- __ --...I' 'BERT", Lester L. Dickson 319 So .,Main- st. Poland, OR 44514 ... · · 111 ";..,..~ ~."'.,:-,<,.,,, • ;J'~. " " , .t4 ;P.'-" . • ,1'; Mr. Thomas T. Tabe'r III 504 South Main Street Muncy, Pa. 17756 Please notify me when the addenda and index are ready as I would like to purchase a copy of it to complete my set. I understand that at this time I will be told about binding the series. Name Address The index of roughly 35 pages, an addenda of 20 to 30 pages having corrections to all known errors and additional information and photo graphs obtained relative to all thirteen booklets, and an overall pre face for the series will be ready about next April. This will NOT be sold in stores. The only way to get it is to send this card in. The print run and price will depend upon how many people desire this wrap up. If you do not yet have the complete series, but plan to do so, get the necessary booklets in 1978. We do not guarantee keeping them all in stock after 1978. X ~F'< . MJ\·f'. \l 0_ '1> l"oo lOCOfaotives.u Harry of' 't1he book1~ to have d1f'f'c4~ellt emphag~.~; Senne or b~ tt0:;"4 .tl! eerta5..n l'Etspaeots thal1 otihEil"S o }"!or insta.nC:6, . ooldeta .2 5.nd 8 ~e exclusl,vely nl':U'l"ow gauge " Booklet S deals VJith the biggesta rS.i1 ... road operation Using about 20 three tru~k Shays" Aotive !'esgel~ch on the pro joct stari..ad In 1959 (!Ina toellY 46 man years of wo:t"'k have gone into tha pro ject w1t.h two mo a man yeaN of 'WJorll: requIred for its l'Jompl.gtiOllo That tig-tIres out about 3q pages ot prlrlted publ1eat:J.on p9r year of l~<3s~a.rc.h., I.f:Je~ t han 1~ 01: the mate1'-'i9,l has appes.rad in print rai1. fan Yluhl 1. catlons D coun ty h1stories. atc/) Tt 1s plrumed to '~(Sa:p 9. complete 80001..: of all f)okla tl! until at least the (~nd {J,t 1978 (; A. 'tel" that date~ they ma-y stat"b t o gf) out of print c Few of the l'ai.l:l?O tld3 Will be resognizedby you.., It you hav$ DeVGll:) heard of the Tionestll Valley 01" the Sharritlld and Tionesta He.ilroad ;,11 then pl~b9.bly none of t~ 350 l'ailr'oad..; arG knovm o :iowav l"!t s.bc)'ut 100 ot thfJl~l wellO 1ncorpors. tod» and m.os t; of' . 6< •• r rHl.mll':U'l apps lU."t in POON Manual.., This h ia tory tells YOt hat these :i:'Ell1roadm actually were - the r'erney Mcn:mtai,R HoR c' D CWl.rruU and B1.nck Forist RoR o t EmpoX'ium and Rich Valley \R(JI$' Ketnar Rnd Kay Fork l1(jRo., Oragon snd Texas fl oRoS' T ... ewisburg a:nd Buffalo Valley 1t<)Rc~ O.aOlla NoR,,!?.tU' 01'1 and on o We have tried to 0 three thh1gs ('~'e 1:6S1 :~ua'.hu481'ul1Y' a~ tm)l#G t hsn 11 ~OOO copies ot ookl13 t #t! havG besn Pt!l"~h-$J.s(1d) ~ 1.. Q Fact.S' and figure8 for tho;tiS~ who wa.."t t o ba ;c;j'dueatsd" ~n F.(U.ln~n 5.111-· i:€~t .for thomt:} ".rho 'iJant to ba ~ntel'9ta:tl1& (\ 30 {Iota of ~.,piG-'Jl.l'an foT:' pGopla tuhc) pre.ta:·. not t o :read., .--r·O.;:;",......~t --1_. \ j ,2,5 #? \i:..ldc.a.f:kine t)~l t-.~l~ ...) :=.".~' Cent1~t; ,~.nrl Clal?.Y.':t.c ~~: it Ghetn Lmn ."" Town. .J 2J ~l; oJUi.M (~'Un";':_e6 0 f,:(~ \ili~U 'hag S£,~"S ar.rl ~ r:; w, 3:rs Goods~.t,t: 'rI.' " tJ'It._ lo ~ V" ... .,; .V ........ na~ ':"O'i1/!)I ~ every 1 ~ Y\:U !IB.."'r use tJlis h. m)''}'<- : il'nt. ~l (.!tlu:M 't'/~ ch", t:.'t.~1 9 C~!rt,ras M t ittD {':t:'cr. r..1.c;~ 0 (O\" 5 th .• ' ifltl.lo OFe~·~tion. ,)1' 19dtrne Jt.~], in Uni SJ.~.. .J 1 ~ .. 1~ •• 'Ei;) O~P!·l'll£.t. \.,~. OO:r' .... ~ fll'r.'ge: 1~'-l.:'()IJ.d('l .e1.e11~~' t\9 ~,i" '.Ig'j Su1J.iv~;,,"l" Ih'3t.t: j. fJ t~1 'De]'b. JP..j;don~ . \ ";~M.