Presented are the minutes of the 351st meeting of the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees. This was a regular meeting. President Jim Tressel reported that spring commencement exercises graduated the second-largest class in the University’s history. He also reported on the extraordinary efforts of faculty and staff in significantly increasing retention and the number of students living on or adjacent to campus. Dr. Christina Saenger (Marketing) provided a report on the current research she is performing on creating impact through teaching, research, and regional engagement. Dr. Carla Simonini (Foreign Languages and Literatures) described YSU’s small but active Italian language program. Mrs. Monique Frank (senior, Social Work), described her experience as a 40-year old non-traditional student. Mr. David Mouse (junior, Vocal Performance) described the Dana Chorale’s tour of South Korea. Dr. Christina Hardy distributed and reviewed the “Graduate Outcomes Report Academic Year 2015-2016 Executive Summary.” Committee reports were heard. The Board resolved to modify the Intercollegiate Athletics Programs – Student Athletes Policy; to modify the Scheduling of Intercollegiate Athletic, University Sponsored and Recognized Student Organization Activities During Final Examination Period Policy; to approve the Student Travel Policy; to authorize the conferral of emeritus status on faculty; to modify the policy on the appointment of graduate assistants, graduate research assistants, graduate assistant interns, and teaching assistants; to approve the Student Complaint Policy; to authorize the recommendation of candidates for honorary degrees; to approve duplicate program reporting for Youngstown State University; to reorganize the Beeghly College of Education; to approve tenure for the Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems; to accept alumni engagement and WYSU memberships; to modify the policy on deadly weapons restrictions; to combine the policies on purchasing and purchasing limits for competitive selection; to rescind the policy on purchasing limits for competitive selection; to modify and retitle the Display of Posters and Other Printed Materials Policy; to approve the Annual Operating Budget for FY 2018; to approve changes to tuition and fees for the 2017-18 academic and fiscal year; to approve interfund transfers; to authorize the purchase of real estate needed for campus improvement; to ratify the committee resolution authorizing a three-month extension of the YSU/YSU Foundation Development Services Agreement; to ratify personnel actions in Athletics; to modify and retitle the policy on resignation/exit interviews; to modify the policy on the employment of students; to authorize the conferral of emeritus status; to approve the selection of the position for Associate Provost for Student Success; to ratify personnel actions (PA/Faculty Staff); and to approve multiple-year contracts. The Board voted unanimously to memorialize the following individuals: Sheila Colleen Fennell (student), Jordan Bobin (high school student/YSU prospect), Randy Hoover (professor emeritus), Robert Beebe (professor emeritus), Carol DeBlois (Associate Professor), Robert Sorokach, Sr. (professor emeritus), and Kristen Brennan (alumna, wife of Brian Brennan, Assistant University Archivist). Mr. Leonard D. Schiavone was elected to serve as board chairperson for the year 2017-2018. Ms. Delores E. Crawford was elected to serve as board vice chairperson. Mr. Franklin S. Bennett, Jr., was elected to serve as board secretary. Outgoing chairperson Mrs. Carole S. Weimer thanked everyone for a wonderful nine-year term as trustee.