Monolayers of 6-(diferrocenylhexanylcarbonyl)pentanethiol (DFHC6SH) were
formed on gold electrodes and the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters
associated with electron transfer were investigated via cyclic voltammetry (CV).
The voltammograms in 1.0 M HCI04 (aq) displayed two peaks centered at
approximately 90 mV and 390 mV vs. Ag/AgCI, associated with oxidation of the
outer and inner ferrocene groups, respectively. The measured formal potentials
were characteristic of carbonyl and akyl substituted ferrocenes. Both of the
oxidations were found to be chemically and electrochemically reversible on the
voltammetric time scale. In addition, FWHM values for both electron transfers
were determined to be significantly larger than the theoretical value of 90/n mY,
indicating that the monolayers were somewhat disordered. This conclusion was
also supported by the inability to measure a heterogeneous electron transfer rate
constant for the outer ferrocene.
The surface coverage for the inner ferrocene group was determined to be
approximately 7 x 10-11 mole/cm2
, a value which is typical for a monolayer
containing an electroactive terminal group which occupies a volume as large as
diferrocenylhexane. The surface coverage for the outer ferrocene moiety was
found to be approximately 40-50% of that for the inner ferrocene, indicating that
many of the outer ferrocene sites are electrochemically inaccessible. This is of
great interest because it is the opposite of what was observed by Mirken e1. aI.,
where an outer ferrocene group was fully accessible and an inner azobenzene
group was totally inaccessible.27
This unusual phenomenon was explored by comparing the voltammetry in 1.0
M HCI04 (aq) with that obtained in 0.10 M TBAPITHF electrolyte. Use of the less
polar, aprotic solvent caused the surface coverages for both ferrocenes to
decrease by approximately 40-60% due to desorption. The ratio of the surface
coverages for the inner and outer ferrocenes, however, was found to be the
same as that obtained in aqueous electrolytes, indicating that the electrochemical
inaccessibility of the outer ferrocenes was probably not due to them folding into
the non-polar hexane bridge.
lon-pairing thermodynamics were also probed by obtaining cyclic
voltammograms in 1.0 M H2S04 (aq) solutions containing varying amounts of
perchloric acid. 1o The formal potentials for both ferrocene groups were observed
to shift anodically with decreasing perchloric acid concentrations. Plots of the
formal potentials vs. log10 [HCI04] were used to obtain the ion-pairing constants
for the two ferrocenes. The values of Keff for the inner and outer ferrocenes were
determined to be 13.06 M-1and 3.915 M-1, respectively. The values were much
smaller than those reported by Creager et. aI., indicating that DFHC6SH
monolayers are more disordered than the mixed monolayers employed by
Creager. 10 In addition, the larger K eff measured for the inner ferrocenes reflects
the increased "alkane-like" environment caused by the bridging hexane group.