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  • Unknown author (1993-10-29)
    Halloween edition. Psychology student Cynthia DeBlasio gains research experience in communication. Amy Nillson and Jamie Pirotte are the winners of a pumpkin-making contest for the Ronald McDonald House. Panhellenic Council ...
  • Unknown author (1996-10-29)
    Vice president Al Gore visits the valley to seal the Democratic vote in the Mahoning valley. YSU nursing students will conduct stroke screenings to help prevent students, faculty and staff from being hurt by the life-threatening ...
  • Unknown author (1998-10-29)
    YSU raises disability awareness due to the significant increase in the number of students registering for services. YSU community discusses same sex marriage law with Hawaii and Alaska deciding on whether same sex marriages ...
  • Unknown author (2002-10-29)
    Several faculty members have joined new union President Bob Hogue in blasting diversity initiatives of the university. Student witnesses an attack with a screwdriver outside of the Beeghly College of Education building. Student ...
  • Unknown author (2009-10-29)
    Sen. Sherrod Brown, local veterans and YSU officials will come together for the Armed Forces Boulevard ceremony. Dr. Jacek Fabrykowski of YSU's Department of Mathematics and Statistics has been chosen to chair the United ...
  • Unknown author (2013-10-29)
    YSU held its annual Emergency Planning Exercise at the YSU Police Department. Noble Peace Prize nominee Jeff Halper visits YSU. YSU's Model United Nations will be participating in the Lake Erie International United Nations ...
  • Unknown author (2015-10-29)
    Articles focus on the low pay and the struggle of the adjunct faculty members. The Adjunct faculty aim to join forces with the United Steel Workers for unionization. Fans of "Back to the Future II" compare the movie's ...
  • Unknown author (2020-10-29)
    Jambar reports gives a first-person perspective on COVID-19 testing. Penguin Nights are different this year due to COVID-19. Several students at YSU share their experiences, ranging from symptoms to testing to quarantine. ...
  • Unknown author (1953-10-30)
    YoCo celebrates its 13th Annual Homecoming festivities with Pat Oggy and George Ceremuga reigning as king and queen. Kappa Sig's will have their annual Sadie Hawkins Dance November 07. Miss Speaks, internationally known ...
  • Unknown author (1964-10-30)
    President Lyndon B. Johnson won the mock election staged at YU. In a brief visit to campus, Rep. Robert Taft answered questions in his bid for a seat in the U.S. Senate. Youngstown City Council accepted a Federal loan to ...
  • Unknown author (1970-10-30)
    YSU’s Phi Delta Theta chapter revealed that it had no national affiliation. An education graduate student was hospitalized for a gunshot wound received while walking to his car. Enrollment reached the 15,000 mark. Dr. ...
  • Unknown author (1984-10-30)
    Local programs help abused children. Youngstown and YSU increase penalties for marijuana possession. Chemistry professor Howard Matee is honored for his work on splitting water with sunlight. Craig Duff puts on a one-man ...
  • Unknown author (1987-10-30)
    AIDS coverage continues with several true stories of people with AIDS, two editorials, an update from the AIDS Task Force, and an information forum on prevention. Dr. David Baltimore also spoke about “Science and Terror ...
  • Unknown author (1990-10-30)
    Jello Biafra speaks to YSU about censorship and voting registrations. The origins of Halloween are given. During the John J. McDonough Museum of Art construction, the walkway from Bliss Hall to Wick Deck will be closed for ...
  • Unknown author (1992-10-30)
    YSU police make second arrest. Fire protection and suppression programs were held on campus. Interview with student Michael Black on his 'spooky' profession. Foods and Nutrition class 611 gains restaurant experience. The ...
  • Unknown author (1997-10-30)
    YSU Police apprehended a Youngstown man for outstanding warrants early this morning after he abandoned his car at the McDonough Museum of Modern Art. 2.5 million dollars in renovations are planned for Fedor Hall. YSU ...
  • Unknown author (2001-10-30)
    Deans claim it is still too early to see where the $3 million cuts will be made but eliminating classes is the last thing they want to do. The Nontraditional Students Organization is struggling this year with lack of ...
  • Unknown author (2003-10-30)
    University administrators announced that the currently vacant director's position in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity has been filled by Jimmy Myers, formerly the director of the Office for a Multicultural ...
  • Unknown author (2007-10-30)
    Accreditation committee members reveal self-study. The city of Youngstown has approved a contract for a Hazel Street extension project that would link the downtown area with YSU. Jambar speaks with psychology professor ...
  • Unknown author (2008-10-30)
    YSU faculty, students and residents of the Mahoning Valley came together Tuesday night to discuss the current financial crisis affecting both national and global markets. Many students head to the polls for the first ...

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