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The Jambar : March 29, 2016

Show simple item record 2016-03-29T18:59:01Z 2019-09-03T17:26:31Z 2016-03-29T18:59:01Z 2019-09-03T17:26:31Z 2016-03-29
dc.identifier.citation Vol. 100 No. 18 en_US
dc.description.abstract Smith Hall will be demolished this summer as part of phase two of the University Edge development. YSU hires Ann Jaronski to serve as director of student counseling services. YSU student, Georgia Kasamias, places second at a Latin American Development Summit at McGill University in Montreal. Students attend the Minerals Metals and Material Society conference in Nashville. YSU's Latino Student Organization held their third Annual Cesar Chavez Blood Drive. The Youngstown Cinema will showcase "Dr. Strangelove or : How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" as its first film of the 2016 season. Artist Eric Alleman debuts a solo show at the SOAP Gallery. Sports features sweeping games of the YSU women's softball and the YSU men's baseball teams. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title The Jambar : March 29, 2016 en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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