Presented are the minutes of the 109th meeting of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees. This was a regular meeting. Included are supporting exhibits. Highlights included: resolutions to approve staff/faculty appointments, and to accept gifts to YSU. Presidential, executive, and committee reports followed. Further resolutions created a new program in Shopping Center and Property Management; discontinued the associate’s degree in Nursing program; amended the bylaws of the Academic Senate; adopted the Strategic Plan for 1986-1996; funded the 1985 and 1986 Summer Basketball Camps; financed the repair of the WYSU-FM broadcasting tower; authorized the leasing of Pollock House for use as a university inn; rejected final contract settlement with YSU-OEA; froze salary increases for Professional/Administrative staff until the issue of their forming a union was settled; granted vacation and sick leave amounts to YSU-ACE; conferred emeritus status on retired faculty/staff; loaned managers to the United Way; created a YSU Athletic Hall of Fame and the Penguin Club; altered daycare fees; and extended appreciation to Trustee Edgar Giddens.