The clack of typewriters and the whirr of adding machines will be heard at the "Business Olympics" Saturday, April 23, at YSU.YSU Professor of English Dr. James T. Henke has been romancing the romance novel. He's currently soliciting romance readers' responses explaining how their reading habits effect their lives. Henry Garono, grounds director at YSU, is featured in the February edition of "School and College," a national magazine with a circulation of approximately 70,000. A workshop for teenagers will bring sophomore and junior high school students from Mahoning and Trumbull counties to the campus of YSU on March 24. "Survival Kit for Today's Times: A Workshop for Teenagers" is sponsored by YSU's Department of Counseling and Office of Continuing Education, the Parkview Counseling Center, the Eastern Mental Health Center and the 648 Boards of Mahoning and Trumbull counties.