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Academic Senate Minutes Meeting of March 07, 2001

Show simple item record 2011-02-08T18:19:37Z 2019-09-01T03:49:30Z 2011-02-08T18:19:37Z 2019-09-01T03:49:30Z 2001-03-07 en_US
dc.description.abstract Jim Morrison, chair of the Academic Senate, presided. The Senate Executive Committee reported it will soon solicit faculty volunteers to serve on next years standing Senate and administrative committees and the committee will soon take up issues raised in President Sweet's address from the last Senate meeting. The Academic Standards Committee made the following motions: that the Charter and Bylaws Committee will draft language to change the composition of the Academic Standards Committee to include a representative of the colleges' professional advising staff; the oral communications-intensive requirement of the General Education Model be reduced to one course; to change the hours necessary to take a Credit/No Credit course from 30 semester hours to 15; to use the language suggested by the General Education Committee in the Undergraduate Bulletin; and to apply the new Academic Standing policy no later than summer 2001.
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Academic Senate Minutes Meeting of March 07, 2001 en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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