Presented are the minutes of the 210th meeting of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees on June 14, 2000. This was a regular meeting. This was President Cochran’s last appearance before the Board. Accordingly, he reflected upon his time as YSU president. Committee reports followed. The Board resolved to: to commend Dr. Charles McBriarty for his long service at YSU; to honor the YSU Jazz Ensemble I for its “Outstanding Performance” award from Down Beat magazine; to confer an honorary degree upon Herbert F. Schuler, Sr.; to reaffirm scientific misconduct policy; to approve the YSU Budget for FY 2000-2001; to extend higher education benefits to senior citizens; to extend an interfund loan from the Astroturf fund; to accept development gifts; to ratify faculty/staff appointments; to amend the Alternative Retirement Plan; and to confer emeritus status (including upon President Cochran).