~S c .t\10d1"..~W ··t.!mb') eoo in HJi;;;t-truf£, :r~: l: .. and rl·;;:\ .... 'Y ttu.t;,~r lo8!~ .; .:til . .l"Ct: " __ #1 " . , El" ;- .t.tn't.;- ... ,l. t. L}XJ 1 .. 1 ~:':~t}""r ('.! thi': e Wl'i t S oSO arc ~..::" /f'J..1. C~V~l"a \",1St :t>;) ~t~.t Co (Du.~ No", 0 191'n ?: GlrJ' c'\ .. ~nl. S" in te Ba1 . d to Mui"J'l ml It: "lH::' ~ p~ _ ~.17:,J~ ''k -0\c~_ /'\J \ , /.:J C JAN24 >1\ L PM ! } 198 1 / ...... _.,.-c:-.. ----- .!J1&-- _____ -- .---r- .--~--------.-.-:---= -- - - " -'.- Les ter L. Dicks on 319 South ~ain St. Pola nd , OH 44514 Mr . Thomas T. Taber 111 504 South Ma in st. Muncy , PA 17756 Dear Mr . Taber : 319 South Main st. Polan d , OH 44514 Jan. 20, 198 1 . I am writing to inquire if a n copies remain of Sect i on 8-Tiones t a Valley , of the s eries on the Logg ing Rai l road Era of Lumbe ring in Penn sylvania? r ' MY copy was borrmved a nd apparently lost, mu ch to my sorrow. ~ ~ 4.'0 0 An a ddressed envelope is enc l osed. Very truly yours , ~de:v r. ;1. _ ;?~k~ Lester L. Dickson JOHN H. W!STON 101 Prairie Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091 Bookseller -- - Lester L. Dickson 319 South Ma in Street Poland, Ohio 44514 .,.§§§ ---...-~~.- JOHN B. WESTON 101 ......... -. ............... Bookseller Fall, 1981 Welve moved to Illinois and re-stocked our bookshelves! Here is a list of some of our current offerings which will soon in Railfan magazine. We hope you will find something and that we can be of service to you soon. be appearing of interest RAILROAD BOOKS Amtrak Car and locomotive Spotler- The authority on curren I rail passengereqlllp ..... NEW ED. AVAIL SOON Pa ssenger Consists 01 the 1970's-A sampling of equip- ment operated on loday's passenger trains . ...... .. S4.95 Amtrak at Milepost lO-Kari ZImmerman and top rad pho lographers cover Amlrak's fl rS I to years. 84p . 510.00 Amtrak Annual. 1978-79-lndivldual rouleand Iramcover· age. with extenSIVe rosters. 160p. lllus soft 513.95 Amtrak Review. 1981-Superliner. LRC delails complete rOSlers . assignments. lhe la lesl 250 phOlos. . S16.95 An Acquaintaince With Alco-Olmsted reviews the great days of FAssand PAs. IlOacllon photos. 513.50 Burlington Northern Motive Power Annual. 1977-80-Cur renl roster. assign men Is and phOIOS. t 92p . S17 .95 Cabooses of the PRR and LlRR-Roster covel age. wllh draWings. photos. technical details. some color ..... S6.95 California Central Coast Railways-Lumbering roads and shortlines In Santa Cruz County. 360 pholos . $39.95 Canadian Steam-Past and Present-The last days of sleam, plus current excursions 9Sp. 120 photos ..... $9.50 Chesapeake & Ohio-Steam locomotIVe diagrams. 1900- 1949. lIlcluding Pere Marquette classes 1 to plans ... $5.00 C&O Motive Power Annual, 1980-Roslel pholos. histori- cal notes. assignments. U25B feature ·-NEW' ....... S9.95 Colorado's Loneliest Railroad-History of Southern San Luis Valley RR - still operating. 250 photos. roster. 529.95 Colorado & Southern Narrow Gauge-Closing decades of the famous system. 225p. pholos. full coverage $34.95 Diesel Locomotives of the New Haven-All color photo al bum of the entire rosier III the 50'5 & 60'5. 526.95 Pennsylvania R.R. Freight and Passenger Plan Book- 100%drawingsand cQlJlpmcntdmgrams . , , $7 ,50 Eastern Steam Pictorial-The Pennsylvania coal roads in the last years of steam. 700 aCllon photos. 384p $28.00 The Electric Way Across the Mountains-Milwaukee RORd 's electrified section. 