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A joint announcement was made by the Colleges of STEM and BCOE about an Ohio STEM Demonstration Grant for mathematics enrichment programs for 9th and 10th graders and their teachers, effective Summer 2011, in conjunction with Eastern Gateway Community College and Youngstown City schools. The Center for Nonprofit Leadership received a $40,000 grant from the Raymond John Wean Foundation to start a Summer Honors Internship program. Kevin Reynolds came to Council to share information and seek Deans Council's input about faculty position postings so that the process is informed by our needs in the colleges and departments of the academic sector. Forty-two additional summer courses have been proposed to be added. Dr. Khawaja said that it was imperative to look at revenue enhancement while maintaining the original limit/budget for summer school since the Administration was continually looking at budget issues. He noted that the original summer school schedule would not suffer by adding these additional classes. A form to designate the level of degree held by part-time faculty was posted to the Provost's website, and it had to be complete for all part-time faculty. Deans were to respond to Teri Riley's survey about input on what was not working in the current YSU-OEA Agreement. Due to the Kilcawley Center renovation, Events Management asked if it was permissible to hold the August 2011 Freshman Convocation picnic reception in Beeghly Center. Policies pertaining to faculty, part-time faculty and graduate faculty were discussed. The 2nd quarter operating, lab materials, and college fee budgets were passed out. Martin Abraham inquired about the YSU College in High School credit being heavily advertised and offered for $125 for a 3-hour course, and he asked why the tuition level was so low. Dr. Licata requested that the Graduate School Recruitment Fair be held from 6-8 p.m., instead of 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., in order to reach YSU's target market. Dr. Khawaja shared that a subset of the Urban Research Cornerstone group was looking at best practices for Graduate admissions in Ohio. Dr. Khawaja received only one response to his request for what kind of data reports we should routinely have generated for our Division. |
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