Presented are the minutes of the 177th meeting of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees on June 21, 1996. This was a regular meeting. During the course of the meeting, Dr. Chander M. Kohli took the oath of office as a trustee. Resolutions of appreciation were extended to outgoing trustees Richard P. McLaughlin and Janet Gbur. The Board went into executive session to discuss the contract negotiations with YSU-OEA and YSU-ACE. Upon returning to the public session, the Board ratified the YSU-OEA labor agreement (the YSU-ACE agreement would be addressed at a separate meeting). President Cochran reported on the Enterprise server, and the dining services contract. Committee reports followed. Resolutions were passed: to adopt the 1996-97 Annual Budget; to name the new College of Education building after the Beeghly Family; to authorize eminent domain proceedings; to appoint an architect for the Stambaugh Stadium expansion project; to accept gifts; to ratify faculty/staff appointments; to confer emeritus status; and to modify the policy on “continuity of employment.”