300 phO IOS . some color. $32.00 The Erie-Lackawanna Story-Coverage of steam and die sel power and Ira ins since Ihe 1930'5 480p . S35.00 Evening Before the Diesel-The long change from steam to diesel on Grand Trunk. 6CX) photos. 100 draWings .. $44.95 The Final Years-New York Ontario & Western action from the t930's untllthe end in 1957 . 98p. soft . . .... S8 .95 Ghost Railroads of Tennessee-Elmer Sulzer's historical compendium of abandoned lines. 328p. maps . .... 525.00 Handy Railroad Alias of the United States-IndiVidual slale maps with mileage. 1980-8 t data. more ........ $9.95 A History of Ihe Mohawk & Malone-A 200-mile New York Central segmenl to Norlhern New York Stale 200p 517.95 Ithaca·Auburn Short line-McKean gas cars. steam trains and electncs III Lehigh Valley counlry 72p .. S6.00 Lehigh & New England-Alco diesels and Pennsy 2-8-2'5 powered Ihis coal hauler. 80p of action pholos ...... $9.95 Locomotives of the Rio Grande-D&RGW power. steam & diesel. lA71-1980 100 pholos. detallod rOSlers lexl .59.95 Long Island Railroad-Kramer and Krause cover the Pennsy years. FM diesels. the lasl of Sleam. lOOp .... 58.95 Maine Central Diesel Locomotives-A fully illu~trated. all- time roster of MEC and Portland Terminal. 92p ...... 54.00 Maine Central Steam Locomotives-Most MEC and Port land Terminal classes are covered. 96p. diagrams ... S4 .00 Maine Central Photo Album-A collection of MEC pholos Ihroughout 115 entlle history 76p. acllon . S6.95 Marshall Pass-D&RGW's famous mountain pass is cover ed III delall. 150 pholos track maps . $22.95 Memories of New York Central Steam-Historical cover age. mostly the big power in the 1940'5. 352p . . $35.00 The Midland Route-A complele history of the Colorado M idland 275 photos rOsier. 40 drawlllgs . 544.95 Midwest-Florida Sunllners-The great pa ssenger traim. of the 1930'5. 40'5 and 50'5. 262 phOIS. dala . 512.50 Milwaukee Road Bi-Polar Electrics-Superb phOIO and technical covcIi:tqe Pamt schemes. plans ~4p .... . S6 .95 M ilwaukee Rails- T op quality photos of Milwaukee Road's vaned operatIons In recent years 300' Iitustrations S26 .95 New H avcn- A Fond Look Back- A nostalgiC glImpse at the t 940sand50's t 10phoios t 12~ 'oft ........ 510.95 New Mexico's Railroads-Good coveragE' by David F My rick from Ihe 1880's I.) Ihe pres.'nl 200p Illus. soft .. 56.95 Norfolk & Weslern: Giani 0' Steam-Big steam power and the shops thai buill and sPrVlce It 250p. phO luS. .. S35.00 The Norfolk & Western Handbook-Steam era data on lo comotives equipt. structures Photos, drawings .... $12.95 Norfolk & Western Steam-the Last 25 Years-A photo stucy by Rosenburq & Archer. 125 photos. acti on ... 57 .95 Never on Wednesday-The first decade 01 the Rio Grande Zephyr 250greal pholos-a greal book! Soft .. .. $17.50 The Northeast Railroad Scene. Vol. I-Lehigh Valley ac- lion Ilist prior to Con Rail oOp. 100 photos .......... 54.00 Tho, Northeast Railroad Scene. Vol. 11 - The Lehigh & Hud- soon Ri ve r In pre-ConRail action 60p photos ....... 54.00 The Northeast Railroad Scene. Vol. III-The Readlllg Company IU S! pnortoCon R",I 100 pholos actton .. 55.00 The Northeasl Railroad Scene. Vol IV-The Ene-Lacka- wanna In pre-ConRail aclion 88p. t40 phOIOS ....... S6 .50 The Northeasl Railroad Scene,Vof. V-The Jersey Cenlral. just before ConRail 64p. t27 photos .. . ... ......... 56.00 New York Central's Passenger Equipment-Coaches. RPO·s. diners gas-electncs. 1890-1946. 110plans .. 55 .00 Northern Pacific A-Class 4-8-4-Drawlllgs. dala and hls lory ollhe first northerns. 