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Browsing Jambar Newspaper Archives by Title

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  • Unknown author (1956-04-20)
    Professor Donald Elser of the Youngstown Universitiy Speech and Dramatics faculty was published in the journal "Dramatics." His article, "Writing the One-Act Play," was the lead piece in the journal's March 1956 issue.
  • Unknown author (1943-11-24)
    Under the direction of Dr. Clarence Gould, the International Relations Club at Youngstown College was reorganized and officers were elected.
  • Unknown author (1950-02-11)
    Professor Elbert B. Smith, Jr., associate professor of history at Youngstown College, was granted his doctor of philosophy degree by the University of Chicago.
  • Unknown author (1945-10-12)
    Professor Willard L. Webster was hospitalized for a throat infection and was expected to be discharged from St. Elizabeth's Hospital within a few days. Students from his Embyrology class each expressed regards for Professor ...
  • Unknown author (1948-04-21)
    Professor William H. Taft, an instructor of both English and business administration and advisor to The Jambar, announced his resignation from Youngstown College. He accepted an offer from another institution to serve as ...
  • Unknown author (1958-03-02)
    Professor Bernard J. Yozwiak, a member of the YU mathematics faculty, was awarded a Science Faculty Fellowship by the National Science Foundation for the summers of 1958 and 1959. He was to use the time to work toward his ...
  • Kolarik, Jo Ann (1984-05-29)
    Carey Cavanaugh, a professor of political science at YSU, accepted a position with the U.S. Department of State as a Foreign Service Officer. Cavanaugh stated that he would be specializing in political affairs and hopes ...
  • Jenkins, Richard M. (1989-05-26)
    The late Dr. Gary L. Green is euologized. A professor of American literature in the YSU English Department, Green died of cancer.
  • Banner, Valerie (2001-03-29)
    Professor Sarah Brown-Clark is recognized for being a positive role model for African-American women. The award presentation was part of Women's History Month.
  • Unknown author (1985-10-08)
    Dr. Ilajean Feldmiller, professor of home economics, announced her retirement after serving 40 years at YSU.
  • Leone, Dan (1984-08-02)
    Dr. Jack Bakos, chairman of the YSU Civil Engineering Department, was stabbed in the neck and chest as he approached his car in the Lincoln parking deck. The assailant fled on foot after robbing Bakos. YSU President Neil ...
  • Unknown author (1989-05-12)
    Dr. Saul Friedman of YSU's History Department and Dr. Herbert Hochhauser of Kent State University won an Emmy award for their documentary, " Voice of Giants: A Century of Zionism." Both professors previously won Emmy awards ...
  • Gatta, John (1983-03-11)
    YSU announces the publication of Dr. Alvin Skardon’s book, Steel Valley University: The Origins of Youngstown State. The book covers the history of YSU from its inception as a YMCA school to 1967 as Youngstown University ...
  • Banner, Valerie (2001-02-13)
    Professor Mark Shutes died February 11 of cardiac arrest. Shutes, who taught in the department of sociology and anthropology, was the president of YSU-OEA; Dr. David Porter will assume those duties.
  • Unknown author (1968-05-24)
    A protest march was staged on the YSU campus core to express outrage at the failure of the administration to renew the contract of Ron Daniels, an instructor in the Social Sciences Department. The protest was peaceful.
  • Unknown author (1966-01-07)
    The Reverend Albert L. Linder, YU's Protestant chaplain for 18 years, resigned effective April 1, 1966. Though he enjoyed his time at the university, Linder informed the Youngstown Council of Churches that a younger spiritual ...
  • Votaw, Lyndie (1978-05-05)
    Protests staged by angry Arabs--including Palestiniansand Iranians--brought attention to a lecture given by Abba Eban, the former Israeli foreign minister.
  • Unknown author (The Jambar, 1991-08-15)
    Dr. Bernard T. Gillis announces his desire to step down from his post as provost and return to teaching chemistry. His decision stems from his dissatisfaction with a recent presidential search in which Gillis was a candidate.
  • Moore, Joseph (1985-12-03)
    The YSU Public Service Committee, upon the recommendation of athletic director Joe Malmisur, fired head football coach Bill Narduzzi. Three assistant coaches also were terminated.
  • Unknown author (1957-11-08)
    Professor John W. Barre, of the Youngstown University Psychology Department, was the author of a book of poems entitled "This Enchanting World," a collection of poems for children of all ages.

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