Presented are the minutes of the 183rd meeting of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees on March 14, 1997. This was a regular meeting. President Cochran reported on the Ohio Board of Regents meeting on the YSU campus, the student assessment of YSU services, NCAA graduation rates, the Governor’s budget recommendations, the publication of a document called “What We Did Well in 1996,” plans for a workshop on Board effectiveness, and the YSU Summer Jazz Camp. Committee reports followed. Resolutions included: the approval of a loan for stadium expansion construction; the authorization to issue bonds to finance the stadium loge expansion project; the approval for an interfund loan for loge expansion construction; the authorization for eminent domain proceedings; the acceptance of gifts; approval for YSU to sign with the Gateway Conference; the approval of faculty/staff appointments; and the approval of the Board policy on partnerships. The Board went into executive session for a time to discuss a matter pertaining to collective bargaining. Afterward, the Board approved a collective bargaining agreement with the YSU police union.