90 photos. some color 512.95 The PA4 Locomotive-Delaware & Hudson's famous AI cos and Iheir hislory. 153 photos. rebuildlflg data .. 522.50 Penn· Reading Seashore Lines-Sal/them New Jersey's own railroad. 1933 to present. 104p. many pholos 513.95 Pennsylvania R,R.- Steam and electric locomotive dia grams. 18~0-1950. 17pof early diesels. t 10 plans. . S5.00 Pillsburgh & Lake Erie-tOO year history of this heavy lon nage railroad. 240p. photos. rosters. maps. . S29.95 The Putnam Division-NYC's N ew York suburban line from the 1930'5 to abandonment. t to photos. 80p ... $8.95 Rails in the Northwest-Excellent conlemporary pholo graphy of BN. UP. SP. WP. Milwaukee & CPR. 80p ... $9.50 Rails in the North Woods-Interesting histories of nine Up· state New York shortlines t 66 photos. Nice! . . 513.95 Rails Under the Mighty Hudson-The Hudson & Manhat tan RR and Pennsy tunnels in history. 80p .56.95 Railway Passenger Car Annual, Vol. 5. 1980-1981-164pof up-to-date information on active flee ts. Photos . .... 58.50 Railway Private Car Annual. Vol. 1. 1979-Car-by-car list- "'g of owners. prior 10. builder. data. Photos ........ 58.00 The Remarkable GG-l-A well illustrated phote-history by Karl Zimmerman. 72p. Plenty of action .......... 55.50 Reading Power Pictorial-Everything on big steam. die sels and electrics. 320p. action photos. roster . .... 530.00 Reflections: The Nickel Plate Years-l00 years of NKP. 1881-1981 . 100 photos. maps. timetables. diagrams . 58.50 Rio Grande In the Rockies-Fine pictorial coverage of current operalions on the DRG&W. 80p. action . .... . $8.50 Rock Island Motive Power-Locomotives and history from t933 through early 50'5. 200 illus .. assignments ... $24.95 Route of the Minule Man-Aclion photo coverage of the Boston & Maine. 1969-1979.64p. soft .............. 55 .00 Route of the Warbonnets-Superb photo-study of the en tire Santa Fe system in the 60's and 70'5. 176p . $22.95 Six Axfe Quartel-An album of 170 photos of modern die sel power in aClion Top quality malerial . 512.95 Southern Pacific Motive Power Annual. 1977-80-Photos data. new locos. assignments. 7- 1-80 roster . S15 .00 Southern Pacific Review, 1980-AII-new SP coverage. in cluding a 1980 diesel roster. Ph otos. aClion. 128p .. 515.00 South Pacific Coast-A Centennial-An album of phobs. sensilive text. and paintings. 325p. 300+ illus. 534.95 Steam in the Alleghenies-Heavy modern steam action on Ihe Western Maryland. The t 940's in photos. 84p .... S8.95 The Stre ator Connection-Santa Fe and PC/ ConRail power on Kankakee Belt. 140 pholos. $16.95 Streamliner Cars- Vol. I. Pullman Standard-Car-by-car listing of carsbuill for U .S. and Canada . . Avail. SOON Super Chief: Train of the Stars-Santa Fe's top passenger tralll in history! Early equip .. photos .............. $18.95 Trains of Northern New England-The 1940'5 and 50'5 in New Hampshire and Vermont. 96p. 120 photos . . .. $8.95 Union Pacific Centennials in Action-The big 6600 HP DDA40X's ' Photos. details. pallli schemes. specs. Sll.95 Union Pacific, 1977-80-A detailed review of UP diesels in the last 3 years. Pholos. action. roster. 208p. S18 .95 V& T Locomotives-Karl Koenig's detailed roster of Virgin- ia & Truckee steam & diesel. 92 photos ........... 514.00 The Water Level Route-Compact coverage of New York Central. lines east of Buffalo. 64p-nice variety' .. . . . $5.95 Wendover. Acme & Virginia Point-BN's Dcnvcr·Tc)( a" mainline & branches in modern action phots 160p 529.95 Western Maryland Diesels-A cornvlete hlst()ncal r(;v!Cw ofWM's fleet. 116p roster. color. pallli schemes . 