Presented are the minutes of the 138th meeting of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees. This was a regular meeting. Included are supporting exhibits. Highlights included: resolutions to approve staff/faculty appointments, to accept gifts to YSU. Presidential, executive, and committee reports followed. The Board further resolved: to approve a new Post-Secondary Enrollment Program; to ratify administrative leave of absence for a classified civil service employee in the Bursar’s Office; to ask the state to use eminent domain to acquire property; to modify facilities rental fees; to define “tuition charge” and to set fees; to enact a policy on scientific misconduct; the bestow honorary degrees upon C. Gilbert James, Jr. and Warren P. Williamson, Jr.; and to add a full-time nurse practitioner to the YSU staff. The Board went into executive session to discuss a personnel issue, with the meeting being adjourned afterward.