YSU’s Office of Continuing Education will coffer two computer courses beginning on September 27. These will be “Computer Literacy,” a basic overview of computer technology, and “Programming with Basic I,” for those with little or no experience in programming. In addition, Continuing Education will offer two courses on golf fundamentals, “Beginning Golf” and “Intermediate Golf.” Classes will meet on Saturday morning from September 27 through November 1. The Office of Minority Student Services at YSU will hold a reception for minority students entering the University on September 23 in Kilcawley Center. The purpose will be to give minority students the opportunity to meet and interact with faculty and administrators on an informal basis. Twenty-two dolls portrayed in sculpture, construction, paintings, and photographs—each reflecting a thought or theme by the twenty-two artists—will be featured in the Kilcawley Art Gallery from September 24 through October 18.