Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Included in this issue is a letter from YSU President Leslie H. Cochran and articles entitled Tech Prep Students at YSU, Career Services + Technology = Career Connection, ...
Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "YSU College of Engineering & Technology Places First Traditional Co-op Student by Gerri Sullivan"; "Peggy Panagopoulous--Senior, ...
Newsletter for the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Check This Out! - A Century of Technology"; "Co-op Keeps Growing and Growing and Growing by Gerri Sullivan"; "Article Published ...
Newsletter for the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Dynamo Visits the Odyssey of the Mind Competition by Gerri Sullivan"; "1997 MATHCOUNTS Awards Banquet"; "Control Transformer ...
Newsletter for the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Two Civil & Environmental Engineering Students are Recipients of Scholarships"; "Tech Prep Students at Mahoning County JVS"; ...
Newsletter for the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Congratulations go to the Following"; "Personnel Changes"; "Faculty Computers Have Arrived"; "Chemical Engineering Received ...
Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Interactive Distance Learning Facility"; "Engineering Co-op Employers & Students Recognized"; "Information on Short Course/Workshops ...
Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Dr. Jack Bakos Will Be Attending Concurrent Conference"; "Dr. Javed Alam Will Present a Paper"; "Visit Cleveland State University"; ...
&Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Dr. Robert McCoy Presented a Paper"; "Dr. Laurie S. Garton Attends Great Lakes Program"; "Dr. Scott Martin Presented a Talk"; ...
Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Dr. Scott C. Martin Will Lead Committee"; "Dr. Laurie S. Garton Awarded Research Professorship for 1998-99"; "Dr. Jeanette Garr ...
Newsletter of the College of Engineering & Technology. Articles included in this issue are: "Graduate Faculty Member Status Awarded"; "1998 Asphalt Mixture Competition"; "Scholarship Awarded to William Ruggles"; "Dr. McCoy ...
Promotional brochure, ca. 2005, for the William Rayen College of Engineering & Technology. Included in the brochure are a list of degrees offered, program information, "points of pride," and contact information.
This scrapbook documents the William Rayen School of Engineering in the years 1976-1979 and is one in a series of three. The scrapbook, compiled by Virginia Davidson, former secretary for the Dean of Engineering, contains ...
Promotional brochure, ca. 1983, for the William Rayen School of Engineering. Contents include a message from the Dean, Dr. George E. Sutton, and a list of degrees and graduate programs offered including information on ...