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Foreign language professor to speak on Soviet education; Faculty forum and tree planting in honor of the Constitution; San Antonio mayor to speak; Dana professor to present organ recital; Mini music festival to be held

Show simple item record 2020-04-06T16:23:15Z 2020-04-06T16:23:15Z 1987-10-23
dc.description 18 p. en_US
dc.description.abstract Melissa T. Smith, professor of Russian and French, will present a talk on education in the USSR on October 26 in the College of Education student lounge. A YSU faculty forum and tree planting in commemoration of the bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution and Northwest Ordinance will take place on November 12 and 13, respectively. Henry Cisneros, Mayor of San Antonio, Texas and authority on urban economic development, wil speak in the Chestnut Room of Kilcawley Center on November 10 as part ot he Special Lecture Series. Dr. Ronald Gould of the Dana School of Music will present an organ recital on November 1 at St. John's Episcopal Church. The YSU New Music Society will present a "Mini Festival of American Music" on November 2 and 3, in the Bliss Recital Hall. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Foreign language professor to speak on Soviet education; Faculty forum and tree planting in honor of the Constitution; San Antonio mayor to speak; Dana professor to present organ recital; Mini music festival to be held en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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