and levelled cover crane rails on Pits 1,2,3 & 4 at Bessemer. . -Reset mill shoe for #3 & #4 Passes. at 19" Mill,Bessemer. -Reset Table AA at 40" Mill,Bessemer. -Replaced. roof truss north. of the Bessemer converters. May 30 -Heavy frost. this morning. July 5 -#1 Blast Furnace. lit this morning. -Gilford Davis,the carpenter foreman,died of a heart attack. 6 -Ed. Weedon made Gen.Supt.of the Youngstown District. -John Erdis made Supt.of the C.B.W.Mills. l8-Thermatool Welder at. #2 E.W.T. in operation. 3l-Len Hough left this District to become Chief Engineer at Canton. Aug.l -Richard T.Richmond became Chief Engineer in place of Hough. Sept.22-Shutrump finished putti~ a floor in the Gibson Run Culvert from Poland Ave.to about 75 south of the river. 29-East End Bridge repairs done. Steel by Diamond Steel, concrete by Intrusion Prepakt. , Oct.l -Ladle Lining Pit at east end of O.H.rebuilt. 30 -Finished the repair work on #2,3 & 4 Ore Trestle.Very extensive repairs included raising columns,new column stubs,new cross-. Nov.8 11 30 Dec.19 23 29 31 girders and stringers. -First snow,no frost. -First frost that I noticed. . -Al Olson and KnUte Harmon left. Will retire on Dec.3l. -Straightener for rounds at 16-14 Mil1,0.H.,completed. -#2 C.B.W furnace overhauled and flue repaired. -Howard Smith and Horace Buckles r.etir.ed. -John Graft retired aSr Genera l Manger. Ross Philips became the new General Manager. -C.W.DeZutter retired as Supt.of the 44" Strip Mill. E.L.Kline became the new Supt. 1962 Jan.14 -Erected new soaking pit crane at 40" O.H.Pits. 17 -Walter Cook started to work out of. the Market st. Office. Feb.15 Mar. 3 27 -Don Rearick became Electrical Supt. -Dory became Line Gang Foreman. -Installed new pickling tanks on north side 'of Galvanizing Dept. -Lengthened slab transfer ay 40" Mill,O.H. -Coke Works Battery "c" in operation. 1962 Apr.14 -#2 Blast Furnace rebuilt. Two new columns,new shell,strengthened shell,ceramic brick bottom with carbon brick lining to mantle, 21,23 & 24 stoves renovated. 24 -Walter Cook died at the North Side Hospital about 4:30 p.m. Autopsy showed that a weak spot in the aorta broke. May 3 -Six bins under the trestle at #1 Blast Furnace fell in in the early morning. No one hur·t. June 4 ,-Mrs.Funk had a stroke in the night. July 19-Louis Yakubek left the company today. Aug.l -Paul Crawford officially became Field Engineer. Oct.l -Walter Cook,Jr.,became General Foreman,Inspection,E.W.T •• 22 -Angle straightener at Bessemer in operation. 24 -First snow in afternoon, first frost and freeze at night. 29 -Harry Anderson became Supt.of Construction for No.5 E.W.T •• Nov.8 -Knocked the Berger transit over. #202 repair job. . 15 -Angle stra ightener at 16-14 M1l1,0.H. in operation. Dec.12 -John DiMenno retired as General Electrical Foreman,Blast Furnaces. 1963 J an. 1 -E.L.Weden became Asst.Gen.M~aaer. -Skinny Williams retires as Elect.Foreman a t the B.& C.Tube. 21 - Work started on #5 E.W.T. a t temporary wooden stores building and 24 Feb. 20 Mar. 4 Apr. 3 7 10 19 May 1 a t west end of #3 E. W.T. - Eleven below zero this. morning •. -Poured first concrete in #1 Ship. Bldg. on #5 E. W.T. -Fred Hohlock went to work with Field Engineers. - Mrs.Funk had an insulin shock;to hospital. -Eva Liggett died about noon of a heart attack. -Eva buried. - Mr s.Funk came home. - About two inches of snow this morning. Cool all day. - As of toda~: Gene Klein,Supt.of Electric Weld Mills; Kenny Wagoner, Supt.of $0" ,2lt -19" ,L6-l4" & 44" Mills,O.H.; Lew Shettler, Supt., Bessemer Plant and Johnson,ABst.to Shettler. 