512.95 Western Pacific's Diesel ·(ears-New. fr om Joe StraoClc everylhlllg on WP 'sd,esel fleel ' Rosl~r. 2081' . $18.85 Western Pacific Pictorial-A masS ive photo album of WP power. equip. & service. 1000 pholos. 370p 536.50 Western Pacific Steam Locos, Pass. Trains and Cars Complete covera ge. 1908-70.497 photos. 5 t dwgs S38 .50 Western Steam Spectacular-The West's flllcst photogla- phers stalk tw04-8-4's & a 4-6-6-4111 '81' 64p ....... . $9 .95 ELECTRIC RAILROADING Across New York by Trolley-The Third Avenue Railway In the 1930'5 and 40's. 100 photos. Conduit Lines ' ..... 53 .95 Altoona's Trolleys-Rohrbeck covers another small Pa city system. Photos. maps. draWings. roster. 72p .... 57.00 Berkshire Street Railway-Four states were once con· nected by this New England line ' t 44p rosier Inaps . S7 .50 Buffalo & Lake Erie Traction-Historical coveraqc of the inlerurban and the Erie City lines. 224p. illus . . . S 10.50 Cambria'S Trolleys-Interurbans and suburban lines of Ihe Johnstown. Pa area. Rosters. maps. 80 photos .. S8 .00 Canarsie Railroad-History of New York's t41h Sire 1- Canarsie subway line. Photos. etc On9. stea m ' . . 56.00 Fares. Please!-A history of Portland. Orego n's s11(>t~fCill syslem. 168p. 269 photos. maps mo re ....... .... St2.95 Hershey Transit-Pennsylva nla's famous strect. r;lI lw.1y system. wilh roster. 75 phOIOS. maps .............. . S7 .00 Hartford & Springfield Street Railway-A good hlslory In diary-style format. with t 92p. photos. maps. roster . . S7 .50 Johnstown Traction Company-The long{'sHlved small cily system- PCC's until t960! Pholos. roster. elc ... S9 .00 New York State Railways-ExtenSive system of slrp,'tcar and Interurban lines in photoccverage Roslers .... S9.00 Northern Electric Railway-Scranton and Montlose Pa . once served by an Interurban 72p roster. maps ... .. S7 .00 The Nantasket Branch-The first electnfled Class' Line in the U S.-on the NelYHaven. 80p. pholos . 512.00 PCC: The Car Thai Fought Back-The most imporlenl slreetcar deSign. 406 photos. lech. dale. dlags S29 .95 The People's Railway-A hislory of thn MuniCipal Railw.lY of San Francisco. 250 photos. roster. maps. more .. 532 .95 The Riverside Line-Public Selvlce of New Jersey's tOlel urban belween Camden & Trenton. BOp. pholOS . . ... S7 .00 Sacramento Northern-Swelt's history of thiS diverse interurban-back again! Photos. rosters 20B p . S18 .95 Third Ralls. Trolley Poles and Pantographs-The Alba ny & Hudson line in New York State used all three ' Roste, . S6.00 Trolleys Down the Mohawk Valley-The Fonda Johns town & GloversVille & Scheneclady Ry. 208p . . .... 57 .00 Trolleys in the Coast Cities-Long Branch. Asb'HY ParI< & Bay Head. N J. were once connected R8p Illus ... S7 .00 Trolleys 10 the Fountain-Northem Ne~ JCrSCy'5 Mon mouth County Electnc In photos. roster. hlst fe- xl . 57 .00 The Trolley Titans-A tllstory of public tran:::.pol tal l()1l II I Atlanta t89p 124 phOIOS 28 maps. more ....... S27.95 Under the Sidewalks of New York-The world s large!)1 subway system III fact and pholos lA4p. roslel .... S16 .95 Union Street Railway-A htstory 01 strl'C: lcal 5 tn N ew 8ec1- ford. Mass. 1872-1947. Pholos maps.A6p $12 .00 Wilkes-Barre Railways Company-A small Ctt y system m Northeastern Pa.