YSU Office of Continuing Education will offer "Intro to Word Processing," a two-week course on campus April 15-24. William H. Cossler of New Springfield has been appointed to the Ohio Job Training Coordinating Council by Gov. Richard Celeste. Cossler is technology transfer agent for the Ohio Technology Transfer Organization in this area, and his office is in YSU's Cushwa Center for Industrial Development. "Interior Design With a Country Flair, and More" is a six-week course will teach participants how to give their home a professionally decorated look. It is sponsored by the Office of Continuing Education. Two speedreading courses will be offered at YSU through the Office of Continuing Education. "Speedreading for the College Bound" will be helpful for those going to college for the first time, or returning after a period of time and "Speedreading for the Professional," is directed more for those in business.