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278th regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University. Topics include : Proof of Notice of Meeting, Disposition of Minutes for Regular Meeting Held March 14, 2008; April 09, 2008 and May 06, 2008, Report of the President of the University, Reports of the Committees of the Board, Communications and Memorials, Unfinished Business, New Business, Election of Board Members, Time and Place of Upcoming Regular Meeting, and Adjournment. Resolutions during meeting : Academic and Student Affairs Committee (Resolution to Adopt The Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, Resolution to Approve A Bachelor of Arts Degree in Gerontology, Resolution to Approve An Associate of Applied Science Degree in Radiography, Resolution of Appreciation for Leadership in the Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Process, Resolution to Authorize Conferral of Faculty Emeritus Status, and Resolution to Authorize Conferral of Honorary Degree - Carl Nunziato), Executive Committee (Resolution to Modify Selection of Architects/Engineers for University Capital Projects Policy), External Relations Committee (Resolution to Accept Development Gifts, and Resolution to Name the James R. Toepfer Laboratory in Ward Beecher Hall), Finance and Facilities Committee (Resolution to Approve Changes to Student Tuition, Fees, and Other Charges Effective Fall Term 2008, Resolution Concerning The Annual Budget, Fiscal Year 2009, Resolution to Approve Interfund Transfers, Resolution to Authorize Purchase of Properties for Campus Improvement, Resolution to Support The Trumbull-Mahoning Green Pact, Resolution to Authorize Purchase of Properties for Campus Improvement), Internal Affairs Committee (Resolution to Ratify Faculty/Staff Appointments, Resolution to Authorize Conferral of Emeritus Status, and Resolution of Appreciation Women's Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field - Horizon League), Joint Finance & Facilities and Internal Affairs Committees (Resolution to Waive a Policy and Appoint a Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Resolution to Waive a Policy and Appoint a Vice President for University Advancement) |
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