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YSU and University of Akron enters into an agreement; and Leaders from the shopping center world are guests for YSU's course in Shopping Center Development

Show simple item record 2020-05-18T18:16:29Z 2020-05-18T18:16:29Z 1987-04-30
dc.description 4 p. en_US
dc.description.abstract Youngstown State University and the University of Akron entered into an agreement which will allow engineers and students living and working in this area to take courses beyond the Master's Degree at YSU as part of the Ph.D (doctoral) Degree program in engineering at Akron. Students who qualify for the UA doctoral program will be allowed to take up to 21 quarter hours at YSU, when approved by the student's UA Student Advisory Committee. Five leaders from the shopping center world will be special guests over the next few weeks for YSU's course in Shopping Center Development. J.J. Cofaro, executive vice president of the Cafaro Co.; Anthony Ross, president of real estate and senior vice president of Cafaro Co.; John Richley, director of operations of Cafaro; William D. Moses, senior vice president of real estate operations for the Edward J. DeBartolo Corp.; and Daniel Lowe, DeBartolo director of market research will offer their expertise to some two dozen YSU students taking the course, which just opened this Spring Quarter. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title YSU and University of Akron enters into an agreement; and Leaders from the shopping center world are guests for YSU's course in Shopping Center Development en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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