24 -Heavy freeze this morning. June 24-Went on 3:30 to 12 mid. shift on #5 E. W.T. Aug .25 -Returned to the day shift. " Oct.22 -Turned #5 E. W·. T. Mill o;ver for the firs t time. 30--First piece of pipe welded in #5 Welder,6 5/8 11 O.D. Nov.2 -First snow early in the morning. 13 -Shutrump finished on #5 E. W.T. " ( 27 - Rolled l a st ~iece of pipe on #3 E. W.T.Mill about 1:00 a .m. Strip Mill and #2 E. W.T. are also done. Will not work again. Dec.16 -Charlet Baer became Asst.Supt.of the E. W.T. Foley became Finishing Floor Foreman •. Kaden is a t the Pla stic Coating Mill. 1964 J an.4 -Started to move #5 E.W.T. storeroom to the B.& C. 10 -Feisley l a id off effe~tive this date. 12 & l3-Had 15 11 of snow. . 17 -Big lay.off of supervisory employees. Mar.18 - Marie Funk went to Gertrude's pla ce ,witha light heart condition. 20 -Took Marie 'unk to the hospita l at 1:30 am with insulin shock. Apr.14 - Moved into the Colonial Motel in Boardman. June 7 -M~rie Funk died at 8 am. Aug .28 -Cea sed ringing time ca~ds. 31 -Feisley returned to work. Sept.13-Jim Kenny died. . l4-First frost. IS-Schuman retired. ( ( Sept.16- Bill Mc~owell died. 27- Helen Naughto~ died. Nov.20 - Snow i n t he night. 1964 . Dec.4 - J a ck Allen wa s trans ferred to Ma r ket st. to .t ake Conti I s. place •• 1965 . Feb.12 - Harry Anderson, Supt.of CQn&truction,finished up this date~ Went to Cleveland a s Ma sonry Supt. . 15 Eq ijogers becam~ Acting Supt.of Construction. July 31- Walter Shields quit to t ake a job in Tampa ,Fla . Aug .7 - Went to Duquesne. Sept.9 - Lou Kukukinski became Supt.of Construction. Oct.6 - Fi r s t fro s t and freeze • . 24 -First snow flurries. Dec.31 - Retired a t end of day on this date. ),966 Jan.22 & 23- started to snow in the early afternoon of the 22nd. Apparently kept it up for most of 'the night. Measured Ilt 'inches about 9:30 on the morn&ng of the 23rd. Thermometer at ·-9 at 7 a.m • . . Winter low -8. George strayer died. Jan. 28- Feb. Apr. 22 May 9 - Started to snow some time after midnight and continued to 10 a.m. Temperature 31 at 9:30 a.m. May 10 - Temperature in the early morning was 21. ~~~~2i : ~i~~~O~~jth~;:dthat I saw. Oct. - The I Anna I Bla st Furnace at Struthers completely torn down-,and the site clear.ed off. Nov.3 - First snow he~e. 1967 Feb. 8 - The winter low a t - 8 . Mar.7 George Schraum WB, S killed a t the 2nd Street cross ing by a P & LE freight when he wa lked in front of the engine. 19 - The tempera ture was 4. Apr.24 - Started to snow between 12 and 1 a .m. Probably t to 1 inch tota l and it stopped by daylight. Ma y 6 - Snow and r a in f a lling a. t 8 a . am. Snow stopped a bout 9 a . m. Sept.25--Tempera ture was 33 and we had our first fro st. Oct.25 - A small amout of snow. Oct.29 - Tempera t ure was 20 and we had avery heavy frost. 