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[Youngstown State University Symphonic Wind Ensemble] November 6, 1978

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dc.contributor Fleming, Robert E. (conductor)
dc.contributor Lapinski, Joseph (conductor)
dc.contributor Mayhall, Walter S. (performer)
dc.contributor.other Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869
dc.contributor.other Tull, Fisher
dc.contributor.other Vivaldi, Antonio, 1678-1741
dc.contributor.other Hill, William H. (William Herbert), 1930-2000
dc.contributor.other Schoenberg, Arnold, 1874-1951
dc.contributor.other Bennett, Robert Russell, 1894-1981
dc.contributor.other Alford, Kenneth J.,
dc.contributor.other King, Karl, 1891-1971
dc.contributor.other Edwards, Joseph (Clarinetist), conductor
dc.contributor.other Youngstown State University. Wind Ensemble, performer
dc.coverage.spatial Stambaugh Auditorium 2021-09-09T17:14:03Z 2021-09-09T17:14:03Z 1978-11-06
dc.description 3 sound tape reels; 7in; durations: 40:33; 15:26; 43:12 en_US
dc.description.abstract Beatrice and Benedict / Hector Berlioz -- Reflections on Paris / Fisher Tull -- Concerto in C Major / Antonia Vivaldi -- Danses Sacred and Profane / William H. Hill --Theme and Variations, Opus 43a / Arnold Schoenberg -- Suite of Old American Dances / Robert Russell Bennett -- March Medley / Kenneth J. Alford -- Robinson's Grand Entree / Karl L. King en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Program Series 34;No. 1644
dc.subject Band music -- Ohio -- Youngstown en_US
dc.subject Live sound recordings en_US
dc.subject Band music, Arranged en_US
dc.title [Youngstown State University Symphonic Wind Ensemble] November 6, 1978 en_US
dc.type Recording, musical en_US

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