Presented are the minutes of the 145th meeting of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees. This was a regular meeting. Included are supporting exhibits. Highlights included: resolutions to approve staff/faculty appointments, to accept gifts to YSU. Presidential, executive, and committee reports followed. Discussion ensued regarding a new University strategic plan. Emeritus status was bestowed upon retired faculty and staff; the recipients of the Distinguished Professor Award and the Watson Award, were announced; The Board further resolved: to approve capital improvements plans; to transfer funds to repair Kilcawley House restrooms; to purchase property to create a new parking spaces; to adjust the bookstore budget; to approve the 1992-93 YSU Budget; to approve a doctoral program in educational leadership; to approve additions to The Code; to explore the construction of a day care center; and to approve YSU’s membership in the Mid-Continent Conference. It was also during this meeting that Atty. Paul Dutton was selected to succeed Neil Humphrey as YSU President.