1968 Mar. 15- Republic Steel announced that the Warren and Youngstown Districts had been consolidated as the Mahoning Valley District. Philipps went to Gadsden and Weedon remained as Asst.Dist.Manager, subject to the District Manager who had Warren. Apr. 1 - Richmond returned to Cleveland to the General Office. Sept.18- Earl Smith died at 81. Sept.26- Michael F.Marrie died at 10a.m. He was 59 years old. Oct.29 - First snow and sleet and so far it never fro&ted here. Dec.23 - Harold Ellsworth died at 6:30 p.m. at the Lakeside Hospital • . Dec.26 - Harold Ellswo~th buried at Lowellville Cemetary. " 1969 Mar.17 -Aunt Lily took sick,did not seem serious at first. 22 -Dr. Camp sent medicine to her by Mary Davies. 24 -Dr. Camp called. Apr •. l -Dr. Camp called. 6 -Took Aunt Lily to the South Side Hospital about 5:30 p.m. Ruth 11 12 May 9 Feb. 13 Feb.13 Feb.2l had been home and left. ~Aunt Lily died at about 1:30 a.m. -Aunt Lily buried. -Francis C.Batteiger died of a heart ailment at 5:05 p.m. at the Sleigh Bell ~ursing Home. 1970 -Roy C.Goodhue died of a heart attaok in -Horaoe C.Buckles died of a heart attaok -Arthur N.Struble died of a heart attack with him at the time. Chicago. at South Side Hospital. at his home.Gertrude was May 16 -Mr •• Bruce Wall died at 1:30 p.m. at Jensen Beach,Florida. Interment at Poland on May 19. June lS-John Koletich died at Cafaro Hospital at about 4:00 P.M. Jack Stiles was with him at the time. July 22-George James died at 3:20 a.m. ,at his home. He had been sick nine months with Parkinson's Disease and ~rteriosclerosis. Aug.13 -Moved into Gertrude Struble's apartment. 1971 Feb.19-Bill Maurice had a .bad heart attack about midnighton this date. Was placed in the intensive care ward and stayed the~e,almost a month. . Apr.25-Bill Maurice came home from the hospital. June 2l-Grace Kearns died at the age of 99. Dec.17-Hoyte Sexton died in Lisbon at the age of '66. 1972 July 18':'Gavril Moldovan died of a heart attack- at 6:00 a.m. a.t Paul's house. He had been operated on for cancer sometime before. ~ct.lO-25 degrees. and a freeze. Oct.27-Bill Maurice died about 10 a.m. after another heart attack - about 8:00 a.m. Dec.23-Charley Leonard told me that Scotty Martin of the Line Gang . died recently. Dec.27-Louie Gliemmo died of cancer about 5:45 p.m. . 1973 Jan . l C3 - Vic Drebis of the line gang diedof emphysema . 1974, Apr . ll- J a ck Stiles ha d a stroke affecting his right side, but could , walk. and look a fter himself. Wa s in hospit a l f or a we ek . Aug . 9- et Frank. Tusinac , 330. Johnston Pla ce , 1,'lho works on the stretch mill finish i ng floor. . 1975 ( Feb. l - Bill. Sonnenlitter die of a he r t atta ck a t 3 : 15 p . m. a t hasp. Apr. 13-J im Irvin died of post oper s tive complica tions. Apr. 29-Gerald F~isley died a t University Hospital,Cleveland afte~a op e month illness. Died of a bl eed i ng s t oma ch ulcer. May 16- Saw Mi ckey Petr o of Pollack s this evening. I s Field Supt. for Pollack . (Francie Wal sh' s old job. ) ( 1~75 June 14-S1ipped in bathroom and hit water t ank on commode. Loosened two front teeth,cut inner upper lip,etc. June 26-Saw ~om Perry at the Mall. Was in the Accounting Dept. and is retired. In bad shape physically but very good spirits. Aug.4-Elmer Liggett died in his sleep from a cerebral hemmorage. Ruth found him in the morning. Sept.7-Harold Olsen(Al's brother) of the Pipe Shop died of a heart attack. Sept.19-William H.(Buzz)Johnson died of a heart attack at 0215 at North Side Hospita l. Sept.30-Dr.Mangie pulled five upper teeth and put in upper plate furnished b~ Dr.Preston.