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The Jambar : August 31, 2000

Show simple item record 2011-01-29T21:39:53Z 2019-09-03T23:12:40Z 2011-01-29T21:39:53Z 2019-09-03T23:12:40Z 2000-08-31 en_US
dc.identifier.citation Vol. 83 No. 2 en_US
dc.description.abstract For the first time in recent history, the YSU football team has a home opener scheduled on a day when class is in session causing parking problems. In the weeks before fall semester started, Housing Services was aware of a problem that occurred on campus last year - the overcrowding of the university dorms. Delaying of ID stickers causes students confusion. Ronald L. Gould, professor of organ and music history, Dana School of Music, served as an artist-in-residence at the State Conservatory of Music (Rimsky-Kosakov Conservatory), St. Petersburg, Russia, during April and May. Jambar interviews YSU Student Government president, Joe Gregory. YSU Groups to pitch tent at Canfield Fair, display pamphlets and fliers. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title The Jambar : August 31, 2000 en_US
dc.type Text en_US

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