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The Jambar : November 14, 2013

Show simple item record 2014-01-21T19:25:08Z 2019-09-04T01:52:33Z 2014-01-21T19:25:08Z 2019-09-04T01:52:33Z 2013-11-14
dc.identifier.citation Vol. 96 No. 22 en_US
dc.description.abstract Beeghly College of Eduction works to improve student teaching. A Budget Task Force looks to find additional savings and save jobs. YSU's chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association won first place in a sustainable energy poster competition. Students in the Group Communication class organized Boxes for Soldiers and collected nonperishable items to be sent to soldiers serving overseas. YSU hosted the 2013 Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest's East Central North America Regional Programming Contest. YSU's student literary art association will feature the theme for this semester's Jenny magazine as "Eddie Loves Debbie" graffiti that appears all over Youngstown. Article on No Shave November. Penguin football team prepares to face the No. 1 team of the season, North Dakota State University. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title The Jambar : November 14, 2013 en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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