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Academic Deans Council Minutes : October 04, 1978

Show simple item record 2019-04-10T18:45:26Z 2019-09-01T19:35:27Z 2019-04-10T18:45:26Z 2019-09-01T19:35:27Z 1978-10-04
dc.description 2 p. en_US
dc.description.abstract Dr. Edgar called to the deans' attention the error on page 49 of the catalog indicating the grade point average required to be in good standing. The new standard was being implemented this fall Quarter. Dr. Edgar informed the deans that Mr. Owen, the librarian, is developing a plan for spending the special allocation of $100,000 for upgrading the Library holdings. Dr. Humphrey discussed the new travel regulations. Dr. Humphrey was apprised of the need to clarify the regulations concerning the use of facilities by outside organizations. Dr. Humphrey reviewed the problem of sufficient parking facilities that were discussed at the recent Chairmen's meeting. Dr. Edgar distributed the Sutton I.O.C. concerning Registration Practices which was to be discussed at a later meeting. Dr. Edgar distributed the compilation of workloads assigned to various non-lecture course for the deans to verify for accuracy. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Academic Deans Council Minutes : October 04, 1978 en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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