Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Included in this issue is a letter from YSU President Leslie H. Cochran and articles entitled Tech Prep Students at YSU, Career Services + Technology = Career Connection, ...
Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "YSU College of Engineering & Technology Places First Traditional Co-op Student by Gerri Sullivan"; "Peggy Panagopoulous--Senior, ...
Newsletter for the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Check This Out! - A Century of Technology"; "Co-op Keeps Growing and Growing and Growing by Gerri Sullivan"; "Article Published ...
Newsletter for the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Two Civil & Environmental Engineering Students are Recipients of Scholarships"; "Tech Prep Students at Mahoning County JVS"; ...
Newsletter for the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Dynamo Visits the Odyssey of the Mind Competition by Gerri Sullivan"; "1997 MATHCOUNTS Awards Banquet"; "Control Transformer ...
Newsletter for the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Congratulations go to the Following"; "Personnel Changes"; "Faculty Computers Have Arrived"; "Chemical Engineering Received ...
Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Interactive Distance Learning Facility"; "Engineering Co-op Employers & Students Recognized"; "Information on Short Course/Workshops ...
Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Dr. Jack Bakos Will Be Attending Concurrent Conference"; "Dr. Javed Alam Will Present a Paper"; "Visit Cleveland State University"; ...
&Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Dr. Robert McCoy Presented a Paper"; "Dr. Laurie S. Garton Attends Great Lakes Program"; "Dr. Scott Martin Presented a Talk"; ...
Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Dr. Scott C. Martin Will Lead Committee"; "Dr. Laurie S. Garton Awarded Research Professorship for 1998-99"; "Dr. Jeanette Garr ...
Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Graduate Faculty Member Status Awarded"; "1998 Asphalt Mixture Competition"; "Scholarship Awarded to William Ruggles"; "Dr. McCoy ...
Promotional brochure, ca. 2005, for the William Rayen College of Engineering & Technology. Included in the brochure are a list of degrees offered, program information, "points of pride," and contact information.
Promotional brochure, ca. 1983, for the William Rayen School of Engineering. Contents include a message from the Dean, Dr. George E. Sutton, and a list of degrees and graduate programs offered including information on ...
This scrapbook documents the William Rayen School of Engineering in the years 1976-1979 and is one in a series of three. The scrapbook, compiled by Virginia Davidson, former secretary for the Dean of Engineering, contains ...