-lInlill~50.llIlIS 7 maps . $7 .00 .. Prompt Shipment ____________________ GIlt along fine -----------_________ _ • Personal checks OK for U.S. orders! • CHECK OR MONEY ORDER with your order, please, in U.S. FUNDS ONLY! • Any material found to be un satisfactory may be returned within I 10 days for a futl refund or exchange • book prices and availabilty must be subject to change QTY TITLE PRI CE ILLINOIS RESIDENTS Please add 6% State Sales Tax CHECK OR MONEY' ORDER with your order, please SHIPPING AND U.S. $1 _00 on all orders under $20.00 HANDLING All Foreign: $2.00 per order Ship via 0 UPS (street address) o U.S. Mail TOT AL ENCLOSm Name _______________ . H. WESTON Street City, State. Zip JOHN 101 Prairie Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois 60091 Bookseller I John H, Weston, Bookseiler • 101 Prairie Avenue, Wilmette. Illinois 60091 PHILATELIC EVENT 1 OOth Anniversary of the DURANGO AND SILVERTON NARROW GAUGE LINE Special One Day Run Of The "Durango & Silverton Railway Postal Station" One hundred years ago, the Denver & Rio Grande Railway completed the branch line from Durango, Colorado to Silverton, Colorado. On Sunday July 11, 1882, service was started on this small line and has continued into the twentieth century. Today the line is operated by the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad who recently purchased the line from the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad. To commemorate this anniversary event, the Intermountain Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society and the United States Postal Service will be establishing a one day postal station on board the train between Durango and Silverton on July 11, 1982. ;;~TES POSTi- C~\I\ U.I ~ m ~ :0 - <: z_;:; ::l U,S,MAIL m * - * ******~ A special printed cachet has been prepared for the event. The cachet (a commemorative envelope) will be available on the train or by mail from the Intermountain Chapter. Cost of the cachet is $.75 each or two for $1.25. Use the order blank below. Collectors are required to send with their order either one self-addressed stamped (20¢) envelope (No.1 0 size) or send enough small address gum labels that will be affixed to the cachet. Current stamps will be used unless collectors send their own U.S. postage stamps. Collectors may send in their own covers for cancellations to the NRHS or they can be sent to the Durango & Silvert.on Railway Postal Station - . ' ~"'''~'''0''"A'l''''''''AO.. 111U11L Clerk In Charge - Durango, Colo. ." . '. o· July ~ 1882 81301. If you have any questions, i 11 ~ illllIl!i please write to the NRHS Transfer Sl_~Du~::::'G'_ ~ 1982 j 1982 C lerk's Office in Denver. ',,~h 0 •••• 0 0 / muml Illllrmm 100 Y .. ~ttttttIIllTt ~I?~Y ORDER BLANK Please send Cachets. Amount enclosed ________ _ orders payable to the National Railway Historical Society. Send all orders and covers to: NRHS Transfer Clerk Post Office Box 51 81 T A Denver, Colorado 80217 NAME ______________________ _ ADDRESS _____________________________ __ CITY ___________________________________ __ STATE ____________ __ ZIP ____ _ Make all checks or money Sunday, July 11, 1982 One Cover 75¢ Two Covers $1 ,25 TOTAL COVERS- TOTAL AMOUNT - $ .3 / '1 >0' JVlq/~ ST. rp~ la 1"1(:) J a H. LfLf 51'-1 "'SIr'S : On fYl~t"'c~ Q.;'r'~()f7C:;YI-f ~OL> C(V] oY'd~r -tor Vc::>!. '-{ Gc:vt+ral Ver-If'JO'tJ f ~c.t cvnd -C--OPCJc,r;.~ 4 c,he,cJ- :r o r#/9', So, ~ ~q~e..-never hc:;ard -f,l)~ '{ou c('nc/ f-h e cqnce:;/Ieo/ c:...he;ck. ryC!!? f VI ~V~-r" cJex;,..~1 f '-ovYJ rn f ~qV? k.., J: -f Y u never je .I~ -Ih/~ C heok; plea Sf!:.-. )~t \7)c, v..: V - 1 0W Cle; X W C(~+ +0 ~e.+ f he c. mp/t:I-A t ~t-. J f ha;;.. p Ic ·Q~cci !?1& \Ie r~ Ynuc:..h, V ~i Y /-r(..l ly y /!I C/